This file summarizes changes in Frhed releases.
Numbers in parentheses refer to tracker item numbers (#XXXXX) or
to Subversion revision numbers (rXXXXX).

For changes in version 1.1 beta 1 and earlier, see the History.txt file.

Frhed 0.10904.2017.12 (2023-11-03)
  BugFix: Searching with the 32-bit version of frhed sometimes scrolled to an unexpected position.
  Update French translation

Frhed 0.10904.2017.12 (2023-02-04)
  BugFix: Resizing WinMerge Window looses the correct scroll position for the memory address your cursor is at (#13)
    (Problem only when embedded in WinMerge)
  Update German translation

Frhed 0.10904.2017.11 (2022-11-06)
  Add Open files larger than 2GB for 64bit version

frhed 0.10904.2017.9 (2022-03-18)
  Add Tranlslation : Polish, Slovak

Frhed 0.10904.2017.7 (2021-04-03)
  Add ARM64 support

Frhed 0.10904.2017.1 (2019-08-25)
  (Major changes in first release on GitHub)
  Add Implement undo & redo
  Improve Tweak icon for high DPI (by Tim Gerundt @gerundt)
  Remove Win9x support
  Add Tranlslation : Galician, Slovenian

Moved to GitHub via

Frhed 0.10902.2013 experimental
  Auto-elevate the application for CMD_OpenDrive()

Frhed 0.10901.2013 experimental
  Try to revert all the malicious changes that have piled up in mainline trunk
    due to misconceptions on how to set up a proper Unicode build configuration
  Fix broken offset_parse()
  Add x64 build configurations
  Adopt String classes from MoSync SDK (This imposes a restriction to GPLv2!)
  Adopt H2O.h from WinMerge 2011

Frhed 1.7.1 2009-07-30 (r787)
  Improve Export HexDump -dialog layout (r677)
  Improve Binary Mode -dialog layout (r684)
  Prefix hex offsets with 'x' in HexDump-dialog (r682)
  Add ReadMe.txt (r704)
  Install ReadMe.txt and show it after installing (r705)
  Add link to ReadMe.txt to start-menu (r705)
  Drop VC6 compiler support (r735, r736)
  Recognize 0x as hex offset prefix (r757)
  Recognize X and 0X (capital X) as hex offset prefix (r760)
  Load custom encoder dlls from Encoders-subfolder (r776)
  Add example encoder plugin "AddOne" (r778)
  Manual: Document need for runtime files (r784)
  Bugfix: Zero-size files were opened as link files (r671)
  Bugfix: Don't allow de-selecting program files in installer (r675)
  Bugfix: Crash when going to DLL import names (#2800045)
  Bugfix: Could not change language when installed from zip (#2808491)
  Bugfix: Command line and shell context menu failed if command line
    contained many space characters (#2814846)
  Bugfix: Replace-dialog didn't wrap long selection properly (r758)
  Bugfix: Some dialogs did show hex numbers prefixed with 'x'
   instead of '0x' (r761)
  Bugfix: tried to import hex dump file twice (r766)
  Bugfix: Garbage was shown in hex dump loading message box (r767)
  Bugfix: Didn't add space after offset in display type hex dump (r770)
  New translation:
  - Dutch (#2805592)
  - French (#2806325)

Frhed 1.6.x (R1_6) branch created (r698)

Frhed 1.5.4 - 2009-05-26 (r667)
  Improve Drag&Drop-dialog layout (r638)
  Improve Move/Copy bytes-dialog layout (r640)
  Show disk/partition sizes of over terabyte in terabytes (r654)
  Increase max find text size to 32K (r655)
  Add vertical scrollbar to Find-dialog for find text (r656)
  Improve Find-dialog layout (r657)
  Improve Ented Decimal Value-dialog layout (r659)
  Improve Manipulate Bits-dialog layout (r661)
  Improve Reverse Bytes-dialog layout (r662)
  Improve Fill Selection-dialog layout (r663)
  Bugfix: Edit decimal number-dialog always had numbers as signed (r641)
  Bugfix: Use 1024 (instead of 1000) as multiplier when calculating disk and
    partition sizes (r653)

Frhed 1.5.3 - 2009-05-05 (r629)
  Make bookmark indicator frame a bit wider in hex view (r596)
  Make bookmark indicator couple of pixels taller (r606)
  Format bookmark in remove dialog similarly than in menu (r597)
  Improve Goto-dialog layout (r599)
  Use current offset as default offset in Goto-dialog (r600)
  Add vertical space between editor lines for indicators (r605)
  Improve Add Bookmark-dialog layout (r608)
  Improve Remove Bookmark-dialog layout (r609)
  Improve Select Block-dialog layout (r613)
  Limit edit field lengths in Select Block-dialog (r615)
  Enable zooming with mouse wheel + CTRL-key (r616)
  Bugfix: Could not handle offsets for positions larger than 2GB (r594)
  Bugfix: Fix Explorer context menu items when executable path contains
    spaces (r603)
  Bugfix: Crash when pasting more bytes than in current selection (#2782788)

Frhed 1.5.2 - 2009-04-15 (r525)
  Remove warning message about trying to edit in read-only mode (r420)
  Not finding more strings is not an error, show info icon (r428)
  Don't ask twice about file deletion (r446)
  Simpler Read-only mode -menutext (#2480587)
  Add Find and Replace sub menu (#2750555)
  Make Cut- and Delete-dialogs separate dialogs (#2750573)
  Remove "Cut to clipboard" from Cut/Delete dialogs (#2750573)
  hexedit.dll Revised hosting interface (official version 1) (r492)
  Installer: register heksedit.dll (r519)
  Enable translations:
  - Simplify translating / loading translated strings in code
  - Install translation files (r443, r460)
  - Make lots of messages/strings translatable
  - Change language subfolder name to "Languages" (r441)
  New translation:
  - French (#2727207)

Frhed 1.5.1 - 2009-03-18 (r414)
  Improve Cut-dialog layout (r331)
  Improve Append-dialog layout (r335)
  Remove "for 32-bit Windows" from About-dialog (#2570092)
  Add example template file (#2582381)
  Open help when F1 pressed in dialogs (#2480571)
  Show only languages that are available in View Settings (r411)
  Bugfix: Crash when trying to partially load large file (#2552896)
  Bugfix: Hang when loading big file (#2555546)
  Bugfix: Incorrect shortcut to help file (#2556084)
  Bugfix: Sometimes crashed when opening View Settings (#2504837)
  Bugfix: Help window opened from Frhed was modal (#2590341)
  Bugfix: Fix dialog text styling (#2534010)
  Bugfix: Fix dialog style for About-dialog (r390)
  Bugfix: Layout fixes for Hexdump export-, Copy bytes-,
    Add bookmark- and Open partially -dialogs (r392)
  Bugfix: Layout fix for Reverse bytes-dialog (r394)
  Bugfix: Layout fix for Enter decimal value-dialog (r395)
  Bugfix: Offset length was reset after opening View Settings
    -dialog (r402)

Frhed 1.4.x (R1_4) branch created (r327)

Frhed 1.3.10 - 2009-01-22 (r325)
  Limit edit field lengths in Add Bookmark -dialog (r279)
  Remove "Frhed is being started for the first time" -message (#2489863)
  Remove "Remove Frhed" -feature from the menu (#2489878)
  Improve formatting of Bookmarks labels in Bookmark-menu (#2492298)
  Add Browse-button for selecting text editor in View-settings (#2480604)
  New icon for the "Replace" button in the toolbar (#2515944)
  Limit edit field lengths in Copy bytes -dialog (r307)
  Limit edit field lengths in Paste With -dialog (r313)
  Limit edit field lengths in Paste -dialog (r314)
  Improve layout of the Paste -dialog (r315)
  Show 3-digit version number in About -dialog (r324)
  Bugfix: Byte count edit field was not enabled in Cut/Delete dialog (r284)

Frhed 1.3.4 - 2009-01-06 (r270)
  Does not use separate registry key for each version (#2236297)
  Standardize the program name to Frhed (#2480501)
  Show caret with selection (#2480579)
  Disable editing when disk is opened (#2481367)
  Add note text to Open Drive dialog telling modifying or
    saving drive data is not possible (#2481367)
  Goto begin/end of file if out of bounds offset is given (r264)
  Limit offset length in GoTo-dialog (r267)
  Bugfix: Replacing data with longer data jammed Frhed (#2431267)
  Bugfix: Crash in Encode/Decode dialog (r220)
  Bugfix: View settings dialog didn't read current
    settings values (r226)
  Bugfix: First text in View settings dialog was not
    fully visible (r228)
  Bugfix: Selecting to begin (Ctrl+Shift+Home) or to end of
    file (Ctrl+Shift+End) did not work (r235)
  Bugfix: Another text visibility problem in View Settings (r255)
  Bugfix: Remove "BOO" message from statusbar click (#2487952)
  Bugfix: Opening drives needs Administrator privileges (#2480516)
  Bugfix: Two confirmation dialogs when file was dropped
   over edited file (#2488780)
  Bugfix: Multiple selection dialogs were shown when multiple
   files were dropped to Frhed (#2484640)

Frhed 1.3.3 - 2008-12-04 (r188)
  Update homepage URL in About-dialog to (r137)
  Update About-dialog layout
  Open contributors list from About-dialog
  Update copyright info in About-dialog
  Allow translating menus
  "Exit" is now the last item in the "File menu (#2231019)
  Load Help file from Docs subfolder
  Show error message if help file is not found
  Installer: Install help file to Docs-subfolder
  Add some initial support for 64-bit file sizes (for partial loading)
  Convert user manual to DocBook (#2074373)
  Bugfix: Crash when exiting in Vista (r123)

Frhed 1.3.2 - 2008-11-07 (r116)
  Add more separators to "File" menu (#2231098)
  Installer: Install VS2003.Net runtime files
  Installer: Remove checkbox for accepting the license
  Installer: Add documents GPL.txt, ChangeLog.txt, Contributors.txt and
  Bugfix: File/Exit didnt' work (#2175624)

Frhed 1.3.1 - 2008-10-16 (r73)
  Revise the installer (#2068059)
  Change resource file to English (U.S.) (was German)
  Big refactoring merge from WinMerge, including:
   - move most of the editor code to heksedit.dll which can be embedded in
     other programs
   - refactor dialog code to own files and classes
   - make frhed translatable, translations use gettext PO files
  Add heksedit.dll to the installer
  Add 48x48 icon
  New icon (#2144924)
  Include the manifest so that Win XP themes work
  Rename project and target names to Frhed (with capital letter)