This file is a summary of the switches used in the en_GB affix file.
A description of the affix file format is appended to the end of this

In addition to the new suffix and prefix rules a modified TRY list is
used in order to properly find spelling errors in words having . (period)
' (apostrophe) and - (hyphen) within them. A replacement list for common
mis-spellings has also been incorporated.

The en_GB.aff affix file was created from scratch by David Bartlett and 
Andrew Brown.


A re- Prefix
a mis- Prefix
B -able, -ability, last syllable of stem stressed, -ate words > 2 syllables
b -ible, very basic rules, only dropped e
C de- Prefix
c over- Prefix
D -ed, regular verb past tenses, last syllable of stem stressed
d -ed, -ing, regular verb past tenses and adverbial form, last syllable NOT stressed
E dis- Prefix for negation
e out- Prefix
F con- prefix
f under - Prefix
G -ing, ending for verbs, stress on last syllable of stem
g -ability, last syllable NOT stressed
H -th, -fold - number specific suffixes, both generated
h -edly, adverbial, simplified rules
I in- im- il- ir- Prefix, opposite of.
i -edness, degree, simplified rules
J -ings, plural noun version of verb ing ending, simplified rules
j -fully, suffix
K pre-, prefix
k -ingly, adverbial form, simplified rules
L -ment, -ments, -ment's, suffix, both generated
l -ably, simplified rules
M -'s, possessive form
m -man, -men, -man's, -men's suffixes, all generated
N -ion, noun from verb, stress on last syllable of stem
n -ion, -ions, noun from verb, stress NOT on last syllable of stem
O non- Prefix
o -ally, adverb from verb, simplified rules
P -ness, -ness's, adjective degree of comparison
p -less, comparative suffix
Q -ise, -ised, -ises, -ising, -ize, -ized, -izes, -izing, all generated!
q -isation, -isations, -ization, -izations, all generated
R -er, -ers, er's, doer, last syllable stressed, both forms generated
r -er, -ers, er's, doer, last syllable NOT stressed, both forms generated
S -s, noun plurals, verb conjugation
s -iser, -isers, -izer, -izers, -iser's, -izer's, all generated
T -er, -est, adjectival comparatives, both generated
t -isable, -isability, -izable, -izability, all generated
U un- Prefix
u -iveness, ending for verbs
V -ive, ending for verbs (simplified rules)
v -ively, ending for verbs
W -ic, adjectival ending, simplified rules
w -ical, adjectival ending, simplified rules
X -ions, noun plural, stress on last syllable of stem, simplified rules
x -ional, -ionally, simplified rules, both endings formed
Y -ly, adverb endings for adjectives
y -ry, adjectival and noun forms, simplified rules.
Z -y, diminutive and adjectival form, simplified rules
z -ily, adverbial ending where adjective adds y
0 -al, noun from verb, simplified rules
1 -ically, adverbial double suffix, simplified rules
2 -iness, y+ness ending, simplified rules
3 -ist, -ists, -ists's, professions
4 trans-, Prefix
5 -woman, -women, -woman's suffixes, all generated
6 -ful, suffix
7 -able, last syllable NOT stressed, -ate words <= 2 syllables

To Do:
-ify, -ified, -ifies, -ifing

The following minor suffixes have been ignored, based on 
frequency counts in the standard word list

What follows is cut and pasted from the instructions at

The first line has 4 fields:

1     SFX - indicates this is a suffix
2     D   - is the name of the character which represents this suffix
3     Y   - indicates it can be combined with prefixes (cross product)
4     4   - indicates that sequence of 4 affix entries are needed to
               properly store the affix information

The remaining lines describe the unique information for the 4 affix
entries that make up this affix.  Each line can be interpreted
as follows: (note fields 1 and 2 are used as a check against line 1 info)

1     SFX         - indicates this is a suffix
2     D           - is the name of the character which represents this affix
3     y           - the string of chars to strip off before adding affix
                         (a 0 here indicates the NULL string)
4     ied         - the string of affix characters to add
                         (a 0 here indicates the NULL string)
5     [^aeiou]y   - the conditions which must be met before the affix
                    can be applied

Field 5 is interesting.  Since this is a suffix, field 5 tells us that
there are 2 conditions that must be met.  The first condition is that
the next to the last character in the word must *NOT* be any of the
following "a", "e", "i", "o" or "u".  The second condition is that
the last character of the word must end in "y".