0001=Create (%c:) on disk %d
0004=Clone of %c
0005=Migrate OS to disk %d
0006=Clone (%c:) to disk %d
0007=Clone disk %d to disk %d
0008=Delete (%c:) on disk %d
0009=Format (%c:) as %s
0010=Set (%c:) label to %s
0011=Change letter (%c:) to (%c:)
0012=Hide partition %s(%c:)
0013=Unhide partition %s(%c:)
0014=Set active (%c:) on disk %d
0015=Align Partition %c: to %d
0016=Resize (%c:) on disk %d
0017=Move (%c:) on disk %d
0018=Move and Resize (%c:) on disk %d
0019=Convert (%c:) to NTFS on disk %d
0020=Convert (%c:) to primary
0021=Convert (%c:) to logical
0022=Delete All Partitions on Disk %d
0023=Wipe unallocated space on disk %d
0024=Wipe All Data on Hard Drive %d
0025=Wipe All Data on (%c:)
0026=Change (%c:) type to 0x%02X
0027=Change (%c:) Serial Number
0028=Rebuild MBR on Disk %d
0029=Initialize disk %d
0030=Convert disk %d to MBR
0031=Convert disk %d to GPT
0032=Current Processed State: %s/%s
0033=Current Wiping Number: %d Wiping State: %s/%s
0034=Moving data: %s/%s
0035=Operation is complete, please wait...
0036=System updating, please wait...
0037=Hard Disk:\t\t
0038=Drive Letter:\t\t
0039=File System:\t\t
0040=Partition Label:\t\t
0042=Create Partition
0043=Source Disk Number:\t
0044=Destination Disk Number:\t
0045=Migrate OS to SSD
0046=Clone Partition
0047=Cluster Size:\t\t
0048=Format Partition
0049=Delete Partition
0050=New Partition Label:\t
0051=Change Label
0052=Change Drive Letter
0053=Hide Partition
0054=Unhide Partition
0055=Set Active Partition
0057=Partition Alignment
0058=Start Sector:\t\t
0059=Resize Partition
0060=Move Partition
0061=Move and Resize Partition
0062=Partition Type:\t\t
0063=Convert to NTFS Partition
0064=Convert to Primary Partition
0065=Convert to Logical Partition
0066=Wiping All Data:\t\t
0067=Delete All Partitions
0068=Number of Passes:\t\t
0069=Wipe Data
0070=Wipe Hard Drive
0071=Wipe Partition
0074=Clone Disk:\t\t
0075=Clone Method:\t\t
0076=Clone Disk
0077=Primary -> Logical
0078=Logical -> Primary
0079=Convert from:\t\t
0080=Old partition size:\t\t
0081=New partition size:\t\t
0082=Shrink and Create Partition
0083=Split Partition
0084=Merge Partitions
0085=Change Partition Type ID
0086=Old Serial Number:\t\t
0087=New Serial Number:\t\t
0088=Change Serial Number
0089=Rebuild MBR
0091=Initialize Disk
0092=Convert MBR to GPT
0093=Convert GPT to MBR
0096=Allocate Free Space
0098=Allocate free space from a partition to another partition.
0099=from (%c:) to:
0100=The current (%c:) partition is %s, and the (%c:) partition is %s.
0101=Please first click Apply on the toolbar to commit the previous pending operation.
0102=Pending Operations
0103=The program is ready to proceed. Please confirm the following operations, and then click the Proceed button to start.
0105=Operation %d of %d\n
0106= (Reboot required)
0107=Demo version cannot continue.
0108=Are you sure you want to start?
0109=Please Note: The program will run under AOMEI Partition Assistant PreOS Mode, so your computer needs to be restarted to complete these operations in the PreOS Mode.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer?
0110=The file \ampa.exe or \system32\ampa.sys is missing, we suggest you reinstall the software or contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
0111=Failed to update config file for PreOS!
0112=Failed to update registry for Restart Mode!\nIf your computer has antivirus or firewall running on it, please close them and try again.
0113=Failed to restart your computer, please restart manually!
0114=Estimated Time: Implementation of these operations may take approx %s or more.
0115=Buy Now
0116=Note: The current product is a Demo version which only allows you to preview all functions and simulate all operations. \n\nTo execute current operations, you need to buy full version and use the received license code to activate the product. Please do not hesitate to contact sales@aomeitech.com if you have any problems. Thanks! \n\n\nEnter your license code below and click "Register" button to activate the product. You are able to continue with the "Pending Operations" after the product has been activated.
0118=The current product is a demo version. You need to buy a full version for more operations.\n\nIf you are satisfied with this product, please click the Buy Now button to buy. contact %s if you have any questions.\n\n\nDemo Limitations: All operations on the partitions which are larger than 100MB cannot be executed. If the size of the partition is larger than 100MB then you are unable to adjust it.
0119=&Buy Now
0124=Change Drive Letter
0126=New Drive &Letter:
0127=Changing the logical drive letter.
0128=Windows can only recognize the first primary partition on a removable device, if there's no primary partition, the first logical partition will be recognized. But the selected partition is not the first, Windows does not allow you to assign a drive letter for this partition.
0130=Current Partition Type ID:
0131=&New Partition Type ID:
0132=Change type of the partition.
0133=&New Serial Number (in hexadecimal digit):
0134=Change serial number of the partition.
0135=Check Partition
0136=Check partition for &errors by using chkdsk.exe
0137=Check &whether there are bad sectors on the partition
0138=Select the way of checking errors to perform.
0139=Check options
0140=Check Update
0141=Checking for the latest version...
0143=Failed to connect to upgrade server, please check your Internet connection.
0146=A latest version (%d.%d) has been detected, do you want to view more information?\n\n%s
0147=The current version is the latest.
0148=&Delete all partitions
0149=D&elete all partitions and wipe all data on the hard drive
0150=This disk contains a system partition. If this system partition is deleted,\nyour computer won't start the next time!\n\nAre you sure you want to delete all partitions on this disk?
0151=Fill zero for all sectors of the selected disk
0152=If the partition has some errors, please fix these errors by using "chkdsk.exe /F" before converting this partition.
0153=Converting the file system of the selected partition.
0154=This computer needs to be restarted to convert this partition to NTFS. Are you sure you want to restart now? In order not to skip the operation, please don't press any key during the process of restart.
0157=Cannot continues the operation because the partition is being used by another process. You can continue the operation again if this partition is dismounted. But it will make all the running programs invalid.\nWould you like to force a dismount on this partition?
0158=Convert MBR/GPT
0159=Convert between MBR and GPT disk.
0160=The program detected there is a Paging File (pagefile.sys) on the %c:, please remove the Paging File temporarily and retry.
0161=Sorry, the program does not support to convert dynamic disk to %s disk. We suggest you to use Dynamic Disk Converter to convert it to basic disk and retry.
0163=The disk is larger than 2TB and there are some partitions on this disk, so it cannot be converted to MBR. After deleting all partitions on the disk, the conversion will be available.
0164=The partition layout of current disk cannot meet the requirement of conversion, please refer to FAQ for more help.
0165=Are you sure to convert the selected disk from GPT to MBR disk?
0166=The current OS (WinXP/Win2000 and below, or 32bit system) can't be run on GPT disk. So, please don't convert it to GPT.\nIf you still want to convert the disk, please delete the system partition and then convert it via WinPE Bootable Media.
0167=Are you sure to convert the selected disk from MBR to GPT disk?
0168=There is not enough disk space when converting to GPT disk, for you to solve the problem, please read Help or contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com.
0169=Convert Primary/Logical
0170=Convert between primary and logical partition.
0171=The selected primary partition "%s(%c:)" will be converted to a logical partition.
0172=Because the unused space on the partition is less than 256MB, it cannot be converted to logical partition. We suggest you delete some files to release more unused space and try again.
0173=The selected logical partition "%s(%c:)" will be converted to a primary partition.
0174=Partition &Label:
0175=&Drive Letter:
0176=&Create As:
0177=&File System:
0178=Size and Position
0179=&Unallocated space before:
0180=Partition &size:
0181=Unallocated space a&fter:
0182=&SSD partition alignment:
0184=Please specify the size and the location of the new partition.
0185=The label is too long!
0186=On a removable device, Windows can only recognize the primary partition, if there is no primary partition, the first logical partition will be recognized. The new created partition will not have a drive letter. Do you want to continue?
0187=Logical Partition
0188=Primary Partition
0189=The unallocated space selected is too small to create the new partition.
0190=The unallocated space you selected can't create the new partition!
0193=&Partition alignment for SSD
0194=New partition size:
0195=Please specify the size for creating a new partition.
0196=The program will allocate %s space from %c: for creating a new partition, and the %c: partition will be reduced to %s.
0197=&Delete partition quickly (Recommended).
0198=Deleting the selected partition and optionally wiping all data.
0199=D&elete partition and prevent data recovery, it will take more time.
0200=Explore Partition
0201=View the files under the root directory of the partition.
0202=Loading files, please wait...
0203=Cancelling, please wait...
0204=No files found in the partition.
0205=Sorry, the current operation has been canceled!\r\nInformation Code: %d\r\n
0207=\r\nMore Information:
0208=The partition table on the disk was failed to update as the partition table is being locked by other programs, please close other programs and retry.
0209=Timeout to allocate GUID for changing drive letter, please reboot then use Partition Assistant or Windows Disk Management Snap-in to add a drive letter for the partition, or read FAQ to learn more.
0210=Partition table overlap & the following operations will stop. Reboot computer is recommended.
0211=The operation has already been canceled.
0212=Failed to extend partition by using Windows Control Code, please reboot and retry.
0213=Too many fragment files on the volume, it needs to be defragged. Or the reserved space is insufficient, please release more free space.
0214=Cluster Size:
0215=Formatting the partition you selected.
0216=Formatting the partition will DESTROY all the data on the partition!
0217=Default (%s)
0221=Unhiding the selected partition.
0222=Hiding the selected partition.
0223=Would you like to unhide the partition?\n\nNOTE: If the partition has no drive letter after unhiding, please restart your computer.
0224=Hiding this partition may cause its drive letters to be changed.\n\nWould you like to hide the partition?
0225=Initialize disk to MBR or GPT style.
0226=Initialize this disk to:
0231=Lock Volume
0232=Locking disk %d, please wait a few seconds...
0233=Locking (%c:), please wait a few seconds...
0234=If the locking volumes operation lasts for more than 3 minutes, you can click &Cancel to abort, but it is necessary to restart this computer to complete the operations. Click Help to see FAQ.
0235=Select Disk:
0236=Merge the selected partitions above with the target partition:
0237=Merge two adjacent partitions into a bigger one, or merge unallocated disk space with a partition.
0238=When merging a data partition with a system partition, the file system of the system partition must be NTFS. The file system of current system partition is FAT32, so you need to convert it to NTFS for merging operation. \n\nPlease return to AOMEI Partition Assistant Main Console, then right click the system partition and select the menu option: "Advanced" -> "Convert to NTFS" to realize the conversion. Also, you can input the command: "convert.exe Z: /fs:NTFS" in CMD to finish the conversion. After converting it to NTFS, the merging operation will be processed smoothly.
0239=Disk %d
0241=The program can only merge NTFS partition and FAT32 partition.
0242=Please select a target partition.
0243=Please select two partitions that you want to merge.
0244=Please click Apply on the toolbar to commit the previous pending operations first, and retry.
0245=Disk %d (GPT)
0246=Disk %d (Removable)
0247=The program can not merge an NTFS partition into a FAT32 partition.
0248=All data in the (%c:) partition will be merged into %c:\copied-drive.
0249=All data in the (%c:) partition will be merged into %c:\%c-drive.
0250=Boot partition and system partition cannot be merged into one.
0251=System partition or boot partition cannot be merged with the front partition.
0252=The boot partition or system partition cannot be merged into a data partition.
0253=Please drag the slider to move the partition.
0254=Insufficient unallocated space. The unallocated space must be greater than %s. You could shrink (%c:) to release more space for the operation, or purchase a copy ofAOMEI Partition Assistant Full Edition to realize more flexible operations.
0255=&I need to move this partition.
0256=&Allow partition alignment to optimize the performance of SSD.
0257=Enter the new size and specify the new location of the partition.
0258=Move the selected partition to the new location which you desire.
0259=It's strongly recommended to backup your important data before moving or resizing the partition.
0260=Set Partition Alignment to:
0261=Make partition alignment optimize SSD or HDD.
0262=The current partition is already optimized thus there's no need to align it again.
0263=%d Sector
0264=Operation Progress
0265=Total Progress
0266=Current Operation Progress
0267=&Shut down the computer after completing all operations.
0268=Do you want to abort the program? The program will be aborted if you click the Yes button after the current operation is completed.\n\nPlease note that do not forcibly terminate the program, otherwise the data may be incomplete or interrupted!
0269=Congratulation! All operations have been completed successfully.You can review the freeware and share your experience and happiness with others on the website https://download.cnet.com/AOMEI-Partition-Assistant-Standard-Edition/3000-2248_4-75118871.html#submitOrUpdateArea, thanks!
0271=%s (Disk %d)
0272= General
0273= Partition Info
0274= File System Info
0275=&Retry (Recommended)
0276=&Restart Now
0277=&Cancel Operations
0278=Click "Restart Now" to restart your computer then Partition Assistant will automatically finish these operations in a PreOS Mode.
0279=The program has detected some partitions are being used by other applications. The program needs to restart your computer and automatically complete the operations.
0280=Set the type of MBR for the current OS:
0281=Rebuild MBR to repair or add boot code.
0282=Reload Disk
0283=Loading, please wait...
0284=Sorry, no disks found.\nSome hard disk drives may be locked by other programs, which caused the access failure.\nPlease close the programs and try again!
0285=Setting the selected partition as an active partition.
0286=Setting this partition as an active partition may make the other primary partitions on this disk become inactive.\n\nAre you sure you want to set the partition as active?
0287=&Partition Label:
0288=Setting the label of the partition you selected.
0290=Merge %c, *, %c into %c
0291=Merge %c, %c into %c
0292=Merge Unallocated to %c
0293=Shrink (%c:) and Create (%c:)
0294=Split (%c:) and Create (%c:)
0295=The version of your system is equal or higher than 1703. We suggest you don't resize/move system partition, which may cause system boot failure. We suggest you create a Windows PE bootable media and resize/move system partition with it.
0301=&Get full version
0302=Lite version does not support the feature. To get a full version, please visithttps://www.diskpart.com.
0303=If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send an email to: partition_assistant@aomeitech.com or sales@aomeitech.com
0304=Unable to continue this operation, click the "Get full version" button.
0306=Original partition size:
0307=Over-writing &passes:
0308=Wiping the selected unallocated space by over-writing it in several passes.
0309=Please enter an integer between 1 and 100.
0310=&Specify the number of times to wipe the hard drive:
0311=Delete all partitions and Erase all data on the selected hard drive by overwriting it.
0312=Delete the partition and Erase all data on the partition.
0313=This disk contains a system partition. If this system partition is deleted, your computer won't start the next time!\n\nAre you sure you want to delete all partitions on this disk?
0314=&Specify the number of times to wipe the partition:
0315=Open help failed!
0317=ChengDu AOMEI Tech Co., Ltd.
0318=AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional Edition
0319=AOMEI Partition Assistant Server Edition
0320=AOMEI Partition Assistant can only run under Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 and Windows 7!
0321=AOMEI Partition Assistant is running!
0322=AOMEI Partition Assistant can only run under administrator privileges!
0323=Load driver failed, please reinstall the program.
0324=Cannot run the software in Windows' safe mode.
0325=Error! To run AOMEI Partition Assistant on Server operation system, please purchase AOMEI Partition Assistant Server Edition on the website : https://www.diskpart.com/compare-edition.html
0326=To make sure the interface displays properly, we recommend you to adjust the DPI to 96(100%).
0327=AOMEI Partition Assistant
0328=AOMEI Partition Assistant Unlimited Edition
0329=AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition
0330=AOMEI Partition Assistant Technician Edition
0331=AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional Demo Edition
0332=AOMEI Partition Assistant Server Demo Edition
0333=AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional Edition (DEMO)
0334=AOMEI Partition Assistant Server Edition (DEMO)
0335=AOMEI Partition Assistant Demo Edition
0336=AOMEI Partition Assistant Lite Edition
0337=Copyright © 2009-2023 AOMEI International Network Limited. All Rights Reserved.
0338=Website: www.diskpart.com
0339=AOMEI Partition Assistant is running on the partition that is being operated, so you could click "Restart Now" to execute the operation in a PreOS Mode (alias Reboot Mode). If you do not want to restart the computer, we suggest you reinstall AOMEI Partition Assistant on system partition(e.g. reinstall to C:\Program Files) and retry.
0340=Reloading will discard these pending operations!\nWould you like to do?
0343=Please click "Apply" on the toolbar to commit the previous pending operations first, then you can continue the current operation in AOMEI Partition Assistant.
0344=Cannot create new partition here, because the disk space is over 2TB and it is unable to use for this MBR disk. We suggest you convert the disk to GPT style, for using this disk space.
0345= Four primary partitions existing already. Please convert one of them to a logical partition to create more partitions. Since Lite version does not support partition converting, you may need to purchase a full version of AOMEI Partition Assistant to make it.
0346=mailto:?subject=Recommendation: AOMEI Partition Assistant&body=Hello, AOMEI Partition Assistant, a free partition software which can manage disk partitions with the features: resize/move partition, merge/split partition, create/delete/format partition ,etc. Please have a try. Download: https://www.diskpart.com/free-partition-manager.html.
0347=Failed to run Extend Partition Wizard, please launch it from the installation directory of the program.
0348=Failed to load Help, please visit https://www.diskpart.com/manual.html to get help.
0349=Failed to load User's Manual (PDF), please press F1 key to open Help Documents.
0351=Convert to MBR
0352=Convert to GPT
0353=Convert to Logical
0354=Convert to Primary
0355=Co&nvert to Logical
0356=Co&nvert to Primary
0357=Un&hide Partition
0358=C&onvert to MBR Disk
0359=C&onvert to GPT Disk
0360=Some partitions overlap on the current disk. You need to correct this error, otherwise the partition cannot be resized. Are you sure you want to correct the error?
0361=The partition overlapped problem has been corrected successfully. For the operation to take effect, please reboot your computer. Click the OK button to reboot.
0363=Sorry, the overlapped issue cannot be corrected or it failed to correct!
0364=&Hide Partition
0365=You have pending operations! Do you want to commit all of them before exit?
0367=Clearing the selected disk and optionally wiping all data.
0368=&Check for update at startup.
0369=Check Bad Sectors
0371=Quick Check
0374=Bad sector counts:
0375=Check rate:
0376=Elapsed time:
0377=Remaining time:
0378=Please click the Start button to check!
0379=Disk Surface Test
0380=The bad sectors found are as follows:\n
0381=Bad sector at: %I64d\n
0384=Checking finished.\n
0385=Checking canceled. (Click the Cancel button to close this dialog.)\n
0386=Call winchk.exe fails, the winchk.exe program cannot be found\nin %s.
0387=Checking (%c:), please wait a few seconds or minutes...\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n
0388=An error occurred during the checking partition process.\nWe suggest you use chkdsk.exe in command line to check this partition.
0389=Move and Resize
0391=File System
0393=Free Space
0395=Used Space
0401=AOMEI Partition Assistant cannot manage dynamic disks in a WinPE, but you could manage them in a non-WinPE, such as Windows 7.
0402=Lite version does not support GPT disks. To manage a GPT disk, please get a full version.
0403=Offline Disk, please switch it to online by using Windows Disk Management.
0404=Dynamic Disk
0405=Offline Disk
0406=Disk %d Information
0407=Total Size: %s
0408=Geometry : %I64d, %d, %d
0409=Used Size: %s
0410=Disk Model: %s
0411=Partition Type
0423=Partition Size: %s
0424=Disk %d (%s)
0425=Paid Features
0426=Resize/Move Partition
0427=Allocate Free Space
0428=Covert to Primary
0429=More Features
0430=Partition Operations
0431=Convert to NTFS
0435=Extend Partition Wizard
0436=Disk Clone Wizard
0437=Partition Clone Wizard
0438=Partition Recovery Wizard
0439=Disk Clone
0440=GPT Disk
0441=Disk model:
0442=Disk bus type:
0443=Disk signature:
0444=Physical total sectors:
0445=Total size:
0448=Sectors per track:
0450=Bytes per sector:
0451=Sectors per cluster:
0452=Sectors of root directory:
0453=Reserved sector:
0454=Sectors per FAT:
0455=First FAT sector:
0456=First data sector:
0457=Temporary Partition Info
0458=Used Space: %s (%.2f%%)
0459=Free Space: %s (%.2f%%)
0460=File system total sectors:
0461=MFT first cluster:
0462=Sectors per file record:
0463=Sectors per index block:
0464=NTFS Version Number:
0465=File system:
0466=First physical sector:
0467=Last physical sector:
0468=Device name:
0469=Mount point:
0476=Target Disk Layout
0477=Clone without resizing partitions
0478=Fit partitions to entire disk
0479=Edit partitions on this disk
0480=Clone Options
0483=The partition (%c:) is too small, please tick the "edit partitions on this disk" option and adjust the small partition to an appropriate size!
0484=Edit Disk
0485=You could adjust the partition size on the destination disk.
0486=Please click Next to continue.
0487=&Optimize the performance of SSD (if the selected destination disk is an SSD storage, please tick here)
0488=All data on this selected destination disk will be wiped out after you save the operation to physical disk. Are you sure you want to delete all partitions and wipe out all data on the destination disk? Click Yes to confirm and go to the next page to edit this disk.
0489=Select Destination Disk
0490=Choose a target disk to clone the source disk to
0491=All contents on the target disk will be deleted in the process of cloning partition. Click Next to continue.
0492=The destination disk cannot be a dynamic disk or an Offline disk.
0493=The system disk or the boot disk cannot be specified as the destination disk.
0494=The selected disk is the source disk.
0495=This selected disk is too small. Need an unallocated space at least: %s.
0496=Try the Quickly Clone method.
0499=Boot Operating System
0500=How to boot operating system from the destination disk?
0501=Please click Finish to return to the main window, then click Apply on the toolbar for the operation to take effect.
After clone or migration, all destination disks can boot up perfectly. However, just in few cases, computer may not boot from the destination disk. If you encounter such problem, you can disconnect the source disk from computer, or, exchange the connection socket of destination disk and source disk. Then, boot the computer from destination disk.
0503=Select Disk Clone Method
0504=Please select an appropriate method to clone disk
0505=This wizard helps clone a disk to another disk. Please click Next to continue.
0506=Clone only used space to another disk and allowed to adjust the size of partitions. (Recommended)
0507=Clone all sectors to another disk, whether used or not.
0508=&Clone Disk Quickly
0509=&Sector-by-Sector Clone
0510=This wizard helps clone a disk to another disk. Current disk %d has been selected as the source disk. Click Next to continue.
0511=Disk Clone Operation
0512=There is no partition on the selected disk, so it will be copied with sector by sector method.
0513=Select Source Disk
0514=Choose a disk to clone
0515=All partitions on the source disk will be copied to the destination disk that you are about to choose on the next page.
0516=The dynamic disk or the Offline disk cannot be selected as the source disk.
0517=How to boot OS from SSD or HDD.
After clone or migration, all destination disks can boot up perfectly. However, just in a few cases, computer may not boot from the destination disk. If you encounter such problem, you can disconnect the source disk from computer, or, exchange the connection socket of destination disk and source disk. Then, boot the computer from destination disk.
0519=Internal Error!
0520=Specify the size or the location of the partition being created.
0521=Please click Next to learn how to boot from SSD.
0522=Please click Finish to return to the main window, then click Apply on the toolbar for the operation to take effect.
0523=&Optimize the performance of SSD (if the selected unallocated space exists in an SSD, please tick here)
0524=The selected destination disk is a GPT disk. However, the program is unable to migrate OS to a GPT disk. You could select a NON-GPT disk, or convert the GPT disk to MBR disk and retry.
0525=Select disk space
0526=Select an unallocated space on Solid-State Drive or HDD.
0527=Select Destination Space
0528=Select an unallocated space as the destination place in where you want to create partition
0529=The selected disk is a dynamic disk. The program does not support copying or migrating partition to dynamic disk. We suggest you using Dynamic Disk Converter to convert to a basic disk and retry.
0530=Please select an unallocated space, if there's no unallocated space, you could shrink or delete the partitions on the disk to create an unallocated space. You can click here for more info.
0531=There are 4 primary partitions on the disk, so any new partition cannot be created here.
0532=The primary partitions on the disk have reached the limit. Please convert one of primary partitions to a logical partition by using Partition Assistant, and then make the migration.
0533=Not enough unallocated space selected. Need an unallocated space at least: %s.
0534=Sorry, the program does not support the operation of migrating OS on a dynamic disk to SSD or HDD. We suggest you use Dynamic Disk Converter to convert dynamic disk to basic disk and retry.
0535=Sorry, the program does not support the operation of migrating OS on a GPT disk to SSD or HDD.
0536=There is not enough free space on your OS partition. To accomplish the migration, you need to at least free up an unused space of 800MB from this OS partition.
0537=Migrate the current operating system to solid state drive or traditional HDD.
0538=The wizard will help you migrate your current OS to solid state drive or traditional hard drive. Please click Next to continue.
0539=Select Partition Clone Method
0540=Please select an appropriate method to clone partition.
0541=This wizard helps clone a partition. Please click Next to continue.
0542=Clone used space of the partition only and allows to resize the partition before cloning. (Recommended)
0543=Clone all sectors of the selected partition, whether used or not.
0544=&Clone Partition Quickly
0545=This wizard helps clone a partition. Current partition (%c:) has selected as the source partition. Please click Next to continue.
0546=Partition Clone Operation
0547=The selected partition can be copied only with sector by sector method.
0548=Select Source Partition
0549=Please choose a partition to clone
0550=Please select a source partition.
0551=The current partition (%c:) is selected as the source partition, please click Next to continue.
0552=The offline disk cannot be recovered. Please use Windows disk management to switch it to Online, then you can recover it again.
0553=Welcome to Partition Recovery Wizard
0554=Select a disk which you want to recover.
0555=There are four primary partitions on this disk, so the partitions on this disk are unable to be recovered. You could convert one of them to a logical partition and retry.
0557=Explore files in this selected partition
0558=The program is scanning, please wait...
0559=Select lost partitions
0560=Please select the partitions you want to recover from the following list box.
0561=The selected partition overlaps with existing partitions, please re-select.
0562=The search is completed, please choose the partitions you want to recover, and click Proceed.
0563=No partition found. You could choose another method to search.
0565=It has been suspended. You could click "Continue" to start or double-click the partition to explore files.
0566=The partition cannot be explored. The program only supports to explore an NTFS or FAT32 partition.
0567=The program is saving the partitions to physical disk.
0568=Now the program needs to restart your computer for the recovery operation to take effect. Please click OK to reboot.
0569=Congratulations!\n\nThe partitions have been recovered successfully. You could now browse these partitions with Windows Explorer. If you can't see the partitions, please assign drive letter for the partitions or reboot computer.
0570=Select a search method
0571=You could choose either Fast Search or Full Search.
0572=&Fast Search
0573=Recommended preferred method. The option will quickly find out deleted or lost partitions. If the partitions cannot be searched with this method, you could try to use Full Search.
0574=&Full Search
0575=This will scan each sector of the selected disk, so this will be more time-consuming. You could choose this method when Fast Search fails.
0582=Buy Full Version
0584=Partition Information
0585=Bitlocker Encrypted
0586=&Undo Ctrl+Z
0587=&Redo Ctrl+Y
0588=&Apply Ctrl+Enter
0589=&Discard Ctrl+D
0590=Re&load Disk F5
0595=&Clone Disk
0596=&Initialize Disk
0597=&Wipe Hard Drive
0598=&Surface Test
0599=&Rebuild MBR
0600=&Delete all Partitions
0601=Convert &MBR/GPT
0604=&Resize/Move Partition
0605=Mo&ve Partition
0606=&Merge Partitions
0607=&Split Partition
0608=A&llocate Free Space
0609=C&lone Partition
0610=&Create Partition
0611=&Delete Partition
0612=&Format Partition
0613=Change &Label
0614=&Wipe Partition
0616=Change Drive Lette&r
0617=&Hide Partition
0618=&Set Active Partition
0619=C&onvert to NTFS
0621=Chec&k Partition
0622=&Wipe Data
0623=Change Partition &Type ID
0624=Change Serial Nu&mber
0625=&Partition Alignment
0627=&Disk Clone Wizard
0628=&Partition Clone Wizard
0629=&Extend Partition Wizard
0630=&Migrate OS to SSD
0631=Partition &Recovery Wizard
0634=&Manual (PDF)
0635=Check for &update
0637=&License upgrade
0638=&Tell your friends
0639=Online tutorials
0642=&Buy Now
0643=Please first click Apply on the toolbar to commit the previous pending operations
0645=The program detected there is a Paging File (pagefile.sys) on the %c:, first, please remove the Paging File from %c: and reboot computer temporarily, then retry. \n\nRemove Method: \nRight click \"Computer\" -> \"Properties\" -> \"Advanced system settings\" -> \"Performance Settings\" -> \"Advanced\" -> \"Virtual Memory Change\". For more information, you could refer to FAQ in Help Documents.
0646=Volume Name:\t
0647=Volume Size:\t
0650=Forward Move:\t
0651=Extend Volume
0652=Shrink Volume
0653=Move Volume
0654=Increased Size
0655=Minimum Partition Size %s
0656=Maximum Partition Size %s
0657=The current volume is %s (%c:), the following is the structure of the current disk.
0658=Local Disk
0659=Please specify the new size of the partition, and click Next again.
0660=Please make sure there's at least 64MB space for the partition.
0661=Some partitions cannot be shrunk, please uncheck them in list box! Or
0662=Please re-specify a new size of the partition.
0663=Internal Error, please re-specify a size for the partition.
0664=Partition New Size
0665=Specify the new size of the partition that you are extending.
0666=Please specify the new size of the partition either by moving the slider or entering a proper value into the Partition New Size box.
0667=Please click Next to preview the operations that will be processed.
0668=Click here to extend the volume by shrinking FAT/FAT32 volumes.
0669=The current product is a demo version. You need to buy a full version for more operations. \n\nIf you are satisfied with the product, visit the link www.diskpart.com to buy the full version or go to Partition Assistant Main Console and click Buy Now on toolbar to purchase it. \n\nPlease feel free to contact sales@aomeitech.com if you have any problems. Thanks.
0670=The current product is a demo version. You need to buy a full version for more operations.\n\nIf you are satisfied with this product, please go to Partition Assistant Main Console and click Buy Now on toolbar to purchase it.
0671=There was an issue during partition extension in the wizard. You could try to extend the partition in Partition Assistant Main Console. To solve the problem, you could refer to FAQ in Help Documents or visit the instruction site to learn how to extend a partition: https://www.diskpart.com/pa-extend-partition.html.
0672=Sorry, the current operation has been aborted!\r\nInformation Code: %d\r\n
0673=The partition cannot be locked in the wizard, please reboot and retry, or you could try to resize the partition in Partition Assistant Main Console. To solve the problem, you could refer to FAQ in Help Documents or visit the instruction site to learn how to extend a partition: https://www.diskpart.com/pa-extend-partition.html.
0675=Operation Method
0676=Please select a method to extend your partition below.
0677=Extend the current system partition on which the Windows is installed.
0678=Hard Disk
0679=&Extend system partition
0680=&Select any partition from any hard disk to extend.
0681=Are you sure you want to abort? The program will be aborted if you click Yes button after the current operation is completed.\n\nPlease don't forcibly terminate the program, otherwise the data may be incomplete!
0682=Please click the Finish button to exit.
0683=The following operation is being processed.
0684=Current Progress
0685=You need to reinstall AOMEI Partition Assistant on system partition (e.g. C:\Program Files), then you can use the wizard to realize the current operation.
0686=Implementation of the operations may take several minutes (approx %s), please wait with patience. Are you sure to confirm these operations? \n\nNote it's normal that some programs running on the partitions may be shut down, it is also normal that some Shortcut keys may be invalid temporarily.
0687=Hard Disk Layout
0688=Preview and confirm these operations that will be executed.
0689=Please click Proceed to extend the partition.
0690=The following operations will be executed
0691=We suggest you select at least one volume in the list, then click the Next button again. \nOtherwise, the program can only use the unallocated space on the disk to expand the size of the partition.
0692=You must select at least one volume from the list, and the program will shrink the selected volume in order to expand the current partition.
0693=In the selected volumes, there might include FAT/FAT32 volumes, but the wizard doesn't work directly on FAT volumes.
0694=To convert it to NTFS, which need to restart the computer, would you like to restart immediately?
0695=Write registry fails. Allow writing to registry when antivirus software block. And also you can manually convert it to NTFS \nand in CMD command line type the following words: \n\nconvert.exe %c: /FS:NTFS\n
0696=Select Partitions
0697=Select the partitions that you would like to take the free space from.
0698=To extend the partition capacity, you need to select from the following partitions to shrink for releasing extra free space:
0699=After selecting the partitions, please click Next to specify the new size for the partition.
0700=If you don't want to shrink the above partitions, click here to extend your partition by using unallocated spaces on the disk.
0701=%c: Local Disk
0702=Are you sure you want to exit Extend Partition Wizard?
0703=&Automatic Mode for extending a partition.
0704=Safely and promptly extend the partition on a disk.
0705=Extend Partition Wizard detected the disk that bytes per sector is not 512, does not work on the disk, but you can manage this disk in AOMEI Partition Assistant Main Console.
0706=Sorry, internal errors occurred, the current disk is failed to be loaded, please restart the computer and retry.
0707=The wizard does not support to extend partition on a GPT disk, you can extend the GPT partition by using Partition Assistant Main Console. To solve the problem, you could refer to FAQ in Help Documents or visit the instruction to learn how to extend a partition: https://www.diskpart.com/pa-extend-partition.html
0708=Sorry, your current disk not supported by the program because it's larger than 2TB. We suggest you to manage this disk in AOMEI Partition Assistant Main Console.
0709=The wizard only extend a NTFS partition, but the file system of your partition isn't NTFS. \nand Would you like to convert it to NTFS partition immediately? \n\nClick the Yes button to proceed, click the No button to cancel. If you do not want to convert it, please resize a FAT32 partition in Partition Assistant Main Console. To solve the problem, you could refer to FAQ in Help Documents or visit the instruction to learn how to extend a partition: https://www.diskpart.com/pa-extend-partition.html
0710=In your system there is a Bitlocker volume (%c:) found, you need to turn off the Bitlocker, and extend the partition again. Besides, we recommend you try to extend the partition in Partition Assistant Main Console. To solve the problem, you could refer to FAQ in Help Documents or visit the instruction to learn how to extend a partition: https://www.diskpart.com/pa-extend-partition.html
0711=The unknown partition can't be extended, please reselect a partition.
0712=The partition can not be extended, we suggest you try to use Partition Assistant Main Console to extend the partition.
0713=Sorry, the program has not extended this partition yet due to the insufficiency of free disk space. We recommend you try to extend the partition in Partition Assistant Main Console. To solve the problem, you could refer to FAQ in Help Documents or visit the instruction to learn how to extend a partition: https://www.diskpart.com/pa-extend-partition.html.
0714=Welcome! It can extend NTFS partition without losing data and restarting computer.
0716=The program is loading disk devices, please wait...
0717=%c:%s\n%s %s\nFree:%s
0718=Disk or partition properties have been changed (e.g. Adding or removing a USB device will lead to change the properties). Would you like to reload the properties?
0719=Loading (%c:), partition %d on disk %d
0720=AOMEI Partition Assistant
0729=Would you like to change the skin of the program? If so, please click Yes, then close the program and relaunch it to apply another skin.
0730=Make Bootable Media Wizard
0731=Create WinPE bootable media
0732=The program will help you make a bootable USB drive, Disc or a bootable ISO file.
0733=To create a WinPE bootable media, first you need to install Windows AIK in your system. However, there is no Windows AIK detected in your system, so please click the following link to download and install.
Download Windows AIK
0734=Please download and install Windows AIK first, then click Next again.
0735=Path to export ISO
0737=Please select a way to make the desired bootable media, and then click "Proceed" to start.
0738=Do not support to operate any partitions at the front of GPT system partition.
0739=Unable to recover dynamic disk, you could use Dynamic Disk Converter to convert it to basic disk first, and retry.
0741=M&ake Bootable Media Wizard
0742=Make Bootable Media
0743=Bootable media cannot be created in current configuration, please reboot computer first. After that, the bootable media can be created successfully.
0744=Note: the bootable ISO file has been created successfully, and now you could use some 3rd-party
burning software to burn %s to CD/USB.
Learn how to burn ISO file to CD/USB.
0745=Failed to create the bootable ISO file. The WIM file you specified may be invalid or there might be an error during the process of the creation. We suggest you to reboot computer and try once again, or read online FAQ.
0746=Do you want to overwrite the file?
0747=The program is working, please wait a few minutes.
0748=The program is working, please wait until it's closed properly.
0749=&Do not pop up the next time.
0751=License Code
0752=If you don't have a license code, you could click here to purchase one.
0753=Registration successful!
0754=You need to register the product first.
0757=The Lite Edition can only work in online state. Please check your internet connection.
0758=&Resize/Move Partition
0759=If you don't have a license code, please visit www.diskpart.com to purchase one.
0760= - Free for non-commercial use
0763=Setting Language
0765=The license code you entered is invalid. You may be a victim of dangerous pirated software. Click "OK" below and upgrade to the official AOMEI Partition Assistant now. For more help, please feel free to contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com.
0766= You could click on the menu bar: "Settings" -> "Language" to change the language configuration.
0767=Disk Operations
0768=Partition Operations
0769= - Safely Partition Your Hard Drives
0773=To create a WinPE bootable CD, first you need to install Windows ADK to your system, but the program detects there is no Windows ADK in your system, so please click the following link to download and install.
Download Windows ADK
0774=You need to install AOMEI Dynamic Disk Manager first to handle this disk or use Dynamic Disk Converter to convert it to basic disk. The installation file is enclosed in the ".zip" file.
0775=The current version does not support dynamic disks, you could use Dynamic Disk Converter to convert it to basic disk or upgrade to AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional Edition to manage dynamic disks.
0776=Please download and install Windows ADK first, then click Next again.
0777=NTFS to FAT32 Converter
0778=Dynamic Disk Converter
0779=Free Backup
0789=If your OS is a non-server system, we highly suggest you to use another freeware: AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition, which has more features for Windows 7/8/10/XP/Vista. You can download it at: https://www.diskpart.com/free-partition-manager.html
0790=The disk is larger than 2TB and some partitions on this disk cannot be converted. To complete the conversion, you need to make sure that there are at most four partitions on the disk, and the end sector of the last partition is less than 2TB.
0791=The program is now unable to recover this disk, because the Bytes per sector on this disk is greater than 512.
0792=The source hard disk and the target hard disk have unequal bytes per sector, so cannot be cloned.
It is suggested to disconnect or unplug the source disk from motherboard when the disk clone operation finishes, and then reboot your computer. If there is no drive letter for each partition, you could use this program or Windows Disk Management to assign one.
0794=Confirm the operation by clicking Finish
0795=There are too many primary partitions on this disk. You need to convert one of them to a logical partition, then the program will allow you to convert the disk to GPT. To solve the problem, you could also read FAQ.
0796=\r\nChkdsk has completed successfully.\n
0797=\r\nChkdsk has completed, but some errors were found in the partition.\nYou could use AOMEI Partition Assistant to fix it.\n
0798=Check partition and fix errors in this partition by using chkdsk.exe
0799=Checking (%c:) and fix it when there are some errors, please wait a few minutes...\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n
0800=Windows To Go Creator
0801=Select a USB drive
0802=Select Windows 7/8/10 installation file
0806=Windows 7/8/10 To Go
0807=Create a bootable USB drive and allow you to boot Windows 7/8/10 from this USB drive.
0808=Are you sure you want to cancel?
0810=Please plug a USB drive to your computer first then click Refresh.
0811=Please select a Windows 7/8/10 installation file.
0812=The Windows 7/8/10 installation file does not exist in this USB drive. We suggest you copy the file to another path and retry.
0813=To continue, the program will delete all data on this USB drive and format it. If there are some important data on it, we suggest you to first backup it (use backup tool like free AOMEI Backupper) and retry.
0814=Invalid Windows 7/8/10 installation file, the program cannot recognize it. Please make sure that it is a Windows 7/8/10 installation file and select a correct WIM, ESD or ISO file.
0815=Are you sure you want to exit the wizard?
0817=Cancelling, please wait...
0818=Extracting the WIM file...
0819=Failed to extract the ISO file. To solve the problem, first we suggest you read the tutorial "Learn how to create Windows 7/8/10 bootable USB drive". And, we suggest you using ISO mounting tools such as Daemon Tools Lite to mount the ISO file as a virtual drive and try again.
0820=Failed to extract the ISO file, you can manually extract "install.wim" from this ISO file or read the tutorial "Learn how to create Windows 7/8/10 bootable USB drive".
0822=Formatting partition...
0823=Failed to format,
0824=Setup failed!
0825=The program is creating Windows 7/8/10 bootable USB drive...
0826=The operation completed successfully.
0828=Select a USB drive on which you want to create a bootable media.
0830=No USB drive found, please plug in a USB device.
0832=The selected USB drive is not a primary partition, you need to convert it to primary partition first by using AOMEI Partition Assistant Paid Edition, and try again.
0833=The USB drive capacity is too small, it should be at least 13GB of capacity.
0834=Select Windows 7/8/10 installation file or click the Browse button to select.
0835=Installation File
0837=Please plug a USB drive in your computer first.
0838=Do not support GPT removable device.
0839=Sorry, the USB drive does not have a drive letter at this moment, you need to assign a drive letter by using AOMEI Partition Assistant first, and try again.
0841=Don't support Bitlocker drive.
0842=Learn how to create Windows 7/8/10 bootable USB drive?
0843=Windows 7/8/10 Installation File
0844=Remain Time
0845=Please choose a version
0901=Integration failed, please retry. If you need assistance, please contact us.
0902=Tips: Integration is complete. You will find the boot menu of the tools you added after entering into recovery environment. You can click the boot menu to use the tools you added in the recovery environment.
0903=Integrate to Recovery Env
0904=Integrate tools into recovery environment.
0905=The program will integrate the tools you choose into the recovery environment of current system.
0906=Please choose the tools that need to be integrated.
0907=The program detects there is not enough free space (only %dMB) on the partition where the recovery environment locates. Therefore, it is unable to integrate the tools you choose into the recovery environment of current system. Please use "Extend Partition Wizard" to increase partition free space and try again.
0908=The program will integrate the tools you choose into the recovery environment of current system so that you can use the tools in recovery environment.
0909=The operation cannot continue because the program could not find NTFS partition with free space larger than 2GB to mount WIM file. Please free up larger than 2GB free space on any NTFS partition and try again.
0910=The operation cannot continue because the program could not find recovery environment on current system. Please ensure the recovery environment is available and try again. If you need assistance, please contact us.
0911=Failed to back up recovery environment. It may be due to insufficient disk space, please confirm there is enough free disk space and try again.
0912=Failed to mount recovery environment image. It may be due to the mount point being used, please restart computer and try again.
0913=Failed to integrate tool into the mounted recovery environment. This tool may be used by another program and cannot be added into recovery environment, please restart computer and try again.
0914=Failed to update recovery environment. Please restart your computer and try again.
0915=By using the wizard, you can integrate AOMEI Partition Assistant or AOMEI Backupper installed on this computer into the recovery environment of current system. When the integration process is completed successfully, you can restart computer and enter into the recovery environment of current system to use our software.
0916=Loading, please wait...
0917=First sector of root:
0918=Creating boot sector...
0919=Creating the backup of boot sector...
0920=Creating FAT table...
0921=Creating cluster bitmap file...
0922=Creating $Up-case...
0923=Creating root directory entry...
0924=Creating label directory entry...
0925=Creating cluster bitmap directory entry...
0926=Creating $Up-case directory entry...
0927=The current operation may cause partition size to change. We suggest you retry or contact us.
0928=Congratulation! All operations have been completed successfully.
0929=If you don't have a license code, you could click here to purchase one.
0930=Note: The current product is a Demo version which only allows you to preview all functions and simulate all operations. \n\nTo execute current operations, you need to buy full version and use the received license code to activate the product. Please do not hesitate to contact sales@aomeitech.com if you have any problems. Thanks! \n\n\nEnter your license code below and click "Register" button to activate the product. You are able to continue with the "Pending Operations" after the product has been activated.
0931=Select Drivers
1001=If you have installed Windows AIK/ADK in your system, you need to find the WIM file under the installed directory of AIK or ADK, and manually set the file path into the following box.
1002=Burn to CD/DVD
1003=USB Boot Device
1004=Export ISO File
1005=There's no writable disc in the burner, please insert a writable disc.\nClick "Yes" to continue, or "No".
1006=Detects that there are some data in the specified disc, and this disc doesn't support erasion.\nPlease insert another disc.
1007=Detects that there are some data in the specified disc, they will be erased when burning the bootable disc.\nClick "Yes" to continue, or "No".
1008=we suggest you to backup your important data on this disk, then re-run this operation.
1009=You must choose an item that you want to create the bootable media on.
1010=The operation will cause that your USB disk%d (%s) is formatted,
1011=Are you sure you want to format this disk now?
1012=Succeed in creating this USB bootable device.\nNow, you can use this USB device to boot your computer.
1013=All have finished successfully!\n
1014=No supported burner devices
1015=No supported USB devices
1016=The program is loading drive...
1017=You need to install Windows AIK/ADK, or specify the path of the WIM file.
1050=This computer needs to be restarted to complete this operation. Are you sure you want to restart now? In order not to skip the operation, please don't press any key during the process of restart.
1051=Check and Fix Partition
1052=The program found some errors in the partition, would you like to fix it now?
1053=Fixing, please wait...
1054=The operation has completed successfully.
1055=Failed to dismount the partition. To solve the problem and finish the operation, the computer needs to be restarted, are you sure you want to restart now? To prevent skipping the operation, don't press any key during the process of restart.
1056=Check partition timeout, the partitions may have some errors, we suggest you read: https://www.diskpart.com/lib/checktimeout.html, or uncheck the "Check partitions before execution" option in the "Pending Operations" window and retry.
1057=Partition checking, please wait...
1058=C&heck partitions before execution
1059=&Automatically fix errors when found
1060=The program found some errors on the partition, would you like to fix it now? You can click "Fix it" to repair and continue the next operation, or click "Don't fix it" to abort the current operation. If you need to get more detailed information about repairing the errors, please visit at: https://www.diskpart.com/lib/fixit.html.
1061=&Fix it
1062=&Don't fix it
1063=The program found some errors on the partition, you could right-click the partition in Partition Assistant, and select "Advanced" -> "Check Partition" to fix it. If you need to get more detailed information about repairing the errors, please visit at: https://www.diskpart.com/lib/fixit.html.
1064=The program is repairing the errors on the partition.
1065=Since there may be a Linux OS on this disk, the rebuild MBR operation could cause the operating system on this disk to not boot. If the disk does not contain a Linux system or a dual-boot system of Windows and Linux, we suggest you to choose to rebuild the disk. Are you sure you want to rebuild MBR for this disk?
1066=The disk may contain a Linux system or a dual-boot system of Windows and Linux. To make your system bootable, please do not create new partitions or delete partitions before the Linux system partition. However, the current operation may cause your system to not boot, so we suggest you not to continue this operation. If the disk does not contain a Linux system or a dual-boot system of Windows and Linux, please click Yes. Otherwise, you could click No.
1067=Some files (Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi, Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgr.efi or Windows\Boot\PCAT\bootmgr) were not found in your system, so the operation will be unable to continue.
1068=The file (2Gpt_BCD or 2Mbr_BCD) may be lost, we suggest you reinstall AOMEI software and try again.
1069=The operation has been completed successfully, now please reboot the computer for the operation to take effect. Click OK to reboot.
1070=The system partition and boot partition are separated on different disks. If you convert the disk, your system will be unable to boot next time. So we strongly suggest you don't convert this disk.
1071=Tips: If you want to put Windows system on a USB drive to use, it's recommended to use the "Windows To Go Creator" under All Tools.
1072=Since this selected disk is a system or boot disk, before converting it to GPT disk, please make sure if your motherboard supports EFI/UEFI boot(read motherboard's user manual). If not, please don't convert it to GPT disk, otherwise your system will be unable to boot next time. Would you like to convert it?
1073=The current version, AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition does not support the conversion of system disk between MBR and GPT style. To realize this operation, we suggest you upgrade to Professional Edition. Please visit the edition comparison page for more information: https://www.diskpart.com/home-upgrade.html
1074=The current version, AOMEI Partition Assistant Lite Edition does not support the conversion of system disk between MBR and GPT style. To realize this operation, we suggest you upgrade to Server Edition. Please visit the edition comparison page for more information: https://www.diskpart.com/get-full.html
1075=Sorry, the selected disk is a GPT disk, but the current version, AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition does not support the migration of OS to GPT disk. To realize this operation, we suggest you upgrade to Professional Edition. Please check the edition comparison page for more information: https://www.diskpart.com/home-upgrade.html
1076=Sorry, your OS is located on a GPT disk, but the current version, AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition does not support this operation. To realize this function, we suggest you upgrade to Professional Edition. Please visit the edition comparison page for more information: https://www.diskpart.com/home-upgrade.html
1077=The program does not allow you to put Windows 8 on a flash drive in Windows XP system. We suggest you to use Windows To Go Creator in Windows 7/8 system.
1078=Registering, please wait a few seconds...
1079=Windows 32bit system does not work on a GPT disk. The operation will result in this disk into a GPT disk, but your system is 32bit, so the operation is unable to continue. We suggest you upgrade your system to 64bit.
1080=This 64bit program only supports for Windows PE system, does not support to run on the current system.
1081=Learn how to safely partition hard drive?
1082=Safely Partition
1084=Windows Command Line
1085=To ensure that the system can boot normally from the target disk, it is highly suggested to use "Migrate OS to SSD" feature to clone operating system to target disk. Would you like to use the "Migrate OS to SSD" feature now?
1087=\r\n\r\nWhat does the Information Code mean? Please refer to: https://www.diskpart.com/help/errorcode.html
1088=&I want to delete all partitions on this disk %d to migrate system to the disk.
1089=If you do not want to delete all partitions on the selected disk, we suggest you select an unallocated space for the migration. If there's no unallocated space, you can click here for more information.
1090=All partitions on the destination disk%d will be deleted during the migration, are you sure to delete them?
1098=Keep the format of the destination disk consistent with the source disk (both are GPT format)
1099=Create a simple Windows PE.
1100=Create a Windows PE that contains Windows Desktop and Start Menu.
1101=To create Windows PE with Windows Desktop and Start Menu, need you to use AOMEI PE Builder to finish. You can download and use this free tool at:
1103=It's strongly recommended to backup important data by using free AOMEI Backupper before resizing partitions.
1110=Unable to perform "Quick Partition" on a disk that contains either operating system or boot partition. Such operation is only available under Windows PE environment.
1111=Unable to perform "Quick Partition" on a dynamic disk or Offline disk. It suggests that convert the dynamic disk to basic disk with AOMEI Dynamic Disk Converter and try again.
1112=Unable to perform "Quick Partition" since no disk was found in current system.
1116=Partition Count
1117= Partitions
1118=Tips: You can press "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9" key to quickly select partition count.
1119=Disk Type
1120=Rebuild MBR
1121=Align Partitions:
1122=Preview Layout
1124=Default Size
1125=Clear All Labels
1126=Warnings: After performing, all the existing partitions on current disk will be deleted. Press "Enter" to start partitioning.
1127=Directly enter into "Quick Partition" window next time when you run the software.
1128=Start Partitioning
1129=Quick Partition
1141=A disk smaller than 10GB is not supported.
1142=For the convenience of partitioning, you can preset default count and size.
1143=The profile (part.ini) of this Preset will be saved to the root directory of all removable devices.
1145=Remove all volume labels.
1146=Save Settings
1147=Settings have been saved successfully.
1148=Enable Preset
1151=Partition Count:\t
1152=Disk Size:\t
1153=Disk Serial Number:\t
1154=Try to assign a drive letter
1155=Quick Partition
1156=This version of AOMEI Partition Assistant is especially designed for being used in Windows PE system. It is not recommended to use it in current Windows system. You can download AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional from diskpart.com and use it in current Windows system.
1157=Warnings:After clicking "Yes", the program will execute "Quick Partition" immediately, and then all the existing partitions on current disk will be deleted. Are you sure you want to click "Yes"?
1158=Unable to perform "Quick Partition" since no disk available to partition was found in current system. To fix this problem, we suggest you install AOMEI Partition Assistant on the system partition (C: drive) or run AOMEI Partition Assistant Bootable Media from USB flash drive.
1159=Unable to perform "Quick Partition" on the disk where the program is installed. To fix this problem, we suggest you install AOMEI Partition Assistant on the system partition (C: drive) or run AOMEI Partition Assistant Bootable Media from USB flash drive.
1160=Preset is unusable since no removable disk or USB flash drive that can save profile was found. Would you like to boot into Windows PE from physical machine CD or virtual machine ISO? It suggests that boot into Windows PE from USB flash drive to make Preset available.
1161=Incorrect file system.\n
1162=This parameter cannot be recognized.\n
1163=\n[/letter]Incorrect drive letter.\n
1164=Specified size invalid.\n
1165=Removable Disk
1169=Volume Label
1170=\nLoading, please wait...\n\n
1171=Please format the partitions beyond 4GB to NTFS or FAT32.
1172=Computer will reboot in 30 secs. Press Ctrl+C to quit or add /q to reboot immediately. Countdown:
1173=It will be executed in 30 secs. Press Ctrl+C to quit or add /q to neglect it. Countdown:
1174=The operation is in process. Please do not shut down or reboot the computer, nor forcibly terminate the program!
1175=Incorrect parameter. Unable to find the partitions or disks that need to be operated.
1176=A logical partition cannot be set as active partition.
1177=Incorrect parameter. You may not input disk number, partition number or drive letter.
1178=The file system you entered is incorrect.
1179=Please format the partitions beyond 2TB to NTFS.
1180=The parameter you entered is incorrect.
1181=No unallocated space available to create partitions was found on the disk. It suggests that use "/size:auto" to specify the size.
1182=The partition you want to create is too large. There is not enough unallocated space on this disk (or the /offset value you specified is incorrect). It suggests that use "/size:auto" to specify the size.
1183=Offset value you entered is incorrect.
1184=The specified size of the partition you want to create is incorrect. It suggests that use "/size:auto" to specify the size.
1185=The size of partition being created should be larger than 20MB.
1186=Only logical partitions can be created on this disk, please remove "/pri" parameter.
1187=The drive letter has been assigned to other partition, please re-assign another unused one.
1188=Unable to create the back end partition since there is already a partition at the end of the disk.
1189=There is no need to re-hide the partition or unhide it.
1190=The "/offset" and "/end" cannot both be present, please remove one of them.
1191=Please specify the correct value for "/offset".
1192=There is no longer unallocated space behind the partition.
1193=There is not enough unallocated space behind the partition.
1194=Only partitions formatted with NTFS and FAT32 file systems can be resized without data loss. If the partition is FAT16, please use "convert.exe" to convert FAT16 to NTFS without data loss and then resize it.
1195=After extending the partition, it will exceed 2TB, which is the maximum size of FAT32 file system.
1196=After moving or extending the partition, the end of the partition will exceed the 2TB limit boundary. It suggests that use "/extend:left" or "/right:auto" parameter.
1197=There is no longer unallocated space before the partition.
1198=The distance moved is too great while the unallocated space is insufficient. It suggests that use "/left:auto" or "/right:auto" parameter to specify the size, or specify a smaller size.
1199=Please visit www.diskpart.com/help/cmd.html or view User Manual to learn how to use AOMEI Partition Assistant Command Line.
1200=When shrinking a partition, pleased leave more free space for it (at least 30MB, but usually it has to be more than 30 MB so that the shrinking can be successful).
1201=Before initializing a disk, please delete all the partitions on it.
1202=Unable to operate dynamic disks or Offline disks.
1203=Build ESP/MSR Parts
1204=The source path you entered cannot be accessed.
1205=Copying files, please wait...
1206=Copying files are complete.
1207=Copying files error. It may be caused by incorrect destination path or insufficient space.
1208=Cannot assign a drive letter to a hidden partition.
1209=If the process of the "System updating" waits more than 3 minutes, you can forcibly terminate the \nprogram by Task Manager.\n
1210=A&dd Drivers
1215=To ensure that the PE is more compatible, following detected devices could be added to PE. If a device needn't to be added, please uncheck the option.
1216=The program will run the default operation after %d seconds.
1217=Driver Name
1218=Driver Path
1219=You can add one or more drivers to Windows PE in order to recognize hardware devices on your computer.
1220=The program detected that the disk signature of disk%d is equal to the disk signature of disk%d, which will affect the validity of disk operation. Please remove one of them from your computer and continue.
1226=It can't continue to work without power connected or power is less than 70%. Please do it again after connecting power.
1227=Now the computer is not connected to power. In case of making mistake in partitioning due to power off, you are suggested to connect the computer to power before carrying out. Do you want to continue this operation?
1228=There is not enough reserved space on the disk, please choose another method to clone.
1229=Failed to create boot partition, please use CHKDSK to check partitions on the disk and try again. For more help, please refer to FAQ.
1230=There is not enough space on the destination disk, please choose a larger disk as destination location.
1231=Due to current system is 32-bit version, it may be unable to boot after being cloned to destination disk. Do you want to continue?
1232=Due to there are multiple boots on the source disk, it ensures only current system is able to boot after being cloned.
1233=Due to the operating system before Windows Vista (e.g. Windows XP/2003) is not well compatible with GPT disk, we suggest you use Partition Assistant to convert the destination disk to MBR and then continue to clone.
1235=How to boot computer from destination disk?
1236=Can not clone to the destination disk due to the partition struct of the source disk. We suggest you keep that the type (MBR or GPT) of the destination disk is the same as the source disk, or delete the useless non-NTFS or non-FAT32 partitions on the source disk and try again.
1300=SSD Secure Erase
1301=Secure erase notice
1302=The Secure Erase will reset your performance dropping SSD to factory settings, which will increase the read and write speeds of SSD drive. However, it will cause loss of all the data on SSD, please make sure you have backed up your important data before securely erasing SSD.
1303=Choose SSD
1304=Please choose the SSD you want to securely erase and backup data before continuing.
1305=Unable to obtain the identification information of this disk (the disk may not be connected to motherboard via SATA). The disk may not be an SSD or the disk cannot be supported, please select a correct SSD and retry.
1306=The disk is not an SSD, please choose an SSD and retry.
1307=SSD identification information.
1308=Below is the identification information of this SSD, please confirm it before continuing.
1309=Note: Because this SSD is in a frozen state and it cannot be unlocked with software, so you need to perform hot swap for this SSD before continuing.
1310=Operation result
1311=Secure erase operation return result
1312=The SSD has been erased successfully.
1313=Operation Failed %d: it may be caused by the SSD being used, please restart computer and retry, or erase SSD under WinPE.
1314=Note: Because this SSD is in a frozen state and it cannot be unlocked with software, so you need to perform hot swap for this SSD before continuing. Please click "Confirm" after hot swap to continue. The detailed operations are as follow:
1315=Step 1: Open the computer case and find the SSD you need to securely erase.
1316=Step 2: Unplug the SSD SATA cable and plug it back.
1317=Step 3: Return to AOMEI Partition Assistant and click "Confirm" to continue.
1318=Note: The computer system cannot be powered down during the hot swap process. A power down will cause unlock failure.
1319=The device is still in a frozen state, please follow the steps to retry.
1320=Secure Erase SSD
1321=The selected disk information:
1322=The selected SSD is in a frozen state. To continue with secure erase, please perform hot swap for this SSD to relieve the frozen state.
1323=The selected SSD is protected with password. To continue with secure erase, please input correct password.
1324=Tips:please click here to view the tutorial on how to perform hot swap for an SSD.\nUsually, the secure erase will be completed within 2 minutes. If the operation still works in progress after 2 minutes, please cancel the operation, and then try again or contact us.
1325=Usually, the secure erase will be completed within 2 minutes. If the operation still works in progress after 2 minutes, please cancel the operation, and then try again or contact us.\nPerforming, please wait...
1326=Unable to perform secure erase because your SSD is still in a frozen state. Please refer to the tutorial on how to relieve the frozen state for an SSD and retry.
1327=Your SSD is protected with password. Please input correct password and retry.
1328=The Secure Erase will reset your performance dropping SSD to factory settings, which will increase the read and write speeds of SSD drive. However, it will cause loss of all the data on SSD, please make sure you have backed up your important data before securely erasing SSD. The erase operation will be completed within approximately 30 seconds.
1329=Note: this feature can be used only in Windows 7. If your computer is not running Windows 7, please unplug the SSD from other systems and connect it to computer running Windows 7.
1330=This SSD is an active system disk that cannot be supported by Secure Erase. Please connect this SSD to another computer and retry.
1331=Device Password:
1333=The operation will be performed on Windows preferentially. If execution fails, it will continue to enter restart mode to execute.
1334=The program will automatically create WinPE and enter into it to complete the operations. If hardware RAID is configured in the current computer, please uncheck this option.
1335=Note: if hardware RAID is configured in current computer, we suggest you uncheck this option.
1336=Click "Restart Now" to restart your computer, and then the program will automatically create Windows PE and enter into Windows PE environment in priority to perform operations.
1337=All operations have been finished successfully. The program will automatically restart computer in 30 seconds. You also can click "Restart Now" or click "Cancel" to stay in Windows PE environment.
1338=The program detected that the disks in current Windows PE environment differ from Windows environment. It may be caused by disk number change or hardware RAID existing. The program will automatically restart computer in one minute and enter into PreOS mode to continue performing your operations. You can click "Restart Now" to enter into PreOS mode immediately and perform your operations, or click "Cancel" to stay in Windows PE mode.
1339=Restart Now
1340=The program is creating Windows PE. After completing the creation, the program will automatically enter into Windows PE to complete operations, please wait…
1341=If the program fails to enter into Windows PE, it will automatically enter into PreOS mode to complete operations.
1342=Create Windows PE
1343=Are you sure you want to end the current operation?
1344=Your computer will automatically restart in %d seconds.
1345=The program has detected the partitions currently operated are being used by other applications. The program will automatically close these applications. We suggest you save your important documents before clicking "Yes".
1346=User experience improvement
1347=Please join AOMEI User Experience Improvement Program to help us improve the products and we appreciate it very much.
1348=Join the User Experience Improvement Program
1349=System Clean
1371=Upgrade with Discount Now
1372=(save up to 50%)
1373=90-Day Money Back Guarantee
1375=Start Sector
1376=End Sector
1381=Delete the selected partition and wipe all sectors on it. After wipe, the data \nwon't be recovered.
1382=Current selected partition:
1383=Delete partition quickly (delete partition without wiping data)
1384=Delete partition and wipe data on it
1385=Delete all partitions on selected disk and wipe all sectors on the disk. After wipe, the data won't be recovered.
1386=Current selected disk:
1387=Wipe all sectors of selected unallocated space. After wipe, the data won't be recovered.
1388=Unallocated space
1389=Delete all partitions and wipe all sectors on the disk. After wipe, the data won't be recovered.
1390=Fill sectors with Zero (Safe, Quick)
1391=Fill sectors with random data (Safe, Quick, PRO)
1392=DoD 5220.22-M (Very Safe, Slow, PRO)
1393=times rewrite
1394=Gutmann (35 passes, Very Safe, Very Slow, PRO)
1395=Wiping Method
1396=Fill sectors with random data (Safe, Quick)
1397=DoD 5220.22-M (Very Safe, Slow)
1398=Gutmann (35 passes, Very Safe, Very Slow)
1404=For data safety, it recommended that you use the free backup software "AOMEI Backupper" to back up your data. It can back up your system, disks, partitions and files to the local drive, network/shared drive or other locations to prevent your data loss. Click here for details.
1405=Wipe Disk
1406=Migrate OS
1407=Allocate Space
1408=VIP Center
1409=It is an exclusive feature for VIP customer. Please upgrade to VIP customer so that you will enjoy more discounts and more advanced services.
1410=Please choose a partition first.
1411=Cannot allocate free space to this partition. It may be caused by no free space on the current disk. Please manually free up some space and try again.
1413=This tool can help you install Windows system on your USB flash drives or removable hard drives. Besides, it can also migrate your current system to USB flash drives or removable hard drives. Thus, you can boot the system from the removable devices on any computer so that you can work anywhere, anytime.
1414=Create Windows To Go with system disc/ISO
1415=Create Windows To Go with current system
1416=Please select a target location from the removable devices below to migrate the current system. The operation will erase all data on the target device. Please make a backup first if there is important data on the device.
1417=Here you can manually configure the startup type and boot mode of the Windows To Go system.
1418=Select the type of created system:
1419=Target system startup mode:
1421=Keep consistent with the current system
1422=The operation completed successfully.
1423=Canceling the operation...
1424=The operation has been canceled.
1425=Initializing the system migration environment...
1426=Initializing the USB device. The subsequent operations will take a long time, please be patient.
1427=Creating a WinPE environment...
1428=Enter WinPE restart mode...
1429=Restarting computer...
1430=Migrating the current system to USB device...
1431=Updating the system's USB device configuration.
1432=Failed to initialize the system migration environment.
1433=Failed to initialize USB device.
1434=Failed to create WinPE.
1435=Failed to enter WinPE restart mode.
1436=Failed to restart the computer.
1437=Failed to migrate current system to USB device.
1438=Failed to update the system's USB device configuration.
1439=Current OS information:
1440=System Name:
1441=System Version:
1442=Computer Name:
1443=System Type:
1444=System Partition:
1445=Boot Partition:
1446=BIOS Mode:
1447="Create Windows To Go with current system" does not support to create Windows To Go with a system lower than Windows 7. Your current system version is lower than Windows 7, so this feature is not available. Please change your current system to Windows 7 or higher version and try again.
1455=This USB device capacity is too small. Please replace it with a larger USB device and retry.
1456=The program will restart into Windows PE environment to create Windows To Go. The operation will clear data on the target USB device. Are you sure you want to continue?
1457=Used Space
1458=Are you sure you want to end up the current operation?
1459=Install a new system on the removable device with CD/system image file.
1460=Migrate the current system to a removable device and completely retain all data and the software installed on the current system.
1461=If you don't have a license code, you could click here to purchase one.
1462=Failed to start AOMEI Backupper. If you have installed AOMEI Backupper, please start it manually. If not, please download (https://www.diskpart.com/free-backup-software.html) and install it.
1464=Thank you for trusting AOMEI Partition Assistant. If you'd like to backup your computer system, AOMEI Backupper could be a nice option.\n\nLearn More>>
1467=AOMEI Backupper Download
1468=Launch AOMEI Backupper
1469=Download Freeware
1470=NO,Thank You
1501=Fill sectors with Zero (Safe, Quick, PRO)
1502=Delete partition quickly (delete partition without wiping data, PRO)
1503=Delete partition and wipe data on it
1508=Register &Now
1509=If you don't have a license code, you could click here to purchase one.
1600=Once the data has been wiped, it can't be recovered.Would you like to backup the partition first?
1601=You're about to resize/remove a partition. Would you like to backup the partition first?
1602=Formatting the partition will destroy all the data on the partition. Would you like to backup the partition first?
1603=You're about to split a partition. Would you like to backup the partition first?
1604=Once the data has been wiped,it can't be recovered.Would you like to backup the disk first?
1605=Disk Backup
1606=Partition Backup
1607=System Backup
1608=AOMEI Partition Assistant Demo Edition
1609=AOMEI Partition Assistant
1611=All Tools
1612=Common Tools
1613=Disk/Partition Tools
1614=Other Tools
1615=Check for update
1616=UX Improvement Program
1617=Dynamic Disk >>
1618=Offline Disk
1619=Please switch it to online by using Windows Disk Management
1621=Disk unreadable
1622=Dynamic Disk Manager
1625=AOMEI Partition Assistant
1626=AOMEI Backupper
1627=Formatting a partition will destroy all the data on the partition!
1639=AOMEI Partition Assistant
1640=Add driver(s)
1641=The operation has been completed!
1642=Please click Cancel to exit.
1643=The operation has been completed; please click Cancel to exit.
1644=The following dynamic disk(s) will be converted to basic.
1645=Shut down the computer after completing all operations.
1647=Choose a program to boot.
1648=AOMEI Partition Assistant has encountered an unknown error and we are so sorry for the inconvenience. A folder named "log" and a file called "Crash2.dmp" has been generated in its installation directory. We hope that you could send error report to partition_assistant@aomeitech.com to help us improve.
1657=Restart into Windows PE mode.
1658=Restart into PreOS mode.
1660=Restart now to enter into PreOS mode and execute operations. If RAID is configured, we suggest you perform operations in PreOS mode.
1661=The program will create Windows PE environment automatically and then reboot your computer into Windows PE to perform operations.
1662=Restart now to enter into PreOS mode and execute operations. If RAID is configured, we suggest you perform operations in PreOS mode.
1663=GPT, EFI System Partition
1664=GPT, Microsoft Reserved Partition
1665=GPT, LDM
1666=GPT, Recovery Partition
1668=The partition to be operated on is current system partition, so it is needed to restart to execute operations.
1669=The partition is being occupied by other programs. Please wait for other programs to finish or enter into restart mode to execute operations.
1670=Detected that there is no environment for making Windows PE in the current system.If you still want to use Windows PE environment, click here to download and install Windows AIK/ADK first.
1671=Assign free space from partition (%c) to (%c)
1672=Target model
1673=Select source file
1674=Target location
1675=Creating Windows To Go
1676=Create Windows To Go for Mac computer
1677=Mac book, iMac, Mac mini, Mac pro, etc.
1678=Create Windows To Go for personal computer
1679=Personal computer, Server, all-in-one computer, etc.
1680=Select a way to create Windows To Go
1681=Please select a Windows installation file. If there is no such file, please click Download
1682=Reset default settings
1683=Select a device to install Windows To Go
1684=Creating Windows To Go
1685=Migrating system to removable device
1687=Windows To Go has been created successfully!
1688=Failed to create Windows To Go
1689=Your current system is not Windows 10. So the Win To Go does not support creating EFI boot system, but supports creating EFI boot system on removable hard disk.
1690=This operation will erase all data on this USB drive. Are you sure to continue?
1693=Apply windows image
1694=Apply windows image failed
1695=extract .wim image file
1696=Failed to extract .wim image file
1697=Please run AOMEI Partition Assistant first.
1700=An unplugged SSD disk was not detected to have been plugged back in; please confirm whether the hardware supports hot-swap!
1701=Failed to obtain the information about license code. Please try again or contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
1702=Your license code is invalid. Please click "Buy Now" button to purchase new license codes. If you believe that you are getting this message in error, please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
1703=Your license code is not under validity period. Please click "Buy Now" button to purchase new license codes. If you believe that you are getting this message in error, please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
1704=The license code has already been registered the maximum number of times permitted for a same computer. Please click "Buy Now" button to purchase new license codes. If you believe that you are getting this message in error, please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
1705=You have already registered the product on the maximum number of computers permitted by your license code. Please click "Buy Now" button to purchase new license codes. If you believe that you are getting this message in error, please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
1706=Your license code is invalid. Please click "Buy Now" button to purchase new license codes. If you believe that you are getting this message in error, please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
1707=Registration Failed!
1708=Invalid License Code.
1709=Convert MBR/GPT
1710=Align All Partitions
1711=Make partitions alignment optmize SSD or HDD
1712=Set Partitions Alignment to:
1713=&Align All Partitions
1714=The current disk is already optimized thus there's no need to align it again.
1715=Align All Partitions on Disk %d
1716="Align All Partitions" operations currently can't be performed via WinPE bootable media.Please try to select single to align one by one.
1717=There are no system partitions detected. It might be that it is a dynamic disk, or system disk failed to be read normally. Please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for more help.
1718=Enter License Code
1752=Shred Files
1753=Shred files/folders thoroughly to avoid being recovered.
1754=Add Files
1755=Add Folders
1758=Please first add or select files/folders.
1759=Shredding Method:
1760=Write Zero
1761=Random data (1 pass)
1762=DoD 5220.22-M (7 passes)
1763=Gutmann (35 passes)
1764=Are you sure to shred selected files/folders thoroughly?
1765=Shredding files/folders, please wait...
1766=All files/folders have been shredded completely.
1768=Some files couldn't be shredded because these files are currently in use by other applications, or there are no required privileges. You can continue to shred them under reboot mode.
1769=Some files couldn't be shredded because these files are currently in use by other applications, or there are no required privileges. Please close other running applications and check the access permissions, then try again.
1770=The %s is a root directory or includes system directories, which couldn't be shredded. Please select other directories.
1771=Some directories you selected include the system's or application's path. It might have an effect on the stability of the system or applications. Please confirm if you want to continue to shred them.
1772=Random data (1 pass,pro)
1773=DoD 5220.22-M (7 passes,pro)
1774=Gutmann (35 passes,pro)
1775=Some File/Folders failed to be shredded...
1777=You are selecting a partition. It is recommended to use the "Wipe Partition" feature to wipe the whole partition. It will wipe all data and delete the partition. Would you like to wipe partition?
1778=The number of items added at a time cannot be more than 300!
1783=Error file count:%d
1784=Some files are currently in use by other applications or no required privileges, so it is needed to restart into Windows PE mode to execute operations.
1785=It is not allowed to shred Network files/folders.
1800=Invalid migration parameters!
1801=The original path parameter is invalid: "%s"!
1802=The original path parameter is not found: "%s"!
1803=This application or folder is being used by another process. Please manually end the process and then try again.
1804=Failed to rename the original installation folder; please manually rename: "%s"!
1805=Unable to create the folder: "%s"!
1806=Unable to copy the file: "%s"!
1807=Unable to scan the folder: "%s"!
1808=Unable to create the folder: a file with the same name already exists at the destination, please save or delete manually: "%s"!
1809=Unable to create the path: "%s"!
1810=Residual files aren't cleaned up, please delete manually: "%s"!
1811=Migration rollback failed, Please contact technical support to assist further!
1812=Restore rollback failed, Please contact technical support to assist further!
1813=Unknown error!
1814=App Mover
1815=Select Partition
1816=Free up space on the selected partition via moving applications to another partition.
1818=Movable Apps
1819=Free up to %s of disk space on %s drive.
1821=Select Applications
1822=Please select applications you want to move. There is no influence to run applications after moving.
1823=The current selected partition: %s. Please select applications you want to move.
1824=The current selected partition: %s. Selected APPs:%d, Available Space:%s
1826=Move Suggestion
1827=Move selected applications from %s: drive to:
1828=Free space:%+10s
1829=Select a path manually
1830=%s has not enough space to store moved applications or folders.
1831=Please free space or extend the partition, then try again.
1832=Some applications have already existed in the target drive.
1833=Please select another path.
1834=The %s drive is an external drive or USB flash drive. The drive letter might be changed automatically when it is re-connected. In this case, the moved applications are unable to run.
1835=Do you confirm that you want to move to this drive?
1836=The applications can't be moved to a network path.
1837=Please select an internal disk.
1838=Moving apps/folders...
1839=Moved applications can still work properly and moved folders can still be accessible.
1840=Moving %s...
1841=Time Remaining: %s
1843=Moved to %s
1845=Operation Completed
1846=All the selected applications/folders have been moved to the target path successfully. Free up space for the selected partition.
1847=Note: Please don't move or delete files in the source and target directory.Learn More
1848=Learn More
1850=Operation failed
1851=Partial applications/folders have been moved to the target path successfully. Free up space for the selected partition.
1852=Failed to move all the selected applications/folders. Please refer to the log for the reason.
1853=Original Location
1854=Current Location
1855=Please select what you want to restore. There is no influence on applications or folders after restore.
1856=Selected APPs: %d, Total Size: %s
1858=View Logs
1860=Restored applications can still work properly and restored folders can still be accessible.
1861=All selected applications or folders have been restored to the original location successfully.
1862=Restored successfully. Restored applications can still work properly and restored folders can still be accessible.
1863=Partial applications or folders have been restored successfully. Please refer to the log for the reason.
1868=Destination Location
1872=Failed: reason
1873=All Logs
1875=Last Week
1876=Last Month
1877=Custom Time
1880=Can't find %s, please relocate the current location of the application.
1881=If selected applications or related services are running, they will be closed forcibly during moving. It is recommended to save data and close the related process before moving.
1882=Failed: %s
1884=Failed to restore all applications or folders. Please refer to the log for the reason.
1885=Are you sure you want to continue?
1887=The destination path is the same as the source path!
1888=Please choose your destination again!
1889=Loading application
1890=Delete Task
1891=The start time is greater than the end time!
1892=Please choose again!
1893=Program folder select error!
1894=Please re-select the folder where the current program is locked!
1895=Waiting tasks will be cancelled!
1896=Are you sure you want to cancel it?
1897=Invalid Path
1898=Failed to find the current location of %s, please select the correct location to reload.
1901=Applications Move
1902=Move applications to another partition so as to free up more space.
1903=App Mover helps move applications from one partition to another safely and effortlessly so that you can free more space on the original \npartition. Moved applications will work without issues on the destination location, and you can also restore them to the original location.
1904=%s Drive
;N2F language
2001=Are you sure to exit the AOMEI Ntfs2Fat32 Converter?
2002=NTFS Partition List
2003=Please select the NTFS partition that you want to convert to FAT32 below.
2004=Please click Next to analyze the %c: partition.
2005=The drive (%c:) is analyzing, please wait...
2006=NTFS Features Note
2007=You should process the following files before you convert it to FAT32.
2008=There are some NTFS files that can not be stored in a FAT32 partition in the list box.
2009=Welcome Ntfs2Fat32
2010=Convert to FAT32 from NTFS and vice versa.
2011=Total Progress:
2012=AOMEI NTFS to FAT32 Converter (Ntfs2Fat32) is specifically designed to convert the file system from NTFS to FAT32 without loss of data and vice versa.
2013=Please note that the following NTFS files can not be supported by FAT32:\n1. Compressed Files.\n2. Encrypted Files.\n3. Large Files Over 4GB.\n\nIf the partition contains these files, you should decompress, decrypt these related files and split the large files than 4GB into multiple small files before converting to FAT32. Otherwise, these files will lose after converting.
2014=You could use the following way to process the large files.\n1. Move the large files to another NTFS partition.\n2. Split these large files into multiple small files by using some tools.\n3. Delete the unwanted large files manually.\n\nThe large files over 4GB can not be converted and placed in the FAT32 partition, so you have to deal with them before converting to FAT32.
2015=The files are decrypting, please wait...
2016=The files are decompressing, please wait...
2017=Please decrypt the following files manually.
2018=To avoid data loss, please must process the NTFS feature files that cannot be converted.
2019=Please decompress the following files manually.
2020=Sorry, the converter cannot convert the NTFS partition that is great than 2TB.
2021=Confirm Operation
2022=Please review if you'd like to convert the following NTFS partition to FAT32.
2023=Click the Proceed button to start the conversion.
2024=There are some errors in the NTFS filesystem, please fix the issues with "chkdsk.exe /f".
2025=Are you sure to cancel this conversion?
2026=Are you sure to ignore these files? If you do, these files will be lost after converting.
2028=Not enough disk space, please delete some files on the NTFS partition to get more free space.
2029=Please click Finish to return the first page, click Cancel to exit.
2030=The operation has been completed successfully!
2032=AOMEI NTFS to FAT32 Converter
2033=Copyright © 2009-2023 AOMEI Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
2034=Note: After clicking Proceed, the program will check/repair the errors on the partition automatically, when completing the check, the conversion operation will start. In addition, the partition can not be accessed when converting it.
2035=Are you sure to execute the conversion operation?
2037=There are not NTFS partitions found in your system!
2038=Sorry, the system partition %c: can not be supported for converting to FAT32 yet!
2039=The free edition only supports to convert the NTFS partition that is less than 8GB, please click BuyNow to purchase the full edition.
2040=Click the BuyNow to purchase the full edition, and click the Proceed to test the conversion.
2041=AOMEI NTFS to FAT32 Converter is being run!
2042=AOMEI NTFS to FAT32 Converter can only work under administrator privileges!
2045=To ensure the interface appearance, we recommend that you adjust the DPI to 96(100%).
2046=The program detected there is a Paging File (pagefile.sys) on the %c:, please first remove temporarily the Paging File from %c: and reboot computer, then retry. \n\nRemove Method: \nRight click "Computer" -> "Properties" -> "Advanced system settings" -> "Performance Settings" -> "Advanced" -> "Virtual Memory Change".
2047=There are some programs that are running on the partition that need to be converted, would you like to close them?
2048=Sorry, failed to close the programs and dismount the partition If your firewall or anti-virus is running on the partition, please uninstall them and retry.
2049=To take effect, the computer needs to be restarted, please click OK to reboot.
2050=Failed to reboot the computer, please do the restart operation manually.
2051=FAT Partition List
2052=Please click Next to confirm the %c: partition.
2053=Select the FAT/FAT32 partition that you want to convert to NTFS below.
2054=There are not FAT and FAT32 partitions found in your system!
2055=Please review if you'd like to convert the following partition to NTFS.
2056=The operation has been canceled!
2057=The program is working, please wait...
2058=This computer needs to restart to convert this partition to NTFS now. Are you sure to restart immediately? If click No, it will be converted the next time reboot.
2059=Failed to restart your computer, please manually restart!
2061=Shut down the computer after completing the conversion.
2062=Start to &decompress these compressed files
2063=H&ow to process the large files over 4GB?
2064=Start to d&ecrypt s these encrypted files
2065=Ignore these files that cannot be converted.
2066=The program is converting FAT/FAT32 to NTFS, please wait...
2067=The program is converting it to FAT32, please wait...
2068=Elapsed Time: %02d:%02d:%02d
2069=Partitions Loading, Please Wait...
2070=Convert Ntfs to Fat32 without losing data.
2071=Safely convert Fat or Fat32 to Ntfs.
2077=File Decryption
2078=File Decompression
2084=&NTFS to FAT32
2085=&FAT32 to NTFS
2086=Progress: %I64d/%I64d
2087=Compressed Files
2088=Encrypted Files
2089=Large files over 4GB
2090=Convert FAT/FAT32 to NTFS\n\n\tDrive Letter: %c\n\tLabel: %s\n\tTotal Size: %s\n\nThe program is ready to convert the %c: partition to NTFS.
2092=Convert NTFS to FAT32\n\n\tDrive Letter: %c\n\tLabel: %s\n\tTotal Size: %s\n\nThe program is ready to convert the %c: partition to FAT32.
2093=Convert NTFS to FAT32\n\n\tDrive Letter: %c\n\tLabel: %s\n\tTotal Size: %s\n\n
2094=Unknown Error.
2105=The operation already being canceled.
2137=Invalid file system when converting FAT to NTFS.
2138=Fail in the process of converting FAT to NTFS.
2139=Fail in the process of converting FAT to NTFS. Please reboot to retry.
2140=Error in FAT file system. Please amend it before retry.
2141=Please release more free space before converting from FAT to NTFS.
2142=Unknown error in the process of converting FAT to NTFS.
2161=There is an unknown error during the conversion.
2162=Not enough disk space!
2167=Status: %d/%d
2169=We are sorry, an unknown error has occurred! Under the installation directory of the program have a called \"log\" folder and a Crash.dmp file, please send them to partition_assistant@aomeitech.com to get help, thanks!
2171=Succeed in converting it to NTFS.
2175=Failed to convert due to not enough disk space. Please release more free space before converting from FAT to NTFS.
2180=Checking and repairing, please wait...
2181=Check and repair the partition before converting it.
2200=Disk Defrag
2201=Defragment drives for optimizing computer's performance.
2202=Disk Defrag
2203=Last run
2204=Never Run
2205=Suggests analysis
2207=Pause analysis
2209=Suggest to defragment
2211=Pause Defragmentation
2213=Used Space
2214=Free Space
2217=Page File
2218=Unmovable Files
2219=MFT Reserved Space
2220=Shutdown after defragmentation
2226=%s is Solid State. Defragmentation may reduce its lifespan. Generally, there is no need to defragment an SSD. Are you sure to continue?
2229=%s (%d days ago)
2230=%s (%d hours ago)
2231=%s (%d minutes ago)
2232=Suggest to defragment
2233=Defragment Now
2234=No Fragmented
2236=Total files and directories: %d
2237=Fragmented files: %d
2238=Fragments: %d
2239=Fragmentation Rate: %.02f%%
2240=AOMEI Defragmenter is executing a task, Are you sure to quit?
2241=The selected partition is not of NTFS file system; please select an NTFS partition!
2242=Media Type
2243=All selected partition have been analyzed!
2244=All selected partitions are defragmented!
2246=Analyzing disk fragments
2247=Analysis finished
2248=Analyzing and Defragmenting
2249=Pause analysis and defragmentation
2250=Analyzing %d%%
2251=Defragmenting %d%%
2252=Defrag Partition
2253=The license code cannot unlock the "Create Portable Version". Please click the "Register" button on the Toolbar to activate other features of the software.
2260=Unknown Attribute
2261=Vendor Specific Attribute
2262=Read Error Rate
2263=Throughput Performance
2264=Spin-Up Time
2265=Start/Stop Count
2266=Reallocated Sectors Count
2267=Read Channel Margin
2268=Seek Error Rate
2269=Seek Time Performance
2270=Power-On Hours
2271=Spin Retry Count
2272=Recalibration Retry Count
2273=Power Cycle Count
2274=Soft Read Error Rate
2275=End-to-End Error
2276=Reported Uncorrectable Error
2277=Command Timeout
2278=High Fly Writes
2279=Airflow Temperature
2280=Acceleration Sensor Error Rate
2281=Power-off Retract Count
2282=Load/Unload Cycle Count
2284=Hardware ECC Recovered
2285=Reallocated Sector Count ( related to bad sectors)
2286=Current Pending Sector Count (status in doubt/unstable-wait for the subsequent judgment)
2287=Uncorrectable Sector Count
2288=Ultra DMA CRC Error count (related to interface/wire rod quality)
2289=Write Error Rate
2290=Soft Read Error Rate
2291=Data Address Mark errors
2292=ECC Error Rate
2293=Soft ECC Correction
2294=Thermal Asperity Rate (Count of errors due to high temperature)
2295=Flying Height
2296=Spin High Current
2297=Spin Buzz (Count of buzz routines needed to spin up the drive due to insufficient power)
2298=Offline Seek Performance
2299=Vibration During Write (Vibration)
2300=Shock During Write (Shock)
2301=Disk Shift
2302=G-Sense Error Rate
2303=Loaded Hours (Time spent operating under data load/movement of magnetic head armature)
2304=Load/Unload Retry Count
2305=Load Friction
2306=Load/Unload Cycle Count
2307=Load In-time (Total time of loading on the magnetic heads actuator)
2308=Torque Amplification Count
2309=Power-Off Retract Cycle
2310=GMR Head Amplitude
2312=Head Flying Hours
2313=Read Error Retry Rate
2314=Free Fall Protection
2315=Host Writes
2316=Host Reads
2327=Start-Up Time
2328=Seek Error Rate
2329=Seek Time Performance
2330=Spin Retry Count
2331=Unsafe Shutdown Count
2332=Reallocated Sector Count
2333=Lifetime left
2334=Uncorrectable ECC Errors
2335=CRC Error Count
2336=SSD Wearout Indicator
2337=Lifetime NAND Writes
2354=Total Erase Count
2375=Factory Bad Block Count
2376=Program Fail Block Count
2377=Erase Fail Block Count
2378=Read Fail Block Count
2379=Read Sector Count Total
2380=Write Sector Count Total
2381=Read Command Count Total
2382=Write Command Count Total
2383=Total Count of Error Bits from Flash
2384=Total Count of Read Sectors with Correctable Errors
2385=Bad Block Full Flag
2386=Maximum P/E Count Specification
2387=Minimum Erase Counts
2388=Maximum Erase Counts
2389=Average Erase Counts
2390=Liftime Left
2411=Abort System ID, Flash ID
2412=Firmware Version Info
2413=ECC Fail Count
2414=Average Erase Count, Maximum Erase Count
2415=Good Block Count, System Block Count
2436=Available Reserved Space
2437=Media Wearout Indicator
2438=End-to-End Error Detection Count
2439=Program fail count
2440=Erase fail count
2441=Uncorrectable Error Count
2442=Unexpected Power Loss
2443=Media Wear Per Each Operation
2444="Read" Ratio to Head Writes and Reads in Each Operation
2445=Single Operation Timer
2446=Total LBA Write
2447=Total LBA Read
2448=Total NAND Writes
2449=SATA Downshift Count
2450=Power Loss Protection Failure
2451=Thermal Throttle Status
2472=Power Cycle Count
2473=Average Flash Wearout Count
2474=Used Reserved Block Count (Chip)
2475=Used Reserved Block Count (Total)
2476=Unused Reserved Block Count (Total)
2477=Runtime Bad Block Count (Total)
2478=Off-line Uncorrectable Error Count
2479=Supercapacitor Status
2480=SSD Mode Status
2481=Power Restoration Count (Unexpected Power Loss Count)
2482=Program Fail Count (Chip)
2483=Erase Fail Count (Chip)
2484=Unused Reserved Block Count (Chip)
2485=Unexpected Power Loss Count
2486=Error Detection
2487=Normalized Media Wear
2498=RAW Read Error Rate
2499=Isolated Aging Block Count
2500=Erased GB
2501=Reserved Block Count
2502=Wear Range Delta (Delta between most-worn and least-worn blocks)
2503=Reported I/O Detection Code Error
2504=Reported Uncorrectable Error
2505=Adaptive Uncorrectable ECC Error Count
2506=Reallocation Physical Sector Event Count
2507=Uncorrectable Sector Count
2508=SATA Debugging (CRC) Error Count
2509=Uncorrectable Soft Read Error Rate
2510=Soft ECC Correction Rate
2511=Lifetime Curve Status
2512=SSD Life Left
2513=Supercapacitor Health Status
2514=Total Count of Lifetime Host Write
2515=Total Count of Lifetime Host Read
2526=SATA PHY Error Count
2527=Bad Cluster Table Count (ECC Fail Count)
2528=Bad Block Count
2529=Erase Count
2540=Independent NAND Redundant Array
2541=Underlying Read Error Rate
2542=Soft Error Rate
2543=Device Capacity (NAND)
2544=User Available Capacity
2545=Spare Blocks
2546=Remaining (Spare) Blocks
2547=Average Block-Erase Count
2548=Unused Reserved NAND Blocks
2549=Unaligned access count
2550=SATA Interface Downshift
2551=Error Correction Count
2552=Command Timeout Count
2553=Cumulative ECC Bit Correction Count
2554=Smart Offline Scan Uncorrectable Error Count
2555=Ultra DMA CRC Error Rate
2556=Percent Lifetime Used
2557=Successful RAIN Recovery Count
2558=Total Bytes Read
2559=Spare Blocks Left from the "Write Prohibited Mode"
2560=ECC Bits Corrected
2561=ECC Cumulative Threshold Events (Error Rate Meets/Exceeds the Max Times of the ECC Correction)
2562=Cumulative Program NAND Pages
2563=Total Host Sector Writes
2564=Host Program Page Count
2565=(Flash Transition Layer) Program Page Count
2576=Total Erase Count
2577=Reallocation Event Count
2578=Current Pending Sector Count
2579=Smart Offline Scan Uncorrectable Error Count
2580=Total Bytes Read
2581=Background Program Page Count
2582=Valid Spare Blocks
2583=Initial Invalid Blocks
2584=Total SLC Erase Count
2585=Maximum SLC Erase Count
2586=Minimum SLC Erase Count
2587=Average SLC Erase Count
2588=Total TLC Erase Count
2589=Maximum TLC Erase Count
2590=Minimum TLC Erase Count
2591=Average TLC Erase Count
2592=Percentage Lifetime Remaining
2593=Power-off Retract Count
2594=Available Reserved Space
2595=Total TLC Write Count
2596=Total SLC Write Count
2597=RAID Recovery Count
2608=Power On Hours
2609=Total Blocks Erased
2610=SSD Protect Mode
2611=Total Number of Corrected Bits
2612=Max Rated PE Counts
2613=SATA Uncorrectable Error Count
2614=NAND Page Reads During Retry
2615=Simple Read Retry Attempts
2616=Adaptive Read Retry Attempts
2617=Internal Data Path Uncorrectable Errors
2618=Power Loss Protection
2619=NAND Read Count
2630=Unsafe Shutdown Count
2631=Uncorrectable Sector Count
2632=Used Reserved Block Count (Worst)
2633=Newly-Added Bad Blocks
2634=Average Program/Erase (P/E) Count (Total)
2635=Program Fail Count (Total)
2636=Erase Fail Count (Total)
2637=Program Fail Count (Worst)
2638=Erase Fail Count (Worst)
2639=Used Reserved Block Count (Total)
2640=Unused Reserved Block Count (Total)
2641=Corrected End-to-End Data Error
2642=Detection Code (ECC) Level
2643=Total GB Written to NAND
2654=Isolated Aging Block Count
2665=Accumulative Runtime Bad Block Count
2666=Available Redundant Block Count
2667=Power Cycle Count (Accidents)
2668=Uncorrectable NAND Read Count
2669=Count Total of Read Fail (Uncorrectable)
2670=Host Read
2671=Host Write
2672=Average Erase Count
2673=Total Count of NAND Program
2674=Total Number Of Read Bits Corrected
2675=Min Erase Count
2676=Max Erase Count
2677=Total Count NAND Pages Reads Requiring Read Retry
2678=In Warranty
2679=DAS Polarity
2680=Partial P fail
2681=Write Throttling Activation Flag
2682=Total NAND Programming Count (pages)
2693=Lifetime Writes (GB)
2694=Lifetime Reads (GB)
2705=Total Bad Block Count
2716=Reallocated Blocks Count
2717=Min Write/Erase Cycle Count
2718=Max Bad Block in Bare Chip
2719=Max Erase Cycle
2720=Average Erase Cycle
2721=Spare Block Left
2732=Uncorrectable Errors
2733=Later Bad Block Count
2734=Lifetime Writes to Flash
2735=Write Head
2746=Critical Warning
2747=Composite Temperature
2748=Available Spare
2749=Available Spare Threshold
2750=Percentage Used
2751=Data Units Read
2752=Data Units Written
2753=Host Read Commands
2754=Host Write Commands
2755=Controller Busy Time
2756=Media and Data Integrity Errors
2757=Number of Error Information Log Entries
2768=RAW Data Error Rate
2770=Max PE Cycle
2771=Initial bad block count
2773=Enclosure Temperature
2774=Cumulative Corrected ECC
2775=Total GB Written to NAND (TLC)
2776=Total GB Written to NAND (SLC)
2900=It is recommended to use Disk Clone to clone the current disk to another for replacing.
2901=It is recommended to use AOMEI Backupper to backup data regularly.
2903=Health Status: %s
2907=All attributes on the disk is normal,The disk status is stable.
2908=Detected %d attribute of the disk is close to the threshold,It won't affect the disk's normal usage;
2909=Detected %d attribute of the disk is equal to or exceed the threshold,It may slow down the access speed, damage disk or cause data loss;
2910=Failed to acquire the disk's health status, it might be because the disk does not support the SMART technology. Generally, virtual disks, USB flash drives, SD cards, etc., do not support SMART.
2911=View details
2912=SMART health status
2913=Attribute Name
2917=Raw Values
2921=It is suggested to back up data.
2923=It is recommended to replace the disk asap.
2926=The disk health status is bad, it's recommended to replace the disk.\n Click the disk "Properties" to check details.
2927=Learn More
2929=The lifespan of current disk is close to threshold. It is recommended to back up your hard disk, or have it replaced as soon as possible.
2930=The health status is "Caution". It is recommended to back up your disk. Right-click on the disk and select "Disk Health" to view details.
2931=The lifespan of current disk exceeds the threshold.
;DDC language
3000=This wizard will help you convert dynamic disk back to basic disk without losing data, in order to make your hard disks can be managed more effectively.
3003=Please click Next to continue.
3004=The current product is a demo version and it could not complete the conversion. You can verify whether it is able to work on your computer and recognize your dynamic disk. If you are satisfied with the product, you could click the following "Buy Now" button or the link: https://www.diskpart.com/features/dynamic-disk-converter.html to purchase a full version.
3005=Dynamic Disk List
3006=Please select the dynamic disks that you want to convert to basic disk in the following list.
3007=Click Next to check this conversion.
3008=click Proceed to start, the process only take 3-10 seconds.
3009=Confirm Operation
3010=Please review the conversion operation and confirm it.
3011=Are you sure to exit Dynamic Disk Converter %s?
3012=&I have decided to execute this operation,
3013=The disk layout after conversion, some volumes will lose
3014=The disk layout before conversion
3015=Please Note: Some volumes will lose when converting, so the program can not convert this disk. You could download AOMEI Dynamic Disk Manager, or email to partition_assistant@aomeitech.com to seek help.\r\n\r\nIf you want to convert a Spanned, Striped and RAID-5 volume to basic partition, please use Method 2 to convert them. For detailed info, check FAQ.
3016=Program does not detect any dynamic disk in your system.
3017=Click Finish to restart this computer to take effect.
3018=This computer needs to restart immediately, click OK to reboot!
3019=The computer is restarted fail, please reboot manually!
3020=Dynamic Disk Converter have detected system configuration has changed, \nplease restart the computer to make configuration to take effect, and run Dynamic Disk Converter again. \n\nWould you like to restart this computer? \nClick Yes to restart immediately, click No you need to restart manually.
3021=Failed to load driver, please reinstall Dynamic Disk Converter or contact us.
3022=This is demo version of Dynamic Disk Converter.
3023=Please click the Buy Now button to buy the full version on website https://www.diskpart.com/features/dynamic-disk-converter.html.
3024=You are attempting to run the product on a server workstation platform. \nPlease note that the current version can not be run on the server. \nIf you wish to use it on a server, please purchase server version of \nour software on website www.dynamic-disk-converter.com.
3025=After the conversion is complete and reboot, Disk Management will show an extra "Missing Disk" is as follows, please see the FAQ about how to deal with the Missing Disk.
3026=The capacity of the disk selected is above 2TB, and now does not been supported.
3027=Does not support the disk which is less than 2GB.
3028=For the latest product information, please visit us:\n\n www.dynamic-disk-converter.com
3029=Copyright © 2009-2023 AOMEI Technology Co., Ltd. \nAll Rights Reserved.
3030=We are sorry for loading driver to fail.\r\nYou could solve the problem by disabling driver signing. \r\n\r\nMethod 1: \r\nPlease reboot your computer and press F8 to enter advanced boot options, and then select the "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" to boot system, after login Windows, Dynamic Disk Converter will be able to run normally.\r\n\r\nMethod 2: \r\nInstall free ReadyDriver software and boot system from it. You can download it at: https://readydriver-plus.software.informer.com/1.2/
3031=To ensure the interface appearance, we recommend that you adjust the DPI to 96(100%) or 120(125%).
3032=This disk is offline, please switch to it online by using the Windows Disk Management first.
3033=The selected disk is a foreign/invalid dynamic disk, please first import it by using Windows Disk Management, \nand then restart Dynamic Disk Converter to try again.
3034=Pick a method and click Next to continue.
3035=Select Operation
3036=According to individual circumstance to select a suitable method for the conversion.
3037=Safely, directly and time-saving revert a dynamic disk back to basic disk without losing data.
3038=Sector by sector clone simpled volume, spanned volume, striped volume, mirrored volume and RAID-5 volume from dynamic to basic.
3039=Select Source Volume
3040=Please select a dynamic volume that you want to clone to basic disk below.
3041=Select a dynamic volume and click Next to continue.
3042=Select Destination
3043=Please select an unallocated space being able to accommodate the size of the source volume.
3044=Select an unallocated space and click Next to continue.
3045=Program does not detect any dynamic volume in your system.
3046=The selected disk is a GPT disk, please first convert it to MBR disk by using Windows Disk Management.
3047=There is not a basic disk in your system, so the dynamic volume can't be cloned to basic partition by using the Method 2. \n\nYou can first install a new hard disk as basic disk in your computer, then use this basic disk to complete this conversion.
3048=There aren't any basic disks which were found, so using Method 2 can't complete your conversion.
3049=This dynamic disk is offline, please switch to it online by using the Windows Disk Management first, \nand then restart Dynamic Disk Converter and try again.
3050=The disk is a foreign/invalid dynamic disk, please import it by using Windows Disk Management.
3051=Currently the bootable system volume can't be converted from dynamic to basic partition by using Method 2 yet; you can try to use Method 1 to complete the conversion of your system volume.
3052=Your selected volume can not be accessed, perhaps it was locked by other programs.
3053=Read DBR to fail, perhaps on the disk have some bad sectors.
3054=There are some unknown errors on the volume, for the data security and it can't be converted!
3055=This is an unknown volume which only be converted to a basic partition only by using sector to sector mode.
3056=The selected unknown volume can't be converted to a basic partition.
3057=The program detects the following dynamic volumes will lose after the disk be converted to basic:\n\n
3058=\nIf the disk contains mirrored volume, please back to the previous page and tick at the "Check here if the selected disk contains mirrored volumes (RAID1)" option. \n\nIn addition, because the Method 1 could not directly convert spanned, striped and RAID5 to basic partition, you could use Method 2 to clone these volumes to basic disk. See FAQ for more info.
3059=The one choose not to meet the requirements, must select an unallocated space greater than %s.
3060=The selected unallocated space is able to accommodate the source dynamic volume, please click Next.
3061=The capacity of the unallocated space is too small, please select a larger than %s.
3062=Program does not detect any available unallocated space on your basic disk. You must have an unallocated space which is able to accommodate the size of the source dynamic volume. \n\nYou could first install a new hard disk as basic disk to system, then use this basic disk to complete this conversion.
3063=Please confirm and click Proceed to continue.
3064=Confirm Operation
3065=Please confirm the following dynamic volume whether it needs to be converted to a basic.
3066=Are you sure to abort this conversion?
3067=In order to copy data faster, we recommend that you choose a space larger than %s. \nYou can also continue with this.
3068=In the disk has four primary partitions, so other partition can not be created here. \nPlease choose another place.
3069=The software can't be run under Vista/2008/Windows 7/8/8.1 safe mode.
3070=The current product is a demo version and it could not complete the conversion. You can verify whether it is able to work on your computer and recognize your dynamic disk. If you are satisfied with the product, you could visit the link: https://www.diskpart.com/features/dynamic-disk-converter.html to purchase a full version.
3071=Please click the Buy Now button to buy the full version on website https://www.diskpart.com/features/dynamic-disk-converter.html.
3072=The program has detected system configuration has changed, we suggest you restart your computer first.
3073=You must be aware: this disk is an empty disk, after this disk is converted to basic disk, all data on this disk will lose and the disk will become an unallocated space! Are you sure to convert it?
3074=This selected disk is GPT style, this program can not handle GPT dynamic disks. You could download AOMEI Dynamic Disk Manager from https://www.diskpart.com/features/dynamic-disk-manager.html to convert it, or email to partition_assistant@aomeitech.com to get help.
3075=All operations have been completed, please click OK to restart the computer in order to take effect the conversion operations.
3076=You may need to purchase AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional Edition to convert. Thanks.
3077=You may need to purchase AOMEI Partition Assistant Server Edition to convert. Thanks.
3078=AOMEI Dynamic Disk Converter
3079=Dynamic Disk Converter can only be run under Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008, Windows 7/8 and more higher versions.
3080=Dynamic Disk Converter is being run!
3081=Dynamic Disk Converter can only be run under administrator privileges.
3085=Buy &Later
3086=Demo Version
3088=The conversion operation has been completed successfully!
3089=There is a error occurred during this conversion. (Info Code:%d)
3090=Click the Finish button to exit
3092=Load driver to fail
3093=Mirrored volume is being loaded, please wait...
3094=Please waiting, converting...
3095=Current Operation Progress
3096=Automatically shut down the computer after the completion.
3105=&Check here if the selected disk contains mirrored volumes (RAID1).
3106=Method 1
3107=Method 2
3108=C&onvert a dynamic disk back to basic disk
3109=Co&nvert any dynamic volume to basic partition
3110=Sorry, the program can not continue! In the installation directory of the program have a called \"log\" folder, Crash.dmp and LdmData.dmp file, please send them to partition_assistant@aomeitech.com to get help, thanks!
3111=Open help to fail!
3112=please tick at here
3113=\n\nThis is a Demo edition. Please purchase the full version to convert and the conversion process can be completed within 3~10 seconds.\n
3114=The operation has not been completed! INFO ID: %d
3115=User canceled the operation.
3116=Failed to read volume GUID and cannot copy files to basic partitions. Please copy files to basic partition manually.
3117=Some files cannot be copied. Please copy them to target partition manually.
3118=The destination partition lacks sufficient disk spaces.
3119=Unable to open the volume. You can copy files to target partition manually, or restart computer and try again.
3120=The NTFS file system has some errors, can't clone the volume.
3121=Read NTFS file records to fail, there are some bad sectors on the NTFS.
3122=Read sectors to fail, there are some bad sectors on the NTFS.
3123=Initialize the DBR of the FAT failed. Has some errors in the file system.
3124=The conversion is complete unsuccessfully! (Info Code:%d)
3125=Unknown error, the volume can't be converted.
3126=Invalid disk index.
3127=Command Line Partitioning
3128=Dynamic Volume Management
3129=The Free Standard Edition and Demo Edition don't support command line partitioning. \n\nTo use this feature, please buy Professional Edition or other paid editions.
3130=The Standard Edition doesn't support this feature, please upgrade to Professional Edition or other paid editions to use it. To learn more, please visit https://www.diskpart.com/home-upgrade.html
3131=You are currently using the Demo version. To use this feature, please buy full version. Thanks.
3140=Check for updates
3141=View changelog
3142=Don't remind me again on this version.
3144=What's new?
3145=Check for updates
3146=You're up to date.
3148=Update Available
3149=New version %s is available. You are using v%s.
3150=Download latest version
3160=Windows 11
3161=AOMEI Windows 11 Update Checker
3162=Are you sure to convert Disk %d from MBR to GPT disk?
3200=The process is removing the AOMEI Partition Assistant from recovery environment of the current system.
3201=The process is removing the AOMEI Backupper from recovery environment of the current system.
3202=The process is removing the AOMEI Backupper/AOMEI Partition Assistant from recovery environment of the current system.
3203=Removal failed!
3204=Tip: The integrated AOMEI Partition Assistant tool has been removed from recovery environment of the current system and no longer exists in the environment.
3205=Tip: The integrated AOMEI Backupper tool has been removed from recovery environment of the current system and no longer exists in the environment.
3206=Tip:The integrated AOMEI Backupper/AOMEI Partition Assistant tool has been removed from recovery environment of the current system and no longer exists in the environment.
3210=Remove all
3212=Are you sure that you want to update the selected AOMEI Partition Assistant tool under recovery environment of the current system?
3213=Are you sure that you want to update the selected AOMEI Backupper tool under recovery environment of the current system?
3214=Are you sure that you want to update the selected AOMEI Partition Assistant and AOMEI Backupper tools under recovery environment of the current system?
3215=Are you sure that you want to remove the selected AOMEI Partition Assistant tool from recovery environment of the current system?
3216=Are you sure that you want to remove the selected AOMEI Backupper tool from recovery environment of the current system?
3217=Are you sure that you want to remove the selected AOMEI Partition Assistant and AOMEI Backupper tools from recovery environment of the current system?
3218=Update Failed!
3219=Disk Health
3220=The "App Mover" does not work on non-NTFS formatted partitions temporarily; it is recommend to use the "Resize/Move Partition" to increase partition size.
3221=The "App Mover" does not work on non-NTFS formatted partitions.
3301=Not Enabled
3305=At startup
3306=At logon
3308=Schedule defrag
3309=Schedule defragmentation for the following selected drive.
3312=Run once every day at
3313=Run once only at
3322=Last Day
3323=Only first startup of everyday
3324=Every startup
3325=Delay execution
3326=Only first logon of everyday
3327=Every logon
3330=Start schedule only if all selected conditions are met.
3332=Fragmentation is at least:
3333=Fragments of single file exceed:
3336=Start schedule only if the computer is idle for
3338=Start schedule only if the computer is on AC power.
3339=Stop if the computer switches to battery power.
3342=Wake the computer to run schedule.
3343=Shutdown after schedule defragmentation.
3345=The defragmentation has been completed, computer will shut down in %ds. If you don't want to turn it off now, please click "Cancel".
3346=Shut Down(%dS)
3348=Schedule Settings
3350=Open Main Window
3352=Please specify a date for the schedule!
3552= The "Partition Recovery Wizard" cannot retrieve the partition because the hard disk cannot be accessed properly. Please check if the hard disk is damaged or connection is correct.
4000=AOMEI Partition Assistant Uninstall Wizard
4001=We're sorry to see you go!
4002=Have you encountered any problems during the use?
4003=Technical Support
4004=*Uninstall Reasons
4005=It's too expensive.
4006=It's too complicated to use.
4007=The functions cannot meet my needs.
4008=Operation failure or other problems caused by the product.
4009=Unpleasant interface.
4010=I've chosen another product.
4011=Other reasons. (Please describe...)
4013=Upload file
4017=(Please select at least one option.)
4018=Get the free version.
4019=Your files are larger than 20MB. Please try again after reducing the number of files you select to upload or using the best compression ratio.
4021=The email address is invalid. Please re-enter the correct email address and try again.
4022=Uploading, please wait...
4023=Upload finished.
4026=Reinstall or update software.
4027=1000 characters limit exceeded!
4029=Please run unins000.exe first!
4030=Detected the used space of %c: drive is larger than the free space of %c: drive. Merge partitions may cause data loss on %c: drive. We suggest you back up %c: drive before merging partition.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue merging partitions?
4031=Create Portable Version
4032=Create AOMEI Partition Assistant on a removable device so that directly run it on target computers without installing.
4033=Create AOMEI Partition Assistant on a removable device such as USB Flash Drive.\nThen, you can run AOMEI Partition Assistant from the removable device on any computer without installing it.\nIt is convenient for IT maintenance and support engineers.
4034=Note: To use AOMEI Partition Assistant on a computer without a bootable system, it is recommended to Create Bootable Media.
4035=Select a target location to save the AOMEI Partition Assistant.
4036=Use USB Device:
4037=Customize Target Path:
4040=No supported USB devices
4041=There is no partition or drive letter on the USB device, please first create partition or assign drive letter on the main interface of AOMEI Partition Assistant.
4042=Note: If there is no partition or drive letter on the USB device, please first create partition or assign drive letter on the main interface of AOMEI Partition Assistant.
4043=Creating the portable version…
4044=Copying %s
4045=Note: Please keep the target device connecting during creating portable version.
4046=Creation Completed.
4047=Creation Failed.
4048=Create AOMEI Partition Assistant portable version successfully.\nNow, you can run %s to start.\nTips: Please first close running AOMEI Partition Assistant before using portable version.
4049=Create AOMEI Partition Assistant portable version failure.\nPlease check if the target location is disconnected.\nPlease reconnect and select the target location to create again.
4050=You need to install AOMEI Partition Assistant on the computer to run.\nIf you want to run the program without installation, it is recommended to create a Portable Version, then you can run the Portable AOMEI Partition Assistant on other computers without installation.
4051=Please select a target location, then try again.
4052=Sorry, the Portable Version doesn't support the network path, please re-select the target location.
4053=The target path is not correct, please check and re-type into it.
4054=The selected target location does not existed or is not writable, please select another location.
4055=The specified target location is no enough space, please clean space and then try again.
4056=It is creating portable version, are you sure to cancel the process and exit it?
4057=Please select a target location and click "Create" to start.
4059=Not enough space on C: drive? You can use "App Mover" to free up some space.
4061=Note: Your license code is "Current Version", which is only valid for version %s. Updating to any later new versions is not available. To receive free major updates forever, please upgrade to "Lifetime Version" with Limited-Time Discount now.
4062=Download Registrable Version
4063=Upgrade to Lifetime Version Now
4066=Your license code is "Current Version", which is only valid for version %s. It cannot be used to register the version %s. You can download and install the latest registrable version to continue using.\n\nTo receive free major updates and free technical support forever, please upgrade to "Lifetime Version" which entitles you to upgrade for free to any later new versions.
4067=Upgrade to Lifetime Version
4068=Grab Today's Exclusive Limited-Time Discount
4069=Oops! Registration Failed
4070=Upgrade Later
4071=Download Registrable Version
4072=Upgrade to Lifetime Version Now
4073=Migrate current system partitions to another disk
4074=Clone hard drive to another
4075=Wipe selected disk/partition permanently to prevent its data from being recovered
4076=Convert disk between MBR and GPT without data loss
4077=View guidance of partitions and disks operations
4078=Free backup hard disk to keep your data safe
4079=Check whether your PC meets Windows 11 update requirements
4080=Upgrade to Advanced Edition
4081=Upgrade to Lifetime Version
4082=Upgrade to Paid Edition
4083=More tools
4084=Grab Today's Exclusive Limited-Time Discount
4086=Your license code is "Current Version", which is only valid for the versions previous to 9.6.0. It cannot be used to register the version %s. You can download and install the latest registrable version to continue using.\n\nTo receive free major updates and free technical support forever, please upgrade to "Lifetime Version" which entitles you to upgrade for free to any later new versions.
5001=Move Folders
5002="%s" is a network path. \nMoving network folders is not supported. \nPlease select another folder.
5003="%s" is a root directory. \nMoving root directories is not supported. \nPlease select another folder.
5004=Moving the "%s" folder is not supported. \nPlease select another folder.
5005=Moving the "%s" folder is not supported. \nPlease select another folder.
5006=The "%s" does not exist. Please select another folder.
5007=The partition you want to move a folder to cannot be same as the partition the folder is currently on.
5008="%c:" is not a NTFS partition. \nMoving folders on a non-NTFS partition is not supported. Please select another partition.
5009=If there are running programs or opened documents in the selected folder, they will be closed forcibly during moving. It is recommended to save your data and close the related process before moving. \nAre you sure you want to continue?
5010=Not enough space? App Mover can free up space safely. With innovative techniques, it allows you to move apps or folders to another drive while keeping the original access path to increase partition size.
5011=After moving: \n\n1. Moved apps can still work properly. \n2. Moved folders can still be accessible via the original path. \n3. Moved apps and folders can be restored to the original location.
5012=App Mover
5013=Move Apps or Folders
5014=Move apps or folders from one drive to another to free up space.
5015=Please add the folders you want to move and the original path will still be accessible after moving.
5016=Move folders to
5019=Add Folder
5020=The "%s" has already been moved. \nPlease select another folder.
5021=The original path of "%s" cannot be found. Do you want to fix it?
5022=Error code:%d\nFailed to fix the original path of "%s". Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
5023=Move applications and their installation directories
5024=Manually select folders you want to move
5025=For example, applications related Cache and Downloads folders, or large audio and video folders.
5026=Error code: %d\nFailed to fix the target path of "%s". Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
5027=%s has not enough space to complete this operation.\nPlease free up some space and try again.
5028=There are pending operations. Do you want to apply and execute these operations before running App Mover?
5029=Move Apps
5101=Copy to clipboard
5102=Export to text
5103=Export to screenshot
5109=Tests Number
5110=Duration (s)
5111=Test Mode
5114=Block Size
5117=Read (MB/s)
5118=Write (MB/s)
5119=Disk Speed Test
5120=Ready to test random read...
5121=Ready to test sequential read...
5122=Ready to test random write...
5123=Ready to test sequential write...
5124=Testing random read (%d/%d)
5125=Testing sequential read (%d/%d)
5126=Testing random write(%d/%d)
5127=Testing sequential write (%d/%d)
5128=Waiting... (%d/3)
5130=Generating the test file...
5131=Disk speed test is running. Are you sure you want to stop the disk speed test and turn it off?
5132=Free space on the selected partition is less than %s. Please free up some space and try again.
5133=The partition is fragmented. Defragmenting will improve the system performance. Are you sure you want to perform "Disk Defrag"?
5134=The selected partition is not 4K alignment. Alignment will improve the read/write speed. Are you sure you want to perform "Partition Alignment"?
5136=Simple Mode
5137=Pro Mode
5139=If a more comprehensive test is required. Please switch to the "Pro Mode".
5141=Disk Speed Test is not supported on partition "%s". Please select another partition.
5142=BitLocker is enabled on the partition. Please disable it and try again.
5143=Unable to find the partition. It may be that it is missing or has been removed. \nDo you want to refresh the partition list?
5144=AOMEI Partition Assistant Disk Speed Test
5145=Please don't remove the portable device during speed test, or it may cause abnormal testing result.
5146=This partition is FAT32 which cannot store files larger than 4GB.
5147=The FAT32 partition cannot store "%s" because it is larger than 4GB.
5200=We're sorry to see you go.
5201=Have you encountered any problems? Technical Support.
5202=*Reasons for Canceling Subscription
5203=It's too expensive.
5204=It's too complicated to use.
5205=The functions cannot meet my needs.
5206=Operation failure or other problems caused by the product.
5207=Unpleasant interface.
5208=I've chosen another product.
5209=Other reasons. (Please describe...)
5211=Email Address
5213=Cancel Subscription
5215=Please copy the "Machine Code" below and the "License Code" you received when purchasing the program to generate an offline key via the link below to activate this software.
5217=Machine Code
5219=Offline Key
5221=Buy Now
5222=Offline Register
5225=Registration Failed.
5226=Online registration is not available due to abnormal network. Please close this window and click "Register" to try offline register.
5228=Update License
5230=Your license code will expire in %d days. Buy a New License Code
5231=Your license code has expired. Buy a New License Code
5232=Your subscription will expire in %d days. Reactivate Now
5233=Your subscription has expired. Upgrade to lifetime license at a big discount.
5234=Your subscription will expire in %d days. Reactivate Now
5235=Your subscription has expired. Upgrade to lifetime license at a big discount.
5236=Your subscription has expired.
5237=Lifetime Upgrades
5238=Current License
5239=Limited-Time License
5240=Yearly Subscription
5241=Monthly Subscription
5242=Your license code has expired.
5243=Valid to %04d/%02d/%02d
5245=If you have reactivated successfully, please restart the software to check your subscription information.
5246=Your license code has expired. Please buy a new license code to register. If you have any questions, please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
5247=Buy Now
5248=Your license code has expired. Please buy a new license code to register. If you have any questions, please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
5253=License Updated Successfully.
5254=Reactivate Subscription
5256=Upgrade to Lifetime Version
5257=Your license code has expired. Please buy a new license code to register. If you have any questions, please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
5258=Your license code has expired. Please make sure the license code you entered is correct or buy a new license code to register. If you have any questions, please contact partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for help.
5259=Buy Now
5260=Upgrade Now
5261=Your subscription has expired.
5263=Next Billing Date:%04d/%02d/%02d
5265=Online registration is not available due to abnormal network. Do you want to try offline registration?
5300=PC Cleaner
5301=Efficiently clean up junk files from computer
5302=Start Scan
5303=Remove junk files now to free up disk space.
5304=Approximate %s disk space you can free up
5305=System Junk Files
5306=Registry Junk Files
5307=Remove temporary files, log files, invalid shortcuts, and so on.
5308=Remove invalid Windows Registry entries.
5310=All junk files will be listed below once the scan finished, please wait...
5311=Cancel Scan
5312=%s junk files found
5315=Are you sure you want to cancel scan?
5316=%s junk files found, %s selected
5317= %I64d registry items found, %I64d selected
5318=Select all
5319=Deselect all
5320=Default selection
5321=%d registry items selected
5323=Clean All
5324=System Junk Files
5326=%s junk files found, %s selected.
5327=%s in total, %s selected
5328=Recycle Bin
5329=Files in Recycle Bin
5330=%s in total, optional cleanup
5331=Temporary Files
5332=View All>>
5333=Windows Jump Lists
5334=%s in total, recommended cleanup
5335=Log Files
5336=IIS Log Files
5337=Windows Error Reports
5338=Windows Event Logs
5339=Traces of System Activity
5340=Remote Desktop Connection Cache
5341=Windows WinSxS Backup Cache
5342=Windows Icon Cache
5343=Windows Font Cache
5344=Thumbnail Cache
5345=Windows CryptoAPI Certificate Cache
5346=Memory Dumps
5347=Windows Defender Updates Backup Cache
5348=Windows Defender Scan History
5349=Windows Prefetch Files
5350=Invalid Shortcuts
5351=%d items
5352=DLL Registry
5353=ActiveX/COM Issues
5354=Redundant DLL Files
5355=%d items in total, optional cleanup
5356=%d items in total, recommended cleanup
5357=System Registry
5358=Run History on Start Menu
5359=Windows Defender History
5360=Invalid or Empty File Class
5361=Unused File Extensions
5362=Missing MUI
5363=Windows Console History
5364=Run Dialog Box History
5365=Window Position and Size History
5366=Recent Items on Start Menu
5367=Notification Area Icon History
5368=File Explorer Search History
5369=Network Drive Mapping History
5370=Paint History
5371=Last-Modified Record on Registry Keys
5372=Program Registry
5373=Icon Issues
5374=Application Opening Issues
5375=Application Path Issues
5376=Installer Reference Issues
5377=Software Errors
5378=Invalid Firewall
5381=%d registry items selected
5382=%s junk files have been removed
5384=Cleanup completed. %s removed.
5385=%d registry items removed
5386=%s removed, %s removed in total.
5388=Cleaned files cannot be recovered
5389=Please clean up your computer regularly.
5390=Insufficient space on C drive? You can also use "App Mover" to free up more disk space.
5391=Are you sure you want to stop scanning and exit?
5392=Are you sure you want to exit?
5393=Are you sure you want to cancel the cleanup?
5395=Select all
5396=Deselect all
5397=Restore default selection
5398=Network Data Usage
5400=Delete Large Files
5401=Find and Delete Large Files
5402=Quickly find and delete large files by type
5403=Start Scan
5405=Please select folders or disks to scan:
5406=Disk %d
5407=%s free of %s
5413=Please select at least one folder or partition to scan.
5415=All large files will be listed below once the scan finished, please wait...
5416=Cancel Scan
5417=File(s) scanned: %d...
5418=Scanning %s
5419=Are you sure you want to cancel the scan?
5420=%d large files found, total %s
5421=Please carefully delete large files. The deleted files cannot be recovered.
5427=Last Accessed
5431=Zip File
5432=ISO File
5434=Please select at least one file and try again.
5435=Delete Now
5437=%d files selected, total %s
5440=Deletion is in progress, please wait...
5442=The following files cannot be deleted. Please change the permissions or close the application that is currently using these files before you try again.
5443=Completed! %s deleted.
5444=%d large files deleted.
5445=Click "Back" to scan other partitions and folders.
5446=Well done! There is no large file on your computer.
5447=Are you sure you want to cancel the deletion. The deleted files cannot be recovered.
5448=No large files found.
5449=Please delete redundant files regularly to free up more space.
5450=Canceled. %s deleted.
5451=The deleted files cannot be recovered.
5452=Are you sure you want to exit?
5455=Insufficient space? You can use "App Mover" to free up space.
5456=Free Up Space
5457=More tools to free up space:
5458=App Mover
5459=Move apps and folders
5460=Delete Large Files
5461=Find and delete large files
5462=The file you selected has been deleted or moved to another location or its disk has been removed. \nIf you still need to delete the file, please verify its location and try again.
5500=Turn off Bitlocker
5501=Failed to turn off BitLocker, please turn it off manually on the Control Panel and try again.
5502=The selected partition has enabled BitLocker encryption. The program needs to turn off the BitLocker encryption to perform Resize/Move. \n Are you sure to turn off BitLocker and continue?
5503=Please first click Apply on the toolbar to commit the previous pending operations.
5504=Partition information update failed. Please refresh the disk or manually turn off BitLocker of this partition on Control Panel and try again.
5505=Resize/Move Partition doesn't support %s partition. The program supports to resize/move NTFS/FAT32 file system only, please choose other partition and try again.
5506=Please first click Apply on the toolbar to commit the previous pending operations.
5507=Turn off Bitlocker (%c:)
5550=The program detects that the disk configuration of the current WinPE is different from that of Windows environment. It may be caused by disk serial number changes or the presence of hardware RAID. The program will restart the system and back to Windows desktop in 3 minutes. You can click “Continue” to stay in WinPE to recreate and perform the previous operation, or click “Cancel” to reboot the system and return to Windows desktop.
5551=Using new mode to resize/move partition in the fastest and safest way.
5560=Recover Data
5600=Reset Windows Password
5601=This wizard helps you create a “password reset” disk
5602=The program supports the operations such as resetting account passwords, removing account passwords without reinstalling the Windows computer system. Before using this feature, you should insert one disk which can be CD/DVD/USB for burning a Windows boot disk.
5603=Learn more about how to create a password reset disk
5604=Create a WinPE bootable Media
5608=Burning successfully!
5609=Reset Windows Password
5610=Please select the Windows system
5611=This Wizard helps you reset or remove Windows password
5612=System Path
5613=System Version
5614=System Capacity
5615= All workable systems on the disk are displayed.
5616=Please Choose Account and Feature
5617=Step 1: Choose the account you want to operate
5618=Step 2: Choose the feature you want to use
5619=User Name
5620=Microsoft Account
5622=Is Admin
5624=Remove Account Password
5625=Reset Account Password
5626=Reboot Computer
5628=Failed to reset/remove account password. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you can send us log folder under the installation directory of AOMEI Partition Assistant to partition_assistant@aomeitech.com for technical help.
5629=Are you sure you want to remove the password of “%s”?
5630=Are you sure you want to reboot computer?
5631=New Password
5632=Confirm Password
5634=Passwords do not match
5637=Reset Windows Password
5638=Reset Password
5639=Burning successfully!
Learn more about how to create a password reset disk .
5640=Remove Account Password
5701=Clone system and boot partition to SSD or another HDD.
5702=Clone entire disk to another including system boot files.
5703=Clone a partition to another disk.
5704=Disk Converter
5706=Convert disks between MBR and GPT.
5708=Convert disks between dynamic and basic.
5709=Partition Converter
5710=Convert to NTFS/FAT32
5711=Convert file systems between NTFS and FAT32.
5712=Convert to Primary/Logical
5713=Convert partitions between primary and logical.
5716=Free up
5718=Remove junk files to free up disk space.
5720=Move applications or folders to another drive.
5722=Quickly find and delete large files by type.
5724=Partition Recovery
5725=Easily recover deleted or lost partition.
5727=Wipe Disk
5728=Permanently erase all data on a disk to protect privacy.
5730=Completely and securely delete files from your computer.
5733=Test the read and write speed of the disk.
5735=Scan hard drive for bad sectors.
5737=Windows 11 Update Checker
5738=Check if your PC can run Windows 11.
5740=Create Windows PE bootable media on USB/ISO/CD.
5742=Migrate or create a portable windows system to USB.
5744=Make an green version of Partition Assistant to USB.
5745=Integrate to Recovery Environment
5746=Directly use the Partition Assistant under the recovery environment.
5747=Discard All
5749=%s(%d%% free),%s
5750=Properties && Health
5753=Part Defrag
5758=Disk GUID:
5759=Usage Count:
5760=%d times
5761=Total Space:
5762=Used Space:
5763=Free Space:
5764=Usage Time:
5765=%d hours
5766=Cumulative Usage:
5767=Serial Number:
5787=S.M.A.R.T Health: %s
5788=%s(%d%% free)
5790=Selected Drive: %s
5791=Recover any lost, deleted, or formatted data.
5792=Reset or remove forgotten Windows login password.
5794=Open Command Prompt window.
5799=Securely erase an SSD to reset it to factory state for peak performance.
5801=Subscription Status
5802=Wipe Partition
5803=Permanently erase all data on a partition to protect privacy.
5815=Restore Down
5821=Welcome to AOMEI Partition Assistant
5822=Convert to:
5840=Boot entry name :
5841=Boot entry ID :
5842=Boot entry size :
5843=Device type :
5846=Properties :
5847=Partition table :
5848=GPT partition GUID :
5849=Partition number :
5850=Partition starting sector :
5851=Partition ending sector :
5852=File Path :
5853=BCD boot entry ID :
5854=Secure Boot :
5857=Currently boot from :
5858=Next boot entry :
5860=Restart Now
5861=Enter UEFI BIOS configuration interface directly only at next boot time
5862=UEFI BIOS Boot Options Manager
5863=Boot Order :
5864=Details :
5865=Are you sure you want to restart the computer?
5866=UEFI BIOS Boot Options Manager
5867=Are you sure you want to delete the boot entry?\nDeleting it may cause your system to fail to start normally.
5868=Backup successfully completed.
5869=Backup failed, please try to backup the boot entry again!
5870=Restore complete.
5871=The backup data you selected is incorrect or the backup data has been damaged!
5872=Restore failed, please try to restore the boot entry again!
5873=UEFI BIOS Boot Options Manager
5874=Easily access and manage UEFI boot entries in Windows.
5878=Boot this entry only next time
5883=Disk :
5884=Partition :
5886=This feature is available only if the current system disk is GPT partition style.
5887=This operation requires moving the Bitlocker partitions such as '%s', but moving these partitions will cause them to be unable to be unlocked and accessed! \n Please turn off the BitLocker encryption on partitions such as '%s' before performing this operation!
5901=Archive File
5907=Completely delete files(%s)
5908=Move to Recycle Bin(%s)
5909=Move to folder(%s)
5910=Are you sure you want to cancel the scan?
5912=Are you sure you want to delete all duplicate files?\n\n Delete all automatically scanned files immediately.
5914=Deleting all duplicate files...
5915=Duplicate Files Finder
5916=Match option
5919=Same file extension
5920=Skip hidden folders
5921=Skip program files
5922=Skip system files
5923=CRC64 Full-checksum
5924=CRC64 Header-checksum
5925=FNV64 Full-checksum
5926=FNV64 Header-checksum
5927=Comparison Method
5928=File Date
5929=File Protection
5931=Minimum File Size
5933=Advance Options
5935=Delete finished!
5938=Delete method:
5939=Delete directly
5940=Remove to specified folder
5941=Move to Recycle Bin
5942=%d seconds
5943=Files scanned: %d
5944=Confirm\n\nIt is recommended to keep at least one duplicate file. \nAre you sure you want to delete the entire group of duplicate files?
5945=Collapse all groups
5946=Expand all groups
5948=Files removed: %d
5949=Spent time: %02d:%02d:%02d
5950=Expected remaining time: %02d:%02d:%02d
5956=Adding a network path is not allowed, please select the path again!
5959=Scan range
5962=Latest change
5963=Earliest change
5964=Latest creation
5965=Earliest creation
5966=Shortest name in the group
5967=Longest name in the group
5968=Shortest file address in the group
5969=Longest file address in the group
5970=File name match
5971=File address match
5972=Set personal preferences
5973=Preference settings
5974=Duplicate Files Finder
5975=Fast find and delete duplicate files.
5977=Smart select
5978=Back to details
5979=Advanced settings
5980=Scanning in progress, do you want to close the program?
5981=The files are being cleaned, do you want to close the program?
5984=There is not enough space on the selected location, please reselect the move target!
5985=No identical files were found
5986=Delete methods
5988=Cancel Scanning
5990=AOMEI Partition Assistant has encountered an unknown error and we are so sorry for the inconvenience. A folder named "log" and a file called "Crash2DP.dmp" has been generated in its installation directory. We hope that you could send error report to partition_assistant@aomeitech.com to help us improve.
5991=All files in this folder are for comparison purposes only and will not be selected for deletion!