;English proof reading + correction
;by Derek Allen
10000=Dynamic Disks
10001=Failed Disks
10002=Task Name:
10003=Select a backup time point to check.
10004=Last Backup Time:
10005=Destination Path:
10007=Here is a description of the backup task.
10008=The folder does not exist or cannot be accessed.
10009=Add Share or NAS Devices
10012=File List
10013=Disk Map
10014=Backup Scheme
10019=Created Time
10021=Include subfolders
10022=Include files
10023=Exclude files
10024=Exclude folders
10031=Basic MBR
10032=Basic GPT
10033=Offline Disk
10036=Backup Type
10037=Created Time
10038=Image Path
10039=Here is a description of the sync task.
10040=Here is a description of the backup task.
10041=Full Backup
10042=Incremental Backup
10043=Differential Backup
10044=Run the backup at the event:
10045=User logon
10046=User logoff
10047=System startup
10048=System shutdown
10049=Once a day only
10050=Local Administrator Account and Password:
10051=Local Administrator Account and Password:
10052=Use's windows schedule task(Local Administrator Account and Password).
10053=Full Backup
10054=Incremental Backup
10055=Differential Backup
10056=Run once only at
10057=Run once every day at
10059=Start time
10060=Finish time
10061=Within the time indicated above of each day, run it for every
10062=1 hour
10063=2 hours
10064=3 hours
10065=4 hours
10066=6 hours
10067=Choose days:
10068=Time settings:
10076= at
10077= to
10078=Note:\nIn every week
10079= at
10080= to perform the task.
10081=Note:\nIn every week
10082=Schedule type: Weekly
Current schedule settings: In every week
10083= to perform the task.
10084=Next run time:
10085=Current schedule settings: Run once at
10086=Schedule type: Daily
10087=to finish time
10088=of each day, run the backup for every
10089= hours.
10097=to perform the task.
10098=Schedule type: Monthly
10099=in the
10100= "Last Day"
10101=days of each month.
10102=on the
10108=Schedule Settings
10109=The partition and disk image files saved on a network cannot be explored, please copy them from the network to a local disk, and then explore.
10110=Please input the correct registration code and retry.
10111=Invalid license code. \nIt does not match with the current version.
10112=Select Share/NAS Device
10113=Editing the destination path does not support to change the \nsaved location of the task from one network to another network path. We suggest you changing it to local path or re-create a new task.
10114=The primary partition cannot be restored to the middle of the two logical partitions. For more information, please refer to FAQ:"www.ubackup.com/help/technical-faq.html"
10116=Failed to open the image file of the backup.
10121=Do not schedule
10122=Advanced Settings
10123=User Name:
10125=Choose a way to perform the scheduled backup:
10126=Local Administrator Account and Password:
10127=Don't install the service, directly use Windows Task Scheduler to run scheduled tasks.
10128=Install a service to run scheduled tasks.
10129=Full Backup
10130=Incremental Backup (Default)
10131=Differential Backup
10132= AOMEI Backupper
10133=Please specify a correct time. The interval time must be less than the time difference between the Finish time and Start time.
10134=Please set a valid time to finish the backup task. The scheduled time should be at least one minute later than the current system time.
10135=AOMEI Backupper
10136=Please specify a time or date for the schedule.
10137=Run once at
10138=of each month.
10139=Run once at
10152=Last Day
10153=Note: Run once at
10154= in the
10155=Note: Run once at
10156= "Last Day"
10157=days of each month.
10158=The file in an image file cannot be mounted or explored by AOMEI Backupper.
10159=Please select the file(s) you want to copy, and then click "Save As" to continue.
10160=days of each month.
10164=Schedule Backup
10165=Full Backup
10166=Incremental Backup
10167=Differential Backup
10168=Are you sure you want to clean up all historic items?
10170=Check Image
10171=Explore Image
10172=Locate Image
10173=Edit Backup File
10174=Merge Backup
10176=Next run:
10177=My Backup 001/n2012-7-2 16:25:44
10178=New Backup
10179=All Backups
10181=Latest Week
10182=Latest Month
10183=Custom Date
10187=Used Space
10188=Sub Folder
10189=Exclude Folder
10191=Add Folder
10196=Add File
10197=Add Folder
10198=The target path cannot be empty, please specify a target location to copy data.
10199=Sorry, the backup contains "differential backup" versions, but the program only supports merging "incremental backup" versions, not merging "differential backup" versions.
10200=Because all versions of this task are full backups, you don't need to merge them
10201=The backup has only one version (one image file), there is no need to merge.
10202=The program only supports merging "incremental backup" versions, not merging "differential backup" versions, so the list box only shows "incremental backup" versions which can be merged.
10204=Used Space
10205=AOMEI Backupper 7.3.3
10206=AOMEI Backupper Standard Edition 7.3.3
10207=AOMEI Backupper Beta Edition 7.3.3
10208=AOMEI Backupper Standard Edition 7.3.3
10209=AOMEI Backupper Professional Edition 7.3.3
10210=AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 7.3.3
10211=AOMEI Backupper Technician Edition 7.3.3
10212=Website: www.ubackup.com
Email: support@aomeitech.com
Copyright (c) AOMEI International Network Limited, 2009-2023.
All rights reserved.
10213=The program does not support saving the merged image file to a network path, \nwe suggest you to save it to local drive, and then copy it to the network.
10214=The computer will be restarted automatically in %1 seconds. You can click OK to restart immediately or click Cancel to stop the countdown.
10215=This backup location contains differential or full backups which cannot be merged. Only incremental backups can be merged to create a new full backup.
10216=Network Path
10219=Display Name
10221=Link Error!
10222=Network Location
10224=Set IP
10231=Here, you can select a folder in the right list box, and click OK to confirm.
10232=Here, you can select a file in the right list box, and click OK to confirm.
10233=Choose the compression level for a backup. The higher level will make a smaller image\nfile, but the backup time is longer.
10236=Data will not be compressed, so this may significantly increase the size of the image file.
10237=Data will be moderately compressed. (Recommended compression level).
10238=Maximum data compression will take a long time to create a backup.
10239=Intelligent Sector Backup(Recommended)
10240=Make an Exact Backup
10241=Only back up the used sectors of file systems, and this will reduce the size of image file and backup time.
10242=Sector by sector backup, and this will backup all sectors of disks or partitions whether used or not.
10243=Enable encryption for backups
10244=Type Password
10245=Confirm Password
10246=Write a note for the backup, e.g. "Photo 3/23/2021".
10247=VSS is a backup technique which is provided by Microsoft.It allows the\nprogram to back up data without interrupting operations in progress.If\nyou don't use VSS, the program will automatically use AOMEI's built-in\ntechnique in order to backup without interrupting and restarting computer.
10248=Use Microsoft VSS
10249=Use AOMEI Backup Service
10250=Specify the way to split a large image file into multiple smaller image files during the backup process.
10252=Choose a predetermined size
10253=Custom size
10258=Intelligent Sector
10259=Check Images
10260=Save to global settings
10261=Encryption: The password is empty or inconsistent.
10262=The maximum length of a comment is 2048 characters.
10263=Splitting: The minimum image file size is 50MB.
10264=Enable Automatic Backup Cleanup
10265=Do not delete the image file of the first backup during disk space management.
10266=Incremental backup cycle
10267=The number of basic backups:
10268=Consist of a full backup and its chained incremental backups.
10269=after the next backup finishes.
10270=automatically deleted only after the next backup finishes.
10271= Day(s)
10272= Week(s)
10273= Month(s)
10274= Year(s)
10275=Enter the license code:
10276=Expiration Notice:
The expired version only supports backup operations, not restore or other operations, you can upgrade to full version to enjoy them.
10277=Please waiting...
10279=Buy Now
10280=Registration successful.
10281=Register failed, invalid registration code. Please repurchase the registration code to register. If you have any questions, please click support@aomeitech.com to contact us.
10282=Always check for update at startup
10283=The latest version is checking...
10284=The check is complete.
10286=Failed to connect web server, please detect your internet connection.
10287=Failed to connect web server.
10288=Enter comments here (Optional):
10289=Backup all files
10290=No files need to be excluded
10291=No folders need to be excluded
10292=NAS Connecting...
10295=Restart Mode Backup
10299=Restart Mode Restore
10302=The above files are being used by other programs, so they cannot be backed up. Please click the following button to continue.
10303=The above files are being used by other programs, so they cannot be overwritten. Please click the following button to continue.
10307=Folder to backup
10308=File Inclusion Mask
10309=File Exclusion Mask
10310=Folder Exclusion Mask
10311=Enter folder name of full/partial path. Wildcards are supported. Separate multiple entries with a semicolon e.g (c:\temp;temp;*\temp;temp*).
10312=Include subfolders
10313=Exclude hidden files and folders
10314=Exclude system files and folders
10315=Specify the files that you need to backup. \nWildcards are supported and separate multiple masks with semi-colon \n(*.doc;*.xls;*.ppt).
10316=Specify the files that you need to exclude. \nWildcards are supported and separate multiple masks with semi-colon \n(*.temp;*.tmp;*.bak;*~*).
10317=Specify the folders that you need to exclude. \nWildcards are supported and separate multiple masks with semi-colon \n(*temp;temp*).
10318=Filter settings
10319=If you want to backup/sync all files in the %1: drive, we highly suggest you to use the "Partition Backup" function to accomplish it more quickly.
10322=Intelligent Sector
10324=Reset All
10325=Splitting: The minimum image file size is 50MB.
10326=IP address:
10327=Subnet mask:
10329=Preferred DNS server:
10330=Alternative DNS server:
10331=Obtain an IP address automatically.
10332=Specify an IP address.
10333=Obtain DNS server address automatically.
10334=Specify DNS server address.
10337=IP Settings
10339=Network Path:
10340=Input Password:
10341=Input Comments:
10342=The password is incorrect!
10343=Copy without resizing partitions
10344=Add unused space to all partitions
10345=Manually adjust partition size
10346= You could select a partition on the disk panel, and then resize/move it.
10347=Create As:
10348=Drive Letter:
10349=Logical Partition
10350=Primary Partition
10351=Partition size:
10352=Unallocated space before it:
10353=Unallocated space after it:
10355=The number of primary partitions on this disk are too much. You can use AOMEI Partition Assistant to convert one of primary partitions on this destination disk to logical partition, and retry.
10356=The operation cannot continue, we suggest you again open the window and reset the parameters. You could change the size of the system partition, but don't change the start location of the system partition.
10360=Always check for update at startup
10361=Current version:
10362=Latest version:
10363=View More
10366=Striped (RAID0)
10367=Mirrored (RAID1)
10369=Bitlocker Encrypted
10374=New Version
10375=The current version is the latest.
10377=Unknown Error.
10378=The current operation has been completed.
10379=Unmount drive letter fail, please reboot and retry.
10380=Failed to assign a drive letter for the volume, please manually add a drive letter for the volume by disk management.
10381=Dismount the volume fail, the program cannot process the volume, please reboot and retry.
10382=Failed to lock the volume, please reboot and retry.
10383=Failed to unlock the volume, please reboot to access the volume by Explorer
10384=The partition table on the disk was updated fail as other programs locked the partition table, please close other programs and retry.
10385=Timeout to allocate GUID for changing drive letter, please reboot and retry
10386=Partition table overlap & the following operations will stop. Reboot computer recommended.
10387=Not enough memory, please close and re-run the program and try again, or you could reboot computer and release more memory to retry.
10388=Failed to open disk.
10389=The operation has been cancelled.
10390=Invalid parameter.
10391=Failed to read sectors. It may be because the backup source has a bad sector or the backup source is missing.
10392=Failed to write sector (with bad sector).
10393=Failed to open the volume. It may be locked by other programs.
10394=Failed to extend partition by using Windows Control Code, please reboot and retry.
10395=Some bad sectors exist in FAT table.
10396=Certain bad sector exists in DBR.
10397=Error in DBR parameters. Failed to initialize DBR. Or, failed to read and write disk sector.
10398=Failed to initialize $MFT file due to error in file system. Please amend it by using CHKDSK.EXE in CMD to retry.
10399=Failed to initialize MFT: BITMAP file due to error in file system. Please amend it by using CHKDSK.EXE in CMD to retry.
10400=Failed to read the file record, there are some physical bad clusters on the disk.
10401=Failed to initialize the DATARUNLIST, please try to use CHKDSK.EXE in command prompt to fix and retry.
10402=Failed to get BadClus info, please try to use CHKDSK.EXE in command prompt to fix and retry.
10403=Too many fragment files on the volume needs to be defragged.
10404=Failed to initialize FILE RECORD due to error in file system. Please amend it by using CHKDSK.EXE in CMD to retry.
10405=Failed to write the file record, there are some physical bad clusters on the disk.
10406=The file record is invalid in MFT, please try to use CHKDSK.EXE in command prompt to fix and retry.
10407=The feature on the NTFS cannot be supported by the program yet.
10408=Update configuration file fail.
10409=Update registry fail. Allow writing to registry when antivirus software block.
10410=No operations available.
10411=Partition/disk environment has changed and not consistent. Please reboot to retry.
10412=No partitions need to be processed.
10413=Failed to set partition label. You can use Computer->Explorer to set.
10414=Failed to load driver, please reinstall the software and retry.
10415=Failed to update ARC number.
10416=Failed to update boot.ini.
10417=No drive letter to assign partition because letter C-Z already being used.
10418=Error in the process of evaluating if the boot.ini exists.
10419=Error in the process of evaluating if the BCD file exists.
10420=Failed to update drive letter, please manually set a drive letter for the volume by disk management.
10421=Invalid file system when convert FAT to NTFS.
10422=Fail in the process of converting FAT to NTFS.
10423=Fail in the process of converting FAT to NTFS. Please reboot to retry.
10424=Error in FAT file system. Please amend it before retry.
10425=Please release more free space before converting from FAT to NTFS.
10426=Unknown error in the process of converting FAT to NTFS.
10427=Please convert to NTFS separately in Windows GUI.
10428=Failed to update BCD file. Please use Windows Installation CD to amend it.
10429=Failed to copy files from one partition to another.
10430=Failed to copy encrypted files (EFS) from one partition to another. There are some EFS encrypted files on this partition, please first decrypt before merging.
10431=A single file is too large, not enough disk space to accommodate the single file.
10432=Some files or folders cannot be accessed and failed to delete them.
10433=Failed to get volume GUID. Please reboot computer and retry.
10434=Some files or folders cannot be accessed when enumerating a directory. You could open the installation directory of the program, then open a "log" folder to find out which files cannot be accessed, and then manually cut and paste the files to other partitions.
10435=Failed to create a directory when merging partitions.
10436=Failed to initialize this disk.
10437=Total sectors too large & exceed the file system's allowed capacity.
10438=Total clusters too large & exceed the file system's allowed capacity.
10439=Failed to write reserved DBR because of bad sectors.
10440=Failed to write FAT table 1 due to bad sectors.
10441=Failed to write FAT table 2 due to bad sectors.
10442=Failed to write root directory due to bad sectors.
10443=Operation failed due to too many bad sectors.
10444=Not enough space in disk.
10445=Failed to format NTFS due to too many bad clusters.
10446=Failed to write DBR (with bad cluster).
10447=Failed to update $MFT file (with bad cluster).
10448=Failed to update $ROOT file (with bad cluster).
10449=Failed to update $BITMAP file (with bad cluster).
10450=Failed to update some fixed location (with bad cluster).
10451=Operation failed. Please reserve more free space into the current partition.
10452=Not enough reserve space. Please make big enough available space for target partition. If you have checked the "Align partition to optimize for SSD" option, please uncheck it and try again because this option will adjust the partition accordingly and may cause this error.
10453=Invalid function or function call.
10454=Invalid parameter.
10455=Uninitialized component or function cell.
10456=Failed to open file, it may be because the backup source does not have sufficient permissions or the backup source is missing.
10457=Failed to create file. It may be because the target location does not have sufficient permissions or the target location is missing. Please check whether the target location has changed.
10458=Failed to read file.
10459=Failed to write file.
10460=Invalid image file. This file may be incomplete or damaged, or it does not match the current software version.
10461=Not enough memory to process this command.
10462=The size of the file is more than the default or the allowed maximum value.
10463=Element not found.
10464=Element or image file not found.
10465=No more data is available.
10466=Failed to encode the backup data.
10467=Failed to decode the backup data.
10468=Invalid password.
10469=Failed to delete the file.
10470=Failed to create VSS snapshot.
10471=Failed to open VSS service.
10472=Failed to initialize VSS service.
10473=The operation has been cancelled.
10474=The information of the specified image already exists.
10475=Insufficient space to store temporary files. It is recommended to free up two partitions with more than 500MB free space on non-destination disk and try again.
10476=The source partition or volume cannot be backed up sector by sector.
10477=Failed to adjust partition size.
10478=Unknown file system.
10479=Failed to get the Bitmap.
10480=All partitions that need to be backed up have not been found.
10481=The version of the image file does not support.
10482=Failed to explore or preview the image.
10483=Failed to detach the explored image file.
10484=IO command error.
10485=IO error: the disk contains bad sectors.
10486=The files are in use.
10487=Missing image files.
10488=In the task, no partitions can be backed up.
10489=The specified device is unable to be burned.
10490=Failed to import previous sessions.
10491=Failed to burn to disc.
10492=The specified file already exists.
10493=The program is unable to create the new file in this selected path.
10494=Timeout on creating VSS snapshot.
10495=There is not enough space on the disk.
10496=The specified configuration is missing or dismatch, please try again.
10497=The backup driver works improperly, you could restart the computer to solve the problem.
10498=Failed to add boot configuration, cannot enter Restart Mode. Please make a bootable disc by clicking "Tools" -> "Create Bootable Media" and boot from a CD/DVD to realize the restore operation.
10499=Failed to create the bootable ISO image.
10500=Failed to create the Windows PE bootable ISO image, the operation cannot proceed. Please try to make the Windows PE bootable ISO image by clicking "Tools" -> "Create Bootable Media"
10501=UEFI Restore Note: your system is UEFI boot (not MBR boot), so you need to use AOMEI's bootable media to realize the restore operation. Go to Tools -> Create Bootable Media and make a bootable CD or USB media, and then use the bootable media to boot your computer to complete the restore task. For more information, please refer to UEFI restore: https://www.ubackup.com/features/UEFI-restore.html
10502=Because the system partition exists in a dynamic disk or the image file exists in a dynamic volume, you can go to Tools -> Create Bootable Media and make a Windows PE bootable CD (not Linux Bootable CD) and try again. For more information, please refer to FAQ: https://www.ubackup.com/help/technical-faq.html
10503=Because the image file exists in a share/NAS network, you need to make a bootable CD and boot computer from the bootable CD and then add the share/NAS to AOMEI Backupper in order to realize the restore operation. For more information, please refer to FAQ: https://www.ubackup.com/help/technical-faq.html
10504=In the Linux bootable disc, the primary partition cannot be restored to the middle of the logical partitions; you could restore the partition to other place for solving the problem. For more information, please refer to FAQ: https://www.ubackup.com/help/technical-faq.html
10505=Because the system partition exists in a dynamic disk, you need to make a bootable CD and boot computer from the bootable CD, and then clone disks or partitions. Or you can go to Tools -> Create Bootable Media and make a Windows PE bootable CD (not Linux Bootable CD) and try again. For more information, please refer to FAQ: https://www.ubackup.com/help/technical-faq.html
10506=UEFI Restore Note: your system is UEFI boot (not MBR boot), so you need to use AOMEI's bootable media to realize the clone operation. Go to Tools -> Create Bootable Media and make a bootable CD or USB media, and then use the bootable media to boot your computer to complete the clone task. For more information, please refer to UEFI restore: https://www.ubackup.com/features/UEFI-restore.html
10507=Failed to backup
10508=Failed to recovery
10509=Failed to open file
10510=The destination path is not writable, please select a new path.
10511=The source path may contain non-English characters, we suggest you to perform the restore operation under Windows PE or Windows system. Or the destination path may contain non-English characters, or the destination path may not be written, select other paths to try.
10512=Single file is too big. The target file system does not support, please change other location and try again. (Because FAT12 supports single file up to 32MB, FAT16 and FAT32 support up to 4GB, maybe this cause error. So we suggest you restore to NTFS, EXFAT or other file system that support much bigger single file.)
10513=There's no need to backup the file or directory.
10514=The destination path is too long, please restore to original location or change a shorter path and try again.
10515=Sorry, Windows AIK/ADK is not installed on your system, so the program cannot enter the Restart Mode to perform the backup operation. Please download and install Windows AIK/ADK and try again. For more information, please refer to: https://www.ubackup.com/help/aik.html
10516=In Windows PE, it is meaningless to restore data to a RAW disk. We suggest you to re-select a path to restore.
10517=Editing the destination path does not support to change the \nsaved location of the task from one network to another network path. We suggest you changing it to local path or re-create a new task.
10518=Invalid network path or sharing service has been disabled. Please check whether the network is accessible and whether the sharing service of the target computer exists, and then try again.
10520=Sorry, the current program has occurred unknown error! If it always shows the errors, there is a called "log" folder and a Crash.dmp file in the installation directory of the program, you could send them to support@aomeitech.com to get help, thanks!
10522=AOMEI Backupper does not support running on your OS.
10523=AOMEI Backupper can only run under administrator privileges!
10524=The software cannot be run on the safe mode of Windows.
10525=To ensure the interface appearance, we recommend that you adjust the DPI to 96(100%).
10527=Failed to load disks!
10528=AOMEI Backupper is running.
10529=Welcome to AOMEI Backupper
10530=Always Keep Global Data Safer
10531=Backup Management
10532= Create\n New Backup
10533=Day 0 of 15
10534=Your trial has expired.
10544= of 30
10546= of 30
10547= Register
10553=Failed to open the backup task.
10554=Input Password
10555=CD/DVD backup cannot be set as a schedule task.
10556=Unable to get the backup information. The reason may be that the image file does not exist, has been damaged or cannot be accessed.
10558=The schedule task will start automatically in %1 seconds. You could click OK to start immediately or click Cancel to cancel this task.
10559=Schedule Backup
10560=Please insert writable media then press 'Yes'
10561=Please mark the disc with label '%1', insert another writable media then press 'Yes'
10562= Need to erase the disc, press 'Yes' to proceed, or press 'No' to exit.
10563=Reload Disks
10564=Reload Disk...
10565=Delete Task
10566=Only delete this backup task.
10567=Delete both the backup task and its image file.
10568=Input Password:
10569=Please input the password.
10570=The password is incorrect!
10571=Failed to delete the backup image file.
10572=The action can't be completed because the file is open in System. Close the file and try again!
10573=Failed to delete the backup image file.
10576=Always Yes
10578=Please select the backup file.
10579=File path:
10580=File name:
10581=File type:
10582=Create New Folder:
10583=Free space:
10584=Add Share or NAS Devices
10587= GoTo
10589=Setting IP
10590=Network Location
10591=select folder
10598=User Manual
10600=Online Help
10601=Check for Updates
10603=Upgrade Backupper
10605=Check for Updates
10607=File Backup/nEasily backup files and folders to an image file.
10608=System Backup/nBackup Windows and create an image of system/npartition.
10609=Partition Backup/nBackup partitions or dynamic volumes to an image file.
10610=Disk Backup/nBackup hard disks to an image file.
10611=Input Password:
10612=Do you wish to create a Full Backup?
10613=Do you wish to create an incremental backup based on the last backup created
10614=Do you wish to create a Differential Backup based on Full Backup created
10621=Start Backup
10622=Partition or Volume Backup
10623=Disk Backup
10624=File Backup
10625=System Backup
10629=Add the schedule and start %1 now
10630=Only add the schedule
10632=Schedule Off
10633=Backup Options
10635=Disk backup
10636=System backup
10637=My backup
10638=Select Disk
10639=Select Partition
10640=The schedule task does not support backup to CD/DVD.
10641=If you are using sector by sector backup, the image file cannot be saved to the source partition.
10642=The schedule task does not support backup to CD/DVD.
10643=The disk space on the selected partition may be insufficient.
10645=The specified path does not exist or is not writable, please select other writable path.
10646=If you are using sector by sector backup, the image file cannot be saved to the source partition.
10647=Select another location as the destination path./nStep2/n
10648=The specified path does not exist or is not writable, please select other writable path.
10649=The schedule task does not support backup to CD/DVD.
10652=The schedule task does not support backup to CD/DVD.
10653=Backup Settings
10654=Select the destination path to save the backup file./nStep2/nSelect the destination path to save the backup file.
10655=1/nStep1/nSelect the disks you want to backup.
10656=1/nStep1/nSelect the partitions or volumes you want to backup.
10657=Select another location as the destination path./nStep2/n
10658=Select another location as the destination path./nStep2/n
10659=2/nStep2/nSelect the destination path to save the backup file.
10660=The program did not find the system partition. Please reboot the system and try again.
10661=The program does not support backing up and restoring system partition on a GPT disk yet. The feature will be supported in the next version.
10662=If you are using sector by sector backup, the image file cannot be saved to the source partition.
10663=System Backup
10664=System Backup(
10665=My File Backup
10666=My File Backup(
10667=Disk Backup
10668=Disk Backup(
10669=My Backup
10670=My Backup(
10671=If you are using sector by sector backup, the image file cannot be saved to the source partition.
10672=If you are using sector by sector backup, the image file cannot be saved to the source partition.
10673=The schedule task does not support backup to CD/DVD.
10674=Please input task name.
10675=A file name can't contain any of the following characters: \/:?"<*>|
10676=The task name or destination path is too long, please choose a shorter one.
10677=If you are using sector by sector backup, the image file cannot be saved to the source partition.
10678=If you are using sector by sector backup, the image file cannot be saved to the source partition.
10679=Select a destination disk to clone the source disk to.
10680=Destination Disk
10681=Select a destination place to save the source partition.
10682=Destination Partition
10686=Note: There may be a boot or system partition on this destination disk, if you clone to the destination disk, this could lead that the existing bootable partition on the destination disk does not boot.
10687=partition on the destination disk does not boot.
10688=Note: The primary partition cannot be restored to the middle of the two logical partitions.
10689=Note: In the Linux bootable disc, the program does not support for restoring or cloning to a GPT disk. We suggest you to create a Windows PE bootable disc and then do the operation under the WinPE disc. You can click "Tools" -> "Create Bootable Media" to make a WinPE bootable disc.
10690=Note: The source volume cannot be selected as a destination volume.
10691=Note: Dynamic disk does not support the Bitlocker feature, so this bitlocker volume cannot be cloned to dynamic volume.
10692=Note: The source partition cannot be selected as a destination partition.
10693=Note: This selected unallocated space is too small. Required the size at least: %1.
10694=Note: There are 4 primary partitions on the disk, so any new partition cannot be created here.
10695=Note: This selected destination partition is too small.
10696=Note: This selected destination partition is too small. Required the size at least: %1.
10697=Note: Unable to create new partition, because the disk space over 2TB is unable to be used for this MBR disk. We suggest you convert the disk to GPT style.
10698=Note: The source disk cannot be specified as a destination disk.
10699=Note: The system disk or boot disk cannot be specified as a destination disk.
10700=Note: The offline disk cannot be selected as a destination disk. Please first turn it to online by using Windows Disk Management Snap-in
10701=Note: This selected disk is too small. Required the disk size at least: %1.
10702=Note: The source disk contains over 3 partitions. Disk Clone only supports to copy 3 partitions at most from GPT disk to MBR disk. You can use AOMEI Partition Assistant to convert the destination disk to GPT or convert the source disk to MBR disk, and then do the operation again.
10703=After the operation, the existing partitions on the destination disk will be overwritten or deleted, so we suggest you to backup them firstly if there are some important data on the destination disk. Are you sure to continue the operation?
10704=After the operation, the partition (%1:) will be overwritten or deleted, so we suggest you to backup it firstly if there are some important data on this partition. Are you sure to continue the operation?
10705=Disk Clone/nClone a hard disk drive to another.
10706=Partition Clone/nClone a partition or volume from one to another.
10707=Select the disk that you wish to clone.
10708=Source Disk
10709=Select the partition that you want to clone.
10710=Source Partition
10711=The empty disk cannot be cloned. You could use the freeware, AOMEI Partition Assistant (www.diskpart.com) to clone an empty disk.
10712=There is no partition to clone. You could use the freeware, AOMEI Partition Assistant (www.diskpart.com) to create a partition.
10713=Select the destination for the disk image that you wish to restore.
10714=Disk Restore
10715=Select a destination path to restore files.
10716=File Restore
10717=Select the destination for the partition image that you wish to restore.
10718=Partition Restore
10719=Start Restore
10720=Restore to original location
10721=Restore to a new location
10723=Restore NTFS permissions.
10724=Replace existing files.
10725=To maintain the original permission rights for the files or folders, we suggest\nyou to check the option. \nNote: NTFS permissions can only be restored to NTFS formatted drives.
10726=Note: We suggest you to restore the system partition to the first partition or the first available area on the target disk. Otherwise, the system could not boot from the target disk.
10727=Note: There may be a boot or system partition on this destination disk, if you restore the operating system in the backup file to the destination disk, this could lead that the existing bootable partition on the destination disk does not boot.
10728=Note: The selected disk contains the image file that is being restored, so it cannot be set as a destination disk.
10729=Note: The offline disk cannot be selected as a destination disk. Please first turn it to online by using Windows Disk Management Snap-in
10730=Note: This selected disk is too small. Required the disk size at least: %1.
10731=Note: The primary partition cannot be restored to the middle of the two logical partitions.
10732=Note: The selected partition contains the image file that is being restored, so it cannot be set as a destination partition.
10733=Note: The program does not support backing up and restoring system partition on a GPT disk yet. The feature will be supported in the next version.
10734=Note: In the Linux bootable disc, the program does not support for restoring or cloning to a GPT disk. We suggest you to create a Windows PE bootable disc and then do the operation under the WinPE disc. You can click "Tools" -> "Create Bootable Media" to make a WinPE bootable disc.
10735=Note: Cannot restore a bitlocker volume to dynamic volumes.
10736=Note: This selected volume is too small. Required the size at least: %1.
10737=Note: In the Linux bootable disc, the program does not support for restoring or cloning to a GPT disk. We suggest you to create a Windows PE bootable disc and then do the operation under the WinPE disc. You can click "Tools" -> "Create Bootable Media" to make a WinPE bootable disc.
10738=Note: There are 4 primary partitions on the disk, so any new partition cannot be created here.
10739=Note: Unable to create new partition, because the disk space over 2TB is unable to be used for this MBR disk. We suggest you convert the disk to GPT style.
10740=Note: The number of primary partitions on this disk are too much. You can use AOMEI Partition Assistant to convert one of primary partitions on this destination disk to logical partition, and retry.
10741=Note: There are 4 primary partitions on the disk, so any new partition cannot be created here.
10742=Note: This selected destination partition is too small. Required the size at least: %1.
10743=Note: Unable to create new partition, because the disk space over 2TB is unable to be used for this MBR disk. We suggest you convert the disk to GPT style.
10744=The program cannot directly restore data to disc (CD/DVD). \nWe suggest you manually choose other destination path.
10745=Select Save Folder
10746=Note: The source disk contains over 3 partitions. Disk Restore only supports to restore 3 partitions at most from GPT disk to MBR disk. You could use Partition Restore to restore the remaining partitions to this destination disk.
10747=After the operation, the existing partitions on the destination disk will be overwritten or deleted, so we suggest you to backup them firstly if there are some important data on the destination disk. Are you sure to continue the operation?
10748=After the operation, the partition (%1:) will be overwritten or deleted, so we suggest you to backup it firstly if there are some important data on this partition. Are you sure to continue the operation?
10749=Select a disk or partition from the image file.
10750=Image Information
10751=Select the files or folders that you want to restore.
10752=Image Information
10753=Select the items from image file to restore.
10754=Image Information
10755=1/n Disk/nSelect a disk in the image file to restore it to original or other disk.
10756=2/n Part/nSelect a partition in the image file to restore it to original or other.
10757=1/n Disk
10758=2/n Part
10760=Used Space
10761=Select a task or browse an image to restore.
10763=2/n Path/nBrowse a path to select an image file and restore data from the file.
10764=System Recovery
10765=Select Image Path
10766=Select a backup time point to restore.
10767=Backup Point
10768=Backup Type
10769=Image Path
10770=Restore system to other location
10771=Input Password:
10772=Full Backup
10773=Incremental Backup
10774=Differential Backup
10775=The program detects the selected backup is a system image, would you like to do a system restore?
10776=Failed to get the version information of the backup.
10777=System or boot volume cannot be found in the backup image.
10778=Please insert writable media then click 'Yes'
10779=Please mark the disc with label '%1', insert another writable media then press 'Yes'
10780=Check Image Files
10781=Select a backup image in the list box.
10783=Check Image Files
10784=Select a backup image in the list box.
10785=Browse a path to open the image file that need to be checked.
10786=Merge Image Files
10787=Select a task for multiple image files to merge.
10788=2/n Path/nBrowse a path to open the image file that needs to be merged.
10790=Open Image
10791=Unable to get the backup information because the image file does not exist, or it cannot be accessed. If the backup task has never been run, you need to execute the backup task firstly.
10793=In the list box, all versions of the backup task will be merged into one.
10794=Backup Point
10795=Backup Type
10796=Created Time
10797=Image Path
10798=Input Password:
10799=Full Backup
10800=Incremental Backup
10801=Differential Backup
10802=Select a backup time point to explore.
10803=The program cannot mount/explore the image files in the disc (CD/DVD). We suggest you copy them to local drive or external storage device to mount.
10804=Please insert writable media then click 'Yes'
10805=Please mark the disc with label '%1', insert another writable media then click 'Yes'
10806=Please insert the disc '%1' containing '%2' and click 'Yes'
10807=Select a backup time point to explore.
10808=Save the Image File
10810=Save to original directory.
10811=Save to a new location.
10812=New location, Choose a new location for the restored files.
10813=Create a task item for this merging operation.
10814=New Task Name:
10816=Open Directory
10817=The merged image file cannot be saved in the disc (CD/DVD), \nplease re-select a location to save.
10818=Please input task name.
10819=A file name can't contain any of the following characters: \/:?"<*>|
10820=Assign drive letters for partitions in the image file to explore it in My Computer.
10821=Explore Image
10822=You could view the files and folders in the image file and click Save As to extract them.
10824=File System
10826= Letter
10828=Created Time:
10829=Save As
10830=Note: There are some partitions which are unable to be recognized by Windows such as Ext2, Ext3, Ext4 and Unformatted partition. They cannot be explored and the program does not support to show them in the above list box.
10831=There are not available drive letters that can be allocated.
10832=The program cannot directly copy data to disc (CD/DVD). We suggest you manually choose other destination path.
10833=Explore image files or detach the virtual partitions from My Computer.
10834=Explore Image or Detach
10835=Select a backup image in the list to explore its files
10838=Virtual Partitions
10839=Total Size
10840=Used Space
10841=Browse a path to open the image file that needs to be explored.
10845=Open Image
10846=Check Image
10847=Create Bootable Media
10848=Explore Image
10849=Merge Images
10850=Windows shell command
10851=AOMEI Partition Assistant
10852=AOMEI Dynamic Disk Manager
10854=Copy to:
10855=Failed to perform the operation when checking or mounting the image.
10856= Finish
10857=Information Code:
10858=After abort the operation, the destination data may be incomplete or inconsistent. Would you like to do this?
10859=Not enough free disk space, please cleanup and press 'Yes' to continue, or press 'Cancel' to exit.
10860=Not enough free disk space in "%1", please cleanup and press 'Yes' to continue, or press 'No' to exit.
10861=Please insert writable media then press 'Yes'
10862=Please mark the disc with label '%1', insert another writable media then press 'Yes'
10863=Please insert the last disc of this backup image set and press 'Yes'
10864=Please insert the disc with '%1' inside and press 'Yes'
10865=Please insert writable media then press 'Yes'
10866=Please mark the disc with label '%1', insert another writable media then press 'Yes'
10867=Input Username and Password
10868=Indicate the operations that will be executed.
10869=Operation Summary
10870=Edit Partition
10871=Sector By Sector Restore
10872=Sector By Sector Clone
10873=Align partition to optimize for SSD
10874=It will clone all the sectors no matter it is used or not, \neven if the sector is blank or it is a logically bad sector, \nso it will take longer time.
10875=If your destination disk is a SSD, we highly suggest\nyou to check the option, and it will accelerate the\nreading and writing speed for solid state drive (SSD).
10876=Edit Partitions
10877=Edit Partition
10878=Destination Disk
10879=Edit Partitions
10880=Destination Partition
10881=Edit Partition
10882=Start Restore
10883= Start Clone
10885= (GPT)
10886=\nDisk Size:
10888= Used:
10889=&Cancel backup
10890=&Quit application
10891=&Show application
10892=S&how progress
10893=File Backup Progress
10894=System Backup Progress
10895=Disk Backup Progress
10896=Partition Backup Progress
10897=Scheduled Backup Progress
10898=File Restore Progress
10899=System Restore Progress
10900=Disk Restore Progress
10901=Partition Restore Progress
10902=Disk Clone Progress
10903=Partition Clone Progress
10904=On completion
10906=Backup to:
10907=Backup Operation\n
10908=AOMEI Backupper has performed a backup
10909= on
10910=Failed to perform the operation when checking or mounting the image.
10911=Are you sure to cancel the operation?
10912=After aborting the operation, the destination data may be incomplete or inconsistent. Would you like to do this?
10913=Backup Operation\n
10914=Backup Operation\n
10916=Backup Progress:
10917=S&how state dialog
10918= Finish
10919= Quit
10921=The operation has been cancelled.
10922=Information Code:
10923=Information Code:
10924=&Hide application
10925=&Show application
10926=H&ide progress
10927=S&how progress
10928=H&ide progress
10929=S&how progress
10930=&Hide application
10931=H&ide progress
10932=&Show application
10933=H&ide progress
10934=S&how progress
10935=Files in use
10936=The program is preparing for Restart Mode. After complete the preparation, the computer will be restarted automatically and enter into this Restart Mode. If the program is unable to restart the computer or failed to enter into "Restart Mode", you could see FAQ to solve the problem.
10937=The current operation needs to be completed in a Restart Mode. Click 'Yes' to restart the computer or click 'No' to cancel.
10938=Some drive(s) are being in use now, so the current operation cannot be completed. Would you like to close these programs that are running on these drives and then proceed?\n\nIf you click 'No', the program will prompt the operation will be realized under a Restart Mode.
10939=Some drive(s) (%1) are being in use now, so the current operation cannot be completed. Would you like to close these the programs that are running on these drives and then proceed? If you click 'No', the program will prompt the operation will be realized under a Restart Mode.
10940=Not enough free disk space, please cleanup and press 'Yes' to continue, or press 'No' to exit.
10941=Not enough free disk space in "%1", please cleanup and press 'Yes' to continue, or press 'No' to exit.
10942=Please insert writable media then press 'Yes'
10943=Please mark the disc with label '%1', insert another writable media then press 'Yes'.
10944=Need to erase the disc, press 'Yes' to proceed, or press 'No' to exit.
10945=Your Account
10946=Go Back
10952=Please select a folder you want to %1, and then click "OK" to continue.
10953=The path selected is unable to be accessed, please re-select a valid path.
10954=There is a path which is too long in File Inclusion Mask, \nplease modify the path to a shorter one.
10955=There is a path which is too long in File Exclusion Mask, \nplease modify the path to a shorter one.
10956=There is a path which is too long in Folder Exclusion Mask, \nplease modify the path to a shorter one.
10957=The subnet mask you entered is incorrect
10958=Incorrect IP Address.
10959=IP address is incorrect.
10960=Network adapter not found.
10961=The length of the password must be less than 64 characters.
10962=The number of files you selected has reached 1000, which is excessive. We suggest you copy all the files to one folder, and then backup this folder. For more information, please read FAQ.
10963=Failed to edit the task, please try again.
10964=Set successfully.
10965=Failed to set.
10966=The Display Name already exists, please use other name.
10967=Because the original location of the file is in the disc (CD/DVD), \nso you cannot restore to its original location. \nPlease re-select a location as destination path to restore.
10968=Restoring files from a network to another is not supported yet. Namely, the source and destination locations for restore cannot be simultaneously on the network.
10969=The target path cannot be empty, please specify a target location to restore data.
10970=The item you selected has been already added in the list. Don't need to add again.
10971=Two identical DNS not allowed
10972=The subnet mask is invalid.
10973=User name cannot be empty.
10974=Now in process of system restore.
10975=The image file is inaccessible because its directory structure is too deep or the destination path is too long.
10976=The path is too long.
10977=Add share or NAS device error.
10978=Please select the file(s) you want to restore, and then click "Next" to continue.
10979=Image not found.
10980=The image files are stored in the disc (CD/DVD). \nThe program does not support merging image files in the disc.
10981=When the number of backups reaches the specified value, all old backups will be deleted automatically \nafter the next full backup is created.
10982=Buy Now
10983=Task Name
10986=Restart Mode Backup: (Recommended) The program will restart computer and enter the Restart Mode (Windows PE Mode) to complete this backup automatically.
10987=Restart Mode Restore: The program will restart computer and enter the Restart Mode to complete this restore automatically.
10992=Need to erase the disc, press 'Yes' to proceed, or press 'No' to exit.
10993=Clear all items
10997=Edit %1
10999=Here is a description of the backup task.
11000=The program is unable to connect to the network. Please enter the correct credentials and check that your network is functioning correctly.
11001=The caller does not have access to the network resource.
11002=The local device specified is already connected to a network resource.
11003=The type of local device and the type of network resource do not match.
11004=The value specified is invalid.
11005=The value specified is not acceptable to any network resource provider, either because the resource name is invalid, or because the named resource cannot be located.
11006=The user profile is in an incorrect format.
11007=The value specified does not match any provider.
11008=The router or provider is busy, possibly initializing. The caller should retry.
11009=The attempt to make the connection was cancelled by the user through a dialog box from one of the network resource providers, or by a called resource.
11010=The system is unable to open the user profile to process persistent connections.
11011=An entry for the device specified is already in the user profile.
11012=A network-specific error occurred. Call the WNetGetLastError function to obtain a description of the error.
11013=The specified password is invalid.
11014=The operation cannot be performed because a network component is not started or because a specified name cannot be used.
11015=The network is unavailable.
11016=Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
11017=Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user are not allowed. You could close all previous connections to the server or shared window or log off the computer and try again.
11018=Invalid network path, you need to add a directory name in the network path to access the directory and files under the directory.
11019=This path cannot writable, it cannot be selected as the destination path.
11020=A specified logon session does not exist. Please detect if there is a directory name behind the network path, such as "\\\directory_name", not "\\". If the error still exists, you can reboot and try again.
11021=Failed to access the network path, please check if your username, password, and network path are correct.
11022=Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.
11023=Invalid network path or sharing service has been disabled. Please check whether the network is accessible and whether the sharing service of the target computer exists, and then try again.
11024=Cannot connect to the remote computer, please check if the target network path is valid.
11025=the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.
11026=Cannot connect to the remote network path, please check if the target address is valid. (Tips: you can check it by using the ping command.)
11027=AOMEI Scheduler
11028=AOMEI Backupper notification %1(Interaction)
11029=If you need to seek help, \nyou can contact us with the above "Error code" and "Description".
11032=Plan name
11034=Execution result
11035=All Logs
11036=Execution time
11037=Error code
11043=Import/Export Backup
11047=The program is copying the files from source path to the new path.
11048=Task Name:
11049=Email notification
11050=To configure your mailbox and email server, \nyou can click "Settings" on the title bar and select "Notifications" to configure. \nNote: Notification only applies to backup/sync operations.
11051=Import an image file to create a task.
11053=Task Profile
11055=This configuration file is invalid.
11056=Failed to export the configuration.
11057=You have not done any backup, so there is no task need to be exported.
11058=When the operation is completed successfully.
11059=When the operation fails.
11060=When user interaction is required.
11061=Send email notification to me:
11062=E-mail address
11063=Outgoing mail server(SMTP)
11066=Enable email or SMS notifications
11067=Send for test
11068=Don't use AOMEI SMTP server.
11069=SMTP authentication
11070=Notification settings
11073=SMTP Server:
11075=AOMEI Backupper test message(%1)
11076=Welcome to use AOMEI Backupper Email Notification. Thank you.
11077=The test email has been sent, you can check your mailbox within 10 minutes.
11078=Sorry, failed to send the test message.
11079=Import/Export Configuration
11080=View Logs
11081=Check backup integrity on completion
11082=If check the option, after completing the backup, the\nprogram will check the data integrity of the backup\nimage to ensure you could successfully recover it.
11083=AOMEI Backupper notification %1 (Success)
11084=AOMEI Backupper notification %1 (Failed)
11085=The operation is unable to be completed because the selected path is too long.
Report of the backup/sync is as follows:
\t\tComputer Name: %1
\t\tPlan Name: %2
\t\tTask Type:%3
\t\tDestination Path:%4
\t\tFile Name:%5
\t\tExecution Result:Success
\t\tError Code:%6
\t\tStarting Time:%7
\t\tFinish Time:%8
\t\tDescription:The operation has been completed successfully.
If you have any question, you can copy the above information and contact us by: support@aomeitech.com
Thank you,
Best Regards,
AOMEI International Network Limited
Report of the backup/sync is as follows:
\t\tComputer Name: %1
\t\tPlan Name: %2
\t\tTask Type:%3
\t\tDestination Path:%4
\t\tFile Name:%5
\t\tExecution Result:Failed
\t\tError Code:%6
\t\tStarting Time:%7
\t\tFinish Time:%8
\t\tDescription:Failed to complete the operation.
If you have any question, you can copy the above information and contact us by: support@aomeitech.com
Thank you,
Best Regards,
AOMEI International Network Limited
Report of the backup/sync is as follows:
\t\tComputer Name: %1
\t\tPlan Name: %2
\t\tTask Type:%3
\t\tDestination Path:%4
\t\tFile Name:%5
\t\tExecution Result:Interactived
\t\tStarting Time:%6
\t\tDescription:User interaction required.
If you have any question, you can copy the above information and contact us by: support@aomeitech.com
Thank you,
Best Regards,
AOMEI International Network Limited
11089=It is not supported to select a CD/DVD path as destination when editing backup, \nPlease make a new task if you need to backup files from CD/DVD.
11090=Import tasks or Export tasks
11091=Please at least check one of three items. If you do not want to receive email notification, you can uncheck the "Enable email notification" option.
11092=E-mail address cannot be empty.
11093=E-mail address format is incorrect.
11094=SMTP address cannot be empty.
11095=Username cannot be empty.
11096=Password cannot be empty.
11097=To configure your mailbox and email server, you can click "Settings" on the title bar and select "Notifications" to configure.
11098=If you are unable to receive E-mail notification or test message, please use yourself SMTP server.
11099=Create a full backup at the beginning of the cycle, and then always create incremental backups during the current cycle. In the next cycle, all old backups will be deleted automatically after a new full backup is completed.
11100=If you want to backup the system partition, to ensure bootable after restore, would you like to use the "System Backup" function to realize the operation?
11101=Expiration Notice:
The version has expired and any operations are no longer available. You need to upgrade to full version now to perform these operations.
11102=Loading, please wait
11103=The format of network path you entered is incorrect. A directory name should be added behind the IP address. For more information, please read FAQ.
11106=Detailed Information
11115=Used Space:
11117=Input username and password.
11118=AOMEI Backupper Settings
11119=Copy %1 Progress
11120=This value [/c] input error.\n
11121=This value [/e] input error.\n
11122=This value [/m] input error.\n
11123=This value [/n] input error.\n
11124=This value [/u] input error.\n
11125=This value [/p] input error.\n
11126=This value [/l] input error.\n
11127=/t Error parameter: the type of device for backup you entered is wrong, please enter "/?" to check the help. \n
11128=Command Line Prompt does not support the operation of backup to disc, you can backup to disc in AOMEI Backupper GUI\n
11129=Error parameter: the disk index you entered is wrong.\n
11130=Command Line Prompt does not support the operation of backup to disc, you can backup to disc in AOMEI Backupper GUI.\n
11131=/d or/n Error parameter: the length of the backup destination path plus the length of the task name must be less than 256 characters.\n
11132=/u or /p Error parameter: the path you entered is not a network path, thus please don't use /u or /p parameter.\n
11133=/n Error parameter: the task name you entered is wrong, please enter again.\n
11134=/e Error parameter: Your password you entered is too long, it must be less than 64 characters.\n
11135=/e Error parameter: the following characters cannot be included in the password: '/'、':'、'*'、'?'、'\'、'<'、'>'、'|'、'"'.\n
11136=/m Error parameter: the minimum size of the splitted file is 50MB and the maximum size is 10485760MB(10TB).\n
11137=/u Error parameter: the length of the username must be less than 128 characters.\n
11138=/p Error parameter: the length of the password must be less than 128 characters.\n
11139=/r Error parameter: the value can only be 0 or 1, please enter \"/?\" to check the help.\n
11140=The disk number you entered is wrong, cannot find any disk matches with the number you entered.\n
11141=\n\nDrive\t\tSize\t Use Space\n
11142=/p Error parameter: for backup type such as inc, dif, full, the password you entered is wrong.\n
11143=There's another AOMEI Backupper program running right now. \nYou need to close it before launching the Command Line Prompt of AOMEI Backupper.\n
11144=/d The save path error.\n
11145=Failed to connect with NAS device. You may try to connect with NAS device in AOMEI Backupper GUI.\n
11146=/s Error parameter: for backup types such as inc, dif, full, the image file path you entered is wrong.\n
11147=\nBackup file at: [ %ws ].\n
11148=\nThe operation has been completed successfully.\n\n
11149=\nInformation Code: %ws\n
11150=AOMEI Backupper Command Line Prompt\n
11151=Copyright © 2009-2023 AOMEI International Network Limited.\n\n
11152=EXIT\t\t-Exit AOMEI Backupper
11153={}\t\t\t\t\t -Required command or parameter.\n[]\t\t\t\t\t -Optional command or parameter.\n\nFor create a new backup, the required parameters are: \n {/b}\t\t\t\t\t -Specify the type of the backup, it could be one of the following:\n\t\t\t\t\t new; inc; dif; full ("new" means a new backup, "inc" means an\n\t\t\t\t\t incremental backup, "dif" means a differential backup,"full" means a\n\t\t\t\t\t full backup).\n {/t}\t\t\t\t\t -Specify the type of the target device for backup, it could be one of\n\t\t\t\t\t the following: system disk part("system" means to backup the system\n\t\t\t\t\t partition, "disk" means to backup the disk, "part" means to backup\n\t\t\t\t\t the partition).\n {/s}\t\t\t\t\t -Specify the backup source. For disk backup, it could be the number\n\t\t\t\t\t of the disk, like: /s 0; For partition backup, it could be the drive\n\t\t\t\t\t letter of the partition, like /s c, If the partition does not have\n\t\t\t\t\t an assigned drive letter, it could be the number of the partition,\n\t\t\t\t\t like /s "0:1".\n {/d}\t\t\t\t\t -Specify the location of the backup to save an image file, it's\n\t\t\t\t\t a path.\n\nFor incremental and differential backup, the required parameters are:\n {/b}\t\t\t\t\t -Specify the type of the backup, it could be one of the following:\n\t\t\t\t\t new; inc; dif; full ("new" means a new backup, "inc" means an\n\t\t\t\t\t incremental backup, "dif" means a differential backup,"full" means a\n\t\t\t\t\t full backup).\n {/s}\t\t\t\t\t -Specify the target of incremental backup or differential backup.\n\t\t\t\t\t It's the path of the ISO file, like /s "D:\Backup\Ab.adi".\n\nThe following are some optional parameters:\n [/n]\t\t\t\t\t -Assign a name for the backup to distinguish it from the others.\n [/c]\t\t\t\t\t -The compression level of the image file could be one of the\n\t\t\t\t\t following:0 1 2 ("0" means no \n\t\t\t\t\t compression, "1" means moderate compression level, "2" means a\n\t\t\t\t\t high compression level).\n [/e]\t\t\t\t\t -Encrypt the image file, like /e "123",it means "123" will be the\n\t\t\t\t\t password of the image file.\n [/u]\t\t\t\t\t -If you choose to backup to network,and the username and password \n\t\t\t\t\t are required to access the network. You may set up the username by\n\t\t\t\t\t using this parameter, like /u "admin".\n [/p]\t\t\t\t\t -If you choose to backup to network,and the username and password\n\t\t\t\t\t are required to access the network.You may set up the password by\n\t\t\t\t\t using this parameter, like /p "123456".\n [/m]\t\t\t\t\t -Split a large image file into several small files,here you can\n\t\t\t\t\t specify the maximum size of the file in MB. Like /m 500.\n [/r]\t\t\t\t\t -Backup the disk and partition in a sector-by-sector way or not,it\n\t\t\t\t\t could be decided by one of these two parameters: 0 1. \n exit\t\t\t\t\t -Exit command\n\nExample:\nBackup the system: \n AMBackup /b new /t system /d "D:\Sys" /n "Backup System"\nBackup disk 0:\n AMBackup /b new /t disk /s 0 /d "D:\Disk" /n "Backup Disk0"\nBackup disk 0 and 1:\n AMBackup /b new /t disk /s 0 /s 1 /d "D:\Disk" /n "Backup Two Disks"\nBackup partition E:\n AMBackup /b new /t part /s E /d "D:\Part" /n "Backup Part E"\nBackup partition E, F and G:\n AMBackup /b new /t part /s E /s F /s G /d "D:\Part" /n "Backup Parts"\n\nIncremental backup:\n AMBackup /b inc /s "D:\Sys\System.adi"\nDifferential backup:\n AMBackup /b dif /s "D:\Sys\System.adi"\nBackup to the shared network:\n AMBackup /b new /t part /s E \n /d "\\\Share\Imgfile.adi" /n "BackupToShare" /u "admin" /p "123456"\n\nFor more examples, please visit https://www.ubackup.com/help/command.html\n\n
11154=AOMEI Backupper can only run under administrator privileges!\n
11155=You've entered a wrong command format, please enter "/?" to check the help.\n
11156=The parameters you entered is duplicate, please enter "/?" to check the help.\n
11157=Be out of disk.\n
11158=/s Error parameter: the drive letter you entered is wrong.\n
11159=/c Error parameter: the compression level can only be 0,1,2, please enter "/?" to check the help.\n
11160=The image has been encrypted, please enter a password.\n
11161=Partition\tDrive\tType\t\tPartition Size\t Use Space\n
11163=This value [/b] input error.\n
11164=This value [/t] input error.\n
11165=This value [/s] input error.\n
11166=This value [/d] input error.\n
11168=From start time
11169=CD Drive--650
11170=CD Drive--700
11172=DVD Drive--4812
11173=ZIP-100 Disk Drive--100
11178=Backup is initializing...
11181=\r[Total: %d%c, Sub: %d%c] [%s]
11182=Local Volume
11183=Please select a disk as new location for system.
11184=Note: Unable to clone to current system partition, please choose other location.
11185=Note: Currently, only support system partition clone and restoration between the same type of disks (MBR or GPT), please ensure the destination disk has the same type with the source disk. And, we're going release new version to solve this problem.
11186=System Clone/nClone or migrate your system to SSD or other disk.
11187=Unable to support cloning the system drive on a dynamic disk.
11188=System Clone cannot be performed because no boot and system partitions were found. Please reboot the system and try again.
Please copy the "Machine Code" below and the "License Code" you received when purchasing the program to https://www.aomeitech.com/get-offline-key.html to generate an offline key to activate this software.
11190=Note: We suggest you to clone the system partition to the first partition or the first available area on the target disk. Otherwise, the system could not boot from the target disk.
11191=Machine Code
11192=Note: The location cannot be set as a destination for the clone or restore operation, because the disk space over 2TB is unable to be used on a MBR disk.
11193=Note: It does not support cloning system to a USB external drive.
11194=Use AOMEI Linux bootable media for the\nrestart mode.
11195=If the clone or restore operation uses the sector-by-sector way, the size of the destination location must be greater than or equal to the source.
11196=Offline Key
11197=The software has expired
11198=Sorry, the computer cannot access Internet. To unlock the function, please reconnect to the Internet. If you have connected to Internet, please close the program and re-run it. Or you can email us: support@aomeitech.com to unlock it.
11199=URL address:
11200=The URL address cannot be empty. Please refer to the content in the box and fill a corrected address.
11201=Data exceptions, please retry. If there is still a problem, please contact us or read FAQ to solve.
11202=The inputted URL address is invalid, please input a corrected address.
11203=The keyword cannot be found in the URL page, please make sure the web page contains the keyword. If there is still a problem, please contact us or read FAQ to solve.
11205=https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=AOMEI Backupper, a FREE backup software, supports system backup, file, scheduled, disk backup, etc.&url=https://www.ubackup.com/&via=aomeitech
11209=Unlock successfully, now you can enjoy the feature.
11211=This URL address is invalid or it is unable to be accessed. Please make sure your computer can connect to Internet, or read online FAQ for more information.
11212=System Clone Progress
11213=Because there is not enough disk space on the selected destination location, the program cannot restore with the Sector by sector mode. You can uncheck "Sector by sector restore" or select an enough space to solve the problem.
11214=Because there is not enough disk space on the selected destination location, the program cannot clone with the Sector by sector mode. You can uncheck "Sector by sector clone" or select an enough space to solve the problem.
11215=AOMEI PXE Boot Tool
11216=The beta version has expired, and you can download the final version at: www.ubackup.com.
11217=Enable Universal Restore
11218=Allow you to restore system to different/dissimilar hardware. If you\nrestore a system backup image created on a different hardware to\ncurrent computer, we recommend you to tick this option so that\nyour computer will be able to start up after system restore.
11219=Your current selected destination disk type is different from that of source disk. Would you like to convert the destination disk type to the one of source drive?
11220=Your current operating system is 32-bit, so you can't clone to the GPT disk. The reason is that 32-bit system can't boot from GPT disk; only 64-bit system supports boot from GPT disk. So, We suggest you convert the GPT disk to MBR disk with AOMEI Partition Assistant before cloning.
11221=Your current system is Windows Vista former Windows OS, so cloning to GPT disk will not boot normally.
11222=The space of target disk is not enough. Please convert the partition style of target disk to keep it consistent with the source disk, and try again.
11223=Because your current selected destination hard disk type is different from the source hard disk, please make sure that your system is Windows Vista or latter Windows 64-bit OS, otherwise, it may cause destination system boot failure after restoring. (The reason is that operating system is Windows Vista former Windows OS or latter Windows 32-bit OS does not support normal boot after MBR&GPT mutual restoring).If needed, you can convert the destination disk to MBR disk with AOMEI Partition Assistant before restoring.
11225=Edit Sync
11226=Schedule Sync
11227=File Sync
11228=Sync Options
11229=Start Sync
11230=File Sync/nBackup folders by file sync, no image file, and support/nReal-time sync.
11231=Folder to sync
11232=Sync all files
11233=Specify the files that you need to backup or sync. \nWildcards are supported and separate multiple masks with semi-colon \n(*.doc;*.xls;*.ppt).
11234=Add drivers for Universal Restore/nSolve that a few systems cannot boot after universal restore.
11235=Add Drivers
11236=In order to give convenience to program's detection work, please select driver's installation files or its directory and then click "Next", then, the program will automatically detect the driver files which can be installed into aim system.
11237=The following are the driver files which can be installed into aim system, detected from your selected installation files or directory. Please confirm them and then select your aim system.
11238=Searching image files
11239=Search Path
11242=Image Name
11243=Real-time Sync
11244=Enable Real-time Sync
11245=If you enable real-time sync function, the program will real-time monitor the source directory needing sync. If there's any change happens to any file or folder in source directory, the program will sync them immediately and provide real-time backup for your data(Note: Real-time sync does not support email notification).
11246=Please select at least one synchronization method and then click "OK" or click "Cancel".
11247=Failed to find available driver file in your selected installation file or directory. Please make sure that there is the Disk Driver needed by aim system in your selected file or directory and try again.
11248=Please select installation location and then click "Next".
11250=Not sync empty folders
11251=Not sync occupied files by other programs
11252=Sync Settings
11254=Skip All
11255=Install Driver Immediately
11256=Last Sync Time:
11257=Sync to:
11258=File Sync Progress
11259=Locate Sync
11260=Schedule type:Real-time Sync.
Current schedule settings: Real-time sync enabled.
Next run time: after the source files are changed.
11261=The current task has never been run, so you cannot run it. Please execute the sync operation firstly and retry.
11262=Sync Information
11267=Skip: If you do not want to sync the above files, click Skip to ignore them.
11268=The source folder cannot be set as a destination path, please select another path to try.
11270=backup at
11271=sync at
11272=The same directory already exists in the destination path. Please select another path or rename the task name, and retry.
11273=Schedule Sync Progress
11274=Are you sure to delete the sync task?
11275=Sync Now
11276=Execution Result:
11277=File Name:
11278=You are restoring is 32-bit system to GPT disk, so it unable to boot the system on GPT disk(The reason is that 32-bit system can't boot from GPT disk; only 64-bit system supports booting from GPT disk). So, you'd better restore the 32-bit system to a MBR disk.
11279=Real-time sync detects new items have been added to the list box, so the task will be executed once after clicking the OK button.
11280=All files in the destination location is already the latest, no files need to be processed.
11281=Don't support to sync files to the disc (e.g. CD, DVD), please select other path as the destination location.
11282=Clean history
11283=Compare three backups
11285=Check Image Progress
11286=Explore Image Progress
11287=Merge Images Progress
11288=Enable Backup scheme
11289=Invalid Backup
11290=Upcoming Backup
11291=Partition Backup
11296=Automatically check the backup on completion.
11297=Space Management
11298=Other Backup Scheme
11299=For Image
11300=For Tasks
11301=Shut down
11305=The schedule task has been added to Backup Management. You can click the Finish button to return to Home to view it.
11306=Plain text
11307=Universal Restore
11308=Auto Delete
11309=System Restore
11310=Backup with Scheme
11311=The backup image path you entered is incorrect. Please enter the correct one and try again.
11312=The partitions in the area have not been backed up.
11313=Read FAQ to try to solve the issue.
11314=Select one backup method to perform the backup task (Incremental Backup is recommended).
11315=Run missed %1 the next system startup.
11316=Do you wish to create a backup with scheme?
11317=Differential Backup Scheme
11318=Incremental Backup Scheme
11319=Full Backup Scheme
11320=Space Management Scheme
11321=Retain the number of backups:
11324=Retain the number of backups:
11325=Consist of a full backup and its chained differential backups.
11327=Retain the latest one set of backups. Specify the number of backups in this set:
11328=A set consists of a full backup and multiple incremental backups.\nWhen the total number of backups in a set reaches the specified value,\nthe program will automatically create the next set of backups.
11330=The number of basic backups:
11331=Consist of a full backup and its chained differential backups.
11333=When the number of backups exceeds the specified value, the oldest backup will be deleted automatically.
11334=When the number of backups exceeds the specified value, the oldest backup will be deleted automatically.\nThe program will delete differential backup first and then delete full backup.
11335=When the next one set of backups is complete, all the backups in the last one set will be deleted automatically.
11336=Based on Differential Backup Scheme. When the number of backups exceeds the specified value and the disk space is insufficient, the old backups will be deleted automatically until there is enough space to store new backups.
11337=Create a full backup and always retain it before performing the scheme.
11338=Current schedule settings:
11339=System List
11340=The system tag of AOMEI Backupper is not found, but the multi-systems are found in your computer, so the program needs you to select a system in the list to continue.
11341=Operating System
11342=Use AOMEI Windows PE bootable media for\nthe restart mode.
11344=What's New
11346=Help us translate
11347=AOMEI freeware
11352=Send mode
11353=Use your Gmail account to send the email notification by Gmail SMTP Server.\nUse your Hotmail account to send the email notification by Microsoft SMTP Server.\nPurchase the paid version to use AOMEI Server to send the email notification directly.\nPurchase the paid version to use your custom SMTP server to send the email notification.
11354=No extra drive letter available. You can remove the drive letter of a useless partition in order to get an available drive letter.
11356=Click "Yes" button to immediately restart the program and load new language; Click "No" button to load new language next time when you run the program.
11361=Simplified Chinese(简体中文)
11362=Traditional Chinese(繁體中文)
11363=Enable program window self-adaptive to screen resolution and DPI settings.
11364=Choose Language:
11365=Click "Yes" button to immediately restart the program and load new resolution; Click "No" button to load new resolution next time when you run the program.
11366=The option is available only if your resolution is high enough.
11368=It suggests that the path to save backup image file doesn’t contain non-English characters.
11369=It detects that the backup image file path contains non-English characters, which may cause the program to fail to find the backup image file under Restart Mode. Please copy the backup image file to English character path and try again.
11370=Please specify an event type to run your backup task when the event you selected occurs.
11371=Event Types:
11372=User logon
11373=User logoff
11374=System startup
11375=Operation start delay(in minutes)
11376=System shutdown
11377=Event triggers
11378=The next time system startup.
11379=The next time the user logoff.
11380=The next time the user logon.
11381=The next time the system shutdown.
11382=Schedule type: Event triggers
11383=System startup
11384=User logoff
11385=User logon
11386=System shutdown
11387=Run one time everyday
11388=Setting Theme:
11389=Select the destination for the system image that you wish to restore.
11390=Pending Operations
11391=Awaiting interaction: please double click the icon, and then click "Details" button to view the interaction windows.If it does not get responsein three minutes later, the program will select a defaulted to process.
11393=Send email with HTML
11394=Send email with TXT
11395=Hotmail Server
11396=Gmail Server
11398=If the task is enabled with event triggers, you cannot manually specify Windows Task Scheduler or AOMEI Service Program to perform this task.
11399=AOMEI Server
11400=Custom SMTP
11401=Please right click the tray icon and select "Show Application" to open main interface.
11402=Unable to perform full, incremental or differential backup for image file stored on CD/DVD. Please copy image file from CD/DVD to local disk if you want to perform incremental or differential backup for current backup task.
11403=Failed to enable backup service. Please retry or reinstall the software and try again. Contact our technical support for help if this message still appears.
11404=Failed to initialize RPC service. Please retry or reinstall the software and try again.
11405=Since you don’t perform interaction operation more than 3 minutes, the program automatically performs default interaction for you. Please refer to the log file for more details.
11406=Computer automatic restart failed. You can manually restart computer to complete the operation.
11407=Gmail address
11408=Choose an email form:
11409=The Standard Edition cannot support this function, please upgrade to advanced editions by clicking here.
11410=Since the current version cannot support the email sending mode you selected, please choose other available modes or upgrade current version to advanced versions at: https://www.ubackup.com/standard-upgrade.html?adb
11411=Hotmail address
11412=The Standard Edition cannot support this function, please upgrade to advanced editions by clicking here.
11414=Restore only files.
11415=Setting Commands
11416=The path of executable program cannot be empty. Please choose the executable program or cancel.
11417=Current sync task has not yet been performed. Please perform once or re-create this task.
11418=Don't show tray icon next time.
11419=Command execution succeeded.
11450=Command execution failed.
11451=The path of executable program cannot be empty.
11452=The directory of executable program cannot be empty.
11453=Executing command before a backup.
11454=Executing command after a backup.
11459=Working directory:
11461=Do not perform operations until the command execution is completed.
11462=Abort the operation if the user command fails.
11463=Open commands.
11464=Select a network location
11465=Select a cloud drive
11466=Unable to find a installed cloud drive in current system. Please install cloud drive desktop app, and then try again.
11467=New Folder
11468=This function is only available in paid editions such as Professional. \nPlease upgrade to AOMEI Backupper paid editions.
11469=This function is available only when editing real-time sync tasks and creating real-time sync tasks.
11471=This function is available only when editing real-time sync tasks and creating real-time sync tasks.
11472=The Technician Edition cannot run on Windows Server operating systems. Only Technician Plus can run on Windows Server operating systems.
11473=This is a real-time sync task. It is being performed, please wait...
11474=Technician Plus
11475=AOMEI Backupper Technician Plus 7.3.3
11476=Enable Pre-command to execute the command before \nstarting the backup.
11477=Enable Post-command to execute the command after \nfinishing the backup.
11479=When deleting the source, files in the destination are also deleted.
11480=AOMEI Image Deploy
11481=AOMEI Backupper Standard
11482=AOMEI Backupper
11483=AOMEI Backupper Server
11484=AOMEI Backupper
11485=AOMEI Backupper
11486=AOMEI Backupper
11487=The Standard Edition doesn't support command line, please upgrade to Professional or other paid editions.\n
11488=The Standard Edition doesn't support to real-time sync files to a network drive. To use this function, please upgrade to Professional Edition or other paid editions by visiting: https://www.ubackup.com/standard-upgrade.html?adb
11489=System Clone
11490=Event-triggered scheduling backup
11491=Dissimilar Hardware/Universal Restore
11492=Backup/Restore for dynamic volume
11493=AOMEI PXE Boot Tool
11494=Exclude files from backup or sync
11495=Run the missing backup after starting computer next time.
11496=Business usage
11497=Learn more
11498=The advanced features below are unavailable in Standard Edition. If you need to use them, please upgrade to Professional Edition or other paid editions.
11499=Join the User Experience Improvement Program
11500=File filter settings
11501=Resize partition
11502=Merge Images
11503=Backup Scheme
11504=Run missing tasks
11505=The current version does not support the portable creation version. If you want to use this feature without installation, please upgrade to Technician or Technician Plus edition.
11506=Failed to create a portable version. Please use installation package to install this edition or manually create a portable version of this edition.
11507=Failed to create a portable version due to other reasons. Please directly use the installation package to reinstall the program, or send the log folder in the installation directory to our technical support.
11508=Because the target location of current task is a cloud drive, and the task is configured with backup scheme. Therefore, it may make image file being used by the cloud drive, which will lead to backup scheme abnormal work. It is recommended to cancel the backup scheme or choose another location. Do you want to continue?
11510=The real-time sync function of current edition cannot support the source location which is a network path. Please remove the network path in the source location and try again.
11511=Failed to create folder. Please try to create it under the share directory.
11512=The Standard Edition only supports upgrading to Professional Edition. If your license code belongs to other editions, please install the correct edition and try again.
11513=To configure your mailbox and email server, you can click "Settings" on the title bar and select "Notifications" to configure. Note: Notification only applies to backup/sync operations.
11514=If the program fails to detect your cloud drive desktop app, please try to restart the program from Start menu after closing it.
11515=For Standard edition, we suggest you use "System Backup" and "System Restore" to realize "System Clone" function.
11520=Now it has switched to %1. Click "Yes" to immediately restart the program and load new resolution. Click "No" to load new resolution at the next program start.
11521=Normal window mode
11522=Large window mode
11523=If the selected window mode doesn't fit the resolution, you can press \n[CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[O] on the main window to return to previous window display mode.
11524=The file has been skipped because its source path is too long:
11525=The program supports restoring dynamic disk system image to its original location or a basic disk. Since no other basic disk was detected on this computer, please try to restore it to its original location.
11526=Unable to continue this operation since no disk was detected on this computer. Please try to reinstall the software or view help document.
11527=No disk was found on your computer, please restart computer, or reinstall the software and try again.
11528=Failed to load the backup image on NAS, which may be caused by invalid network \npath or suspended share service. Here only displays basic information of the task.
11529=The file has been skipped because it is being used by current program:
11530=Opening network task
11531=The target path currently cannot be modified. It may be caused by network connection failure or invalid target path, please check if the target path can be accessed.
11532=This file has been ignored due to long target path:
11533=The number of network connections has exceeded maximum limit. Please try again later, or restart the computers on the network and retry.
11534=Failed to get system partition drive letter. We suggest you retry with a PE created on another system.
11535=Failed to get operating system version. We suggest you retry with a PE created on another system.
11536=The target path is too long for storing image file. Please re-select a shorter target path and retry.
11537=AOMEI Backupper currently doesn't support backing up or cloning dynamic system volume on GPT disk. We will add this function in the later version.
11538=AOMEI Backupper currently doesn't support backing up or cloning entire dynamic disk. You can use "Partition Backup" or "Partition Clone" to backup or clone dynamic volumes.
11543=Are you sure you want to cancel the control of AOMEI Centralized Backupper?
11544=The client has not yet been controlled. There is no need to cancel the control.
11545=The control of AOMEI Centralized Backupper has been cancelled successfully.
11546=Cancel Control
11547=Launch Centralized Backupper
11548=AOMEI Centralized Backupper
11549=The tasks created by AOMEI Centralized Backupper cannot be edited.
11550=Unable to cancel the control when the program is performing operation. Try again after the operation is complete or cancel the operation.
11551=Because the image file of this task cannot be found, you can only \nview the basic information on this task. It may be caused by drive \nletter of the disk for saving image file change. If so, please change \nback to original drive letter and try again.
11552=Expiration Notice:
The version has expired, which was for computerbild magazine reader one-year usage. Please upgrade it with the huge discount.
11554=Your license will expire soon. In order to make sure that the backup tasks of current computer work normally, please click "Renew" to extend your license validity period.
11555=Your license has expired and the program is in %1 day restricted use. In order to make sure that the backup tasks of current computer work normally, please click "Renew" to extend your license validity period.
11556=Your license will expire soon. In order to make sure that the backup tasks of current computer work normally, please renew your license at https://www.aomeitech.com/renewal.html. \nAfter you have renewed your license successfully, please click "Activate" to extend your license validity period. You can also renew your license online by connecting the computer to Internet.
11557=Your license has expired. The program is in %1 day restricted use. Now you can’t use the function of system clone, email notification, etc. Please click "Purchase" to get a new license and reactivate the program.
11558=Expire Soon
11559=Expiration Reminder
11560=If you have renewed your license successfully, please click the "Yes" button or relaunch the software to update your registration information.
11562=License expires in %1 days
11563=%1 day restricted use
11564=License code:
11600=The free Standard Edition does not support optical disc drives as the target location. Please upgrade to Professional Edition or higher and retry.
11602=This display name already exists, please enter a new one.
11603=Don't show this again
11604=Executing the command before backing up...
11605=Executing the command after backing up...
11606=Command execution failed. Error code: 0x%08x.
11607=Network path not found, path error, or network cannot connect. Please check if the network connection is normal and the network path is correct.
11609=Phone number
11611=A shortcut named %1 has been created for this task on the desktop. You can perform this task by double-clicking on it.
11612=Phone number cannot be empty.
11613=Please enter phone number.
11614=Sending test information...
11615=Call AOMEI Backupper Scheduler Service failed. Please confirm that the AOMEI Backupper Scheduler Service is running.
11616=This task has been added to the execution queue, and is about to execute...
11617=United States
11622=United Kingdom
11626=Taiwan, China
11628=Send test information to: %1 has failed.
11629=Successfully sent test information to: %1.
11630=Failed to create the task shortcut. Please try again.
11631=Please choose a quick backup method
11632=The country calling code
11633=The program will create a shortcut to the task on the desktop. You can double-click the shortcut to run this task directly.
11634=SMS notification
11635=Please click Settings on the toolbar and then set mobile phone number in Notification for receiving SMS message.
11636=Welcome to use AOMEI Backupper SMS Notification. Thank you.
11639=VIP Center
11641=USB plug in
11642=When the program detects that the source or destination USB device of the task is plugged in, it will automatically backup the data on the USB device to the local drive or backup the local data to the USB device.
11643=When the USB is plugged in
11644=The next time you plug in a USB device
11645=You have specified "When the USB is plugged in" for this backup task, but neither the source nor the target is USB device. Please change the type of schedule task or select the corresponding USB device as the backup source or target, and then continue.
11646=Automatically create a folder with the same name as the task in the target location.
11647=The current task is of the "USB plug in" trigger type, however, the related USB paths have been removed. So the next time these USB devices are plugged in, this task will not be triggered. Are you sure you want to continue?
11648=Failed to bind the USB device. It may be caused by failure to obtain USB device information or the USB device is not allowed to write. Please check or replace the USB device and try again.
11703=AOMEI Backupper Trial 7.3.3
11705=AOMEI Backupper Unregistered 7.3.3
11706=The License for Professional edition cannot be registered on Servers. To register AOMEI Backupper on Server operating systems, please upgrade to the Server edition or Technician Plus edition.
11707=The License for Technician edition cannot be registered on Servers. To register AOMEI Backupper on Server operating systems, please upgrade to the Server edition or Technician Plus edition.
11708=License validation failed. Please ensure that the License you’re using is valid. Make sure the network is working properly if you register online. Contact us for further support.
11709=The software is not registered
11710=The software is not registered.
11711=Your license has expired.
11712=The file name or path exceeds the limit of length %s.
11713=Failed to open: %s. Result: %d.
11714=Failed to write: %s. Result: %d.
11715=Failed to read: %s. Result: %d.
11716=Failed to setattributes: %s. Result: %d.
11719=Professional Trial
11720=Server Trial
11721=Technician Trial
11722=Technician Plus Trial
11723=This is a paid feature. To receive notifications in this way, please click here to upgrade to the paid version.
11724=The notification feature in Standard version supports Gmail and Hotmail delivery only. To use the other delivery methods, please upgrade to the paid version by clicking Yes; Click No to return and reconfigure.
11725=This is a paid feature. To receive notifications in this way, please click here to upgrade to the paid version.
11726=This is a paid feature. To receive notifications in this way, please click here to upgrade to the paid version.
11728=If you have purchased a license code, please click "Register" to activate.
11729=AOMEI Backupper Professional Trial
11730=AOMEI Backupper
11731=AOMEI Backupper Technician Plus Trial
11732=AOMEI Backupper Technician Trial
11733=AOMEI Backupper
11734=Unregistered Version:
The software has not been registered. To perform the operations, please enter a license code and register it.
11735=The Clone feature is available in Full version only. \nPlease register or purchase a license.
11736=Sync the source data above to the location below
11741=Start your data insurance journey
11742=Drag to add
11743=Add Partition or Volume
11745=Select Task
11746=Select a task to restore
11747=Select Image File
11748=Select an image file to restore
11749=It is not supported to create new file sync task under WinPE mode
11750=Backup Mode
11752=Backup Service
11754=Please select a backup method
11755=Task name cannot be empty.
11756=Run the specified program or script before or after backup or synchronization.
11758=Configure user command
11759=Do not perform operations until the command execution is complete.
11760=Terminate the operation if the command fails to execute.
11762=Here you can specify exclusion rules. The program will prevent specific files or folders from being backed up.
11763=Select to Restore
11764=Always Keep Global Data Safer
11765=The above files are being used by other programs, so they cannot be synced. Please click the following button to continue.
11766=Command execution failed before backup.
11767=Command execution failed after backup.
11768=Add Disk
11771=SSD Alignment
11772=Universal Restore
11776=Here you can specify inclusion rules. The program will only backup specific file types.
11777=Add Filter
11779=Here you can choose filter rules. Also, you can edit the filter rules below and click "OK" to save.
11782=Restore default settings
11783=The above files are being used by other programs, so is unable to overwrite them. Please click the following button to continue
11784=Pre/Post commands are unavailable in Real-time Sync. Do you want to continue?
11785=Download new version
11787=Clone your system, disk or partition.
11788=Tips: if you need to show tray icon, please launch the\nprogram and then click "Menu" > "Settings" >"Advanced"\n>"Other".
11789=Backup the source data above to the location below
11791=Rename: Rename the files with the same name.
11792=Unable to backup the files above: being used by another program. Please click the button below to continue.
11793=Skip: If you do not want to overwrite the above files, click Skip to ignore them.
11794=Retry: After close other programs to release the occupation of the files and click Retry.
11795=Advanced Backup
11797=Retry: After close other programs to release the occupation of the files and click Retry.
11798=Task failed, click here to view details.
11799=(Current version: 7.3.3)
11800=The program cannot directly sync/restore data to disc (CD/DVD) %s.
11801=Restore selected files to original location.
11802=View Logs
11804=Backup Now
11805=Backup with Scheme
11807=The Beta Version will expire in %1 day(s). Click here to upgrade to full version.
11808=The Beta Version has expired. Click here to upgrade to full version.
11809=Unable to perform the current operations: The Beta Version has expired. Click here to upgrade to full version.
11810=System clone is not available in Beta version, Click here to upgrade to full version.
11813=Restore a partition in the disk
11814=Restore the entire disk
11815=Restore this system backup
11816=Restore a partition in this system backup
11817=Restoring a partition in this system backup will only restore data in the partition.\nThe operation doesn't ensure system will be bootable. To make system bootable,\nplease choose "Restore this system backup".
11818=Changing the path will move image files or synchronized files in the target path to new location. Do you want to continue?
11819=Source Location:
11820=New Location:
11821=Retry: After close other programs to release the occupation of the files and click Retry.
11822=Skip: If you do not want to backup the above files, click Skip to ignore them.
11823=Cancel: Cancel this backup operation.
11824=Retry: After close other programs to release the occupation of the files and click Retry.
11825=Cancel: Cancel this sync operation.
11826=Create your first backup task
11827=Do you want to restore to default settings?
11828=Ignore this file: %s
11829=e.g. C:\Windows\System32\xcopy.exe
11830=e.g. C:\Windows\System32
11831=e.g. C:\Source D:\Target
11832=The Standard Edition cannot support this function, please upgrade to advanced editions by clicking here.
11833=AOMEI Backupper Professional Edition 7.3.3
11834=Get Full Version With The Biggest Discount Now
11836=Get Lifetime Version with the biggest discount
11837=Fast Synchronization
11838=%20.20s Number: %-19s Counting the number of files...
11839=Creating a file index to realize Fast Synchronization. If unchecked, the program will perform\nfull synchronization each time (i.e.: verifying each file in the source and target folders).
11840=Failed to get free space on the target location or the target path does not exist. Please check and try again.
11843=A new version of AOMEI Backupper is available,and you can download it from:http://www.ubackup.com/downloads.html.
Learn what's new in this version, please visit:http://www.ubackup.com/changelog.html.
11847=Try Pro For Free
11850=AOMEI OneKey Recovery/nOne key to create a recovery partition for system /nbackup and restore.
11857=Would you like to upgrade to Pro 30-day free trial? Click "Yes" to continue and the program will restart to complete the upgrade.
11858=System Backup/nBackup Windows and create an image of system /npartition.
11862=All Refuse
11863=Remote Control Request (
11864=The central consoles are requiring control access to your computer, you can select one of these central consoles and click on "Agree" to grant control or click on "Reject" to refuse all these requests.
11867=Run Tasks Now
11868=Delay 15 Minutes
11869=Delay 30 Minutes
11870=Delay 1 Hour
11871=Skip Tasks Above
11872=Do not show this dialog again.
11873=AOMEI Backupper has detected a USB device plugged in and will run the following tasks associated with the USB device. Please confirm how you would like to proceed.
11874=USB Plugged in
11875=USB Device Name:
11876=Source file does not exist. Skip the file: %s
11877=Do not show the "USB Plugged in" dialog.
11878=Initialized backup application.
11879=If you need to show this dialog again, please click Menu >> Settings >> Advanced >> Others\nand uncheck the Do not show the "USB Plugged in" dialog.
11880=AOMEI Backupper Workstation Edition 7.3.3
11882=AOMEI Backupper
11884=AOMEI Backupper Workstation 7.3.3
11886=Workstation Trial
11889=share happiness
11892=AOMEI Centralized Backupper for restore
11898=Wake the computer to run scheduled tasks.
11900=The program will wake your computer from sleep or hibernate mode 2 minutes before running a scheduled backup.\nWe recommend you to restart computer after initial setting.
11901=Tips: if the current time on this computer is in the interval, the program will wake the computer when the next interval begins.\nWe recommend you to restart computer after initial setting.
11904=Select Cloud
11905=AOMEI PXE Boot Tool
11915=Disk free space not enough!
11916=Disk Wipe/nWipe your disk to erase data and remove virus permanently.
11918=Don't show this message again.
11919=System Clone/nClone or migrate your system to SSD or other disk.
11924=AOMEI Backupper Trial 7.3.3
11930=Enter License Code
11931=Upgrade Now
11932=90-Day Money Back Guarantee
11933=Exceeds the maximum 2TB partition size of the MBR disk.
11934=The source sync path does not exist.
11935=The source backup path does not exist.
11937=Try Pro for Free
11938=The WinPE for restore is being made, please wait...
11939=Downloading the WinPE for restore from Server, please wait...
11942=Provide multiple modes to better synchronize your files.
11943=Basic Sync/nEasily sync changed files from the source directory to/nthe destination directory.
11944=Real-Time Sync/nSync changed files from the source directory to the/ndestination directory in real time.
11945=Mirror Sync/nAlways keep the files in the destination directory/nexactly the same as the source directory.
11946=Two-Way Sync/nAny changes in the source or destination directory will/nbe synced to the other side.
11947=Sync the deletions in source directory to destination.
11948=Verify the integrity of files in the destination directory during synchronization.
11950=If a file in the source directory does not exist in the destination directory, the missing files will be synced to the destination\n directory to ensure the integrity of files. (e.g. files in destination directory are deleted manually.)
11951=Basic Sync
11952=Mirror Sync
11953=Two-Way Sync
11954=Real-Time Sync
11955=Abnormal exit during backup/synchronization.
11956=Not interested
11957=When files are deleted from the source directory, the same files in the destination directory will also be deleted.
11959=Delete Sync
11960=Common Tools
11961=There is a containment relationship between the source and the destination directory. Please re-select the sync path.
11962=Backup Tools
11963=Check the validity and data integrity of image file.
11964=Help you restore system to its normal state when computer won't boot.
11965=System, disk, or partition image can be mounted as a virtual drive.
11966=Centrally manage the backup and restore of multiple client computers within the LAN.
11967=Import image files or import/export tasks to ease your backup management.
11968=View the execution results of backup tasks.
11969=Notification Settings
11970=Simultaneously boot multiple client computers within LAN through the network booting for system maintenance.
11971=Rapidly deploy system to multiple computers within the LAN through network.
11972=Clean and speed up your computer before backup.
11973=AOMEI OneKey Recovery
11974=Create a system recovery partition and 1-click to restore system to its normal state.
11975=Disk Partition Manager
11976=Safely adjust partition size without losing data and manage hard disks easily.
11978=Free Tools
11979=New Sync
11980=Create your first sync task.
11981=Notification Settings
11982=Send backup results to your email when each backup is complete.
11983=Sorry, this feature is only available in Workstation Edition or higher.\nTo continue using it, please upgrade to AOMEI Backupper Workstation.
11984=Sorry, this feature is only available in Technician Edition or higher. To continue using it,\nplease upgrade to AOMEI Backupper Technician or Technician Plus.
11985=Add and manage network shared or NAS device, which can be selected as a backup target path.
11986=Manage your system and data efficiently.
11987=Please specify an event type to run your sync task when the event you selected occurs.
11988=When the program detects that the source or destination USB device of the task is plugged in, it will automatically sync the data on the USB device to the local drive or sync the local data to the USB device.
11989=Windows shell command
11990=The maximum capacity of FAT32 partition is 2TB, please reset the partition size.
11991=Clear all logs
11992=Are you sure you want to delete all the listed logs?
11995=Space Management
11996=Locate Path
11997=Add and manage Share, NAS devices, or local paths below, which can be used as backup target Location.
11998=Add Subdirectory
11999=Storage Management
12000=Add and manage Share or NAS devices below, which can be used as backup path.
12001=Storage Management
12002=Incorrect username or password, please try again.
12003=Alert me when free space is less than
12007=Space Management
12008=The path already exists. Are you sure you want to modify its display name?
12010=Please enter a subdirectory of this path.
12011=Edit Storage Path
12012=Unable to connect to the network. Please check your network.
12013=Learn more
12015=Free Space:
12017=Free Space:
12019=(Lower than the specified value of space alert)
12020=Select a local path
12021=This path is unable to access. Please check the spelling of the name and your network connection before you try again.
12023=Disk Wipe
12024=Wipe disk to wipe data and remove virus permanently.
12034=Operation Priority
12035=The task operation process has the same priority as other processes and will be executed at normal speed.
12036=Please select the operation priority of the task. The higher the priority is, the faster the task will be executed.
12037=The task operation process has a lower priority than other processes and will be executed at a slower speed.
12038=The task operation process has a higher priority than other processes and will be executed at a faster speed.
12039=Recovery Environment
12040=Easy to perform backup/restore operation when system crashes.
12041=The destination path is unavailable. Please check whether\n the network is accessible or whether the path exists.
12042=Only compression and splitting functions are supported to save to global settings.
12049=The original path cannot be connected, and the image files or synced files cannot be moved to the new path. Do you want to save the new path directly?
12050=As the original destination path cannot be connected or does not exist, the program can’t move synced files to the new path.
12051=Failed to access the backup source. This may be because the backup source does not exist or its location has changed.
12055=Upgrade with Discount Now
12056=Sync function does not support sync to CD
12057=The scheduled task has been completed, the system will automatically shut down in 10 seconds.
12058=After the scheduled task is completed, the computer will
12059=The scheduled task has been completed, the system will automatically reboot in 10 seconds.
12060=The scheduled task has been completed, the system will automatically hibernate in 10 seconds.
12061=The scheduled task has been completed, the system will automatically sleep in 10 seconds.
12063=Create Portable Version
12064=Copy AOMEI Backupper to a removable device so that directly run it on target computers without installing, which is convenient for IT maintenance and support engineers.
12065=Sorry, the Tech edition does not support running on the server system.
12066=The current version does not support the portable creation version. Please use the registration tool in the installation directory to register as the advanced version and try again.
12067=App Password
12068=Monthly Subscription
12069=Yearly Subscription
12070=Lifetime Upgrades
12071=Current License
12072=Limited-Time License
12074=No Subscription
12075=VIP Center
12076=Sorry, this license code is for current version and doesn't support upgrading to higher versions. Please click "Upgrade" to buy a lifetime version. If you have any questions, please click Contact us.
12080=Home Trial
12083=Update license code
12084=Sorry, the software is offline and cannot automatically update the latest status of the registration code. If you have renewed or upgraded, please copy the "machine code" below and the obtained "license" when you purchased the software to enter the page https://www.aomeitech.com/get-offline-key.html to generate an offline registration code to reactivate the software.
12085=Sorry, this license code is for current version and cannot be used in higher versions. Please click "Upgrade" to buy a lifetime version.
12086=The SQL Server database backup does not support this operation temporarily. It is recommended to perform this task in AOMEI Multi-Manager.
12087=AOMEI Backupper Home 7.3.3
12088=Cancel Subscription
12089=Renew Now
12090=The version is out of date.
12091=AOMEI Backupper Home
12092=Home edition doesn't support command-line operations. Please upgrade to Professional edition or other paid editions.\n
12094=Do you want to upgrade to the 30-day free trial version of Home edition? Please click "Yes" to confirm upgrade and the software will restart to complete upgrade.
12095=Try Home for Free
12096=This function is only available in Home edition and other paid editions. You are suggested to upgrade to AOMEI Backupper Home edition.
12098=As the license code of Home edition cannot register AOMEI Backupper on a server, please upgrade to Server edition or Technician Plus edition if you want to register AOMEI Backupper on Windows Server operating system.
12099=Renew Now
12100=Sorry, the request timed out, please try again later.
12101=Renew with Discount Now
12102=The registration code of AOMEI Backupper Workstation edition does not support registering on the server, thus if you want to register AOMEI Backupper on the server system, please upgrade to Server or Technician Plus version for registration.
12103=If you have renewed, please restart the software.
12105=Your authorization has expired. Now you have a 30-day restriction period. System clone, email notification and other functions will be restricted. Please click "Renew Now" to reactivate.
12106=After every
12107=incremental backups, perform one full backup
12108=Cleanup Method:
12109=By quantity
12110=By time
12111=By daily/weekly/monthly
12112=By space
12113=Only keep the latest
12114=sets of backups
12115=When the number of backups exceeds the set value, the old backups will be deleted automatically.
12116=Keep all the backups
12117=When the set number of days is exceeded,\nthe old backups will be deleted automatically according to the weekly rule.
12118=Keep one full backup every week
12119=When the set number of weeks is exceeded,\nthe old backup will be deleted automatically by the monthly rule.
12120=Keep one full backup every month
12121=When the number of months is exceeded, the old backup will be deleted automatically.
12122=Basic Backup Number:
12123=Automatically delete old backups when storage space is insufficient.
12124=One full backup and multiple differential backups make up a backup set,\nand the differential backups will be deleted first within a backup set, and then the full backups.
12125=Create one full backup and always retain it before performing the scheme.
12126=differential backups, perform one full backup
12127=of backups
12129=Backup Scheme
12130=Keep all full backups
12131=It is detected that the backup task is set up with image encryption, you need to enter the password for verification and then save the changes.
12132=Backup Method
12133=Cloud Backup/nBackup data to secure and reliable AOMEI Cloud storage.
12134=Cloud Backup
12135=Best free cloud backup service with unlimited scalable cloud backup space.
12136=Get unlimited Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox backup space for free
12137=One full backup and multiple incremental backups make up a backup set,\nand the old backup set will be deleted automatically after exceeding the specified value.
12138=When the set time is exceeded, the old backup will be deleted automatically.
12139=Schedule Sync
12140=Enable Schedule Backup
12142=Enable Schedule Sync
12144=File Backup/nEasily backup files and folders to an image file.
12145=Fail to read the source data, please check if the backup image exists.
12146=Fail to get task version information, please check if the backup image exists.
12147=Fail to get task version information, please click to retry.
12148=Fail to get backup source information, please click to retry.
12149=Fail to get task notes, please click to retry.
12152=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12153=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12154=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12155=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12156=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12157=Registration failed. The license code is invalid. Please re-enter or buy a new license code. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12158=Registration failed. The license code is invalid. Please re-enter or buy a new license code. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12159=Registration failed. The license code is invalid. Please re-enter or buy a new license code. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12160=Registration failed. Your license code has expired. Please buy a new license code to register. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12161=Registration failed. Your license code has expired. Please buy a new license code to register. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12162=Registration failed. The license code is invalid. Please re-enter or buy a new license code. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12163=Registration failed. The license code has exceed the maximum number of allowed registration , please buy a new license code to register. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12164=Registration failed. The license code has exceed the maximum number allowed devices, please buy a new license code to register. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12165=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12166=Registration failed. Your license code has expired. Please buy a new license code to register. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12167=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12168=Verification failed, version does not match.
12169=Registration failed. Your license code has expired. Please buy a new license code to register. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12170=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12171=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12172=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12173=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12174=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12175=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12176=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12177=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12178=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12179=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12180=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12181=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12182=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12183=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12184=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12185=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12187=Upgrade to Lifetime Version Now
12188=Grab Today's Exclusive Limited-Time Discount
12189=Download registrable version
12190=Lifetime Version
12191=Registration Failed. Your license is Current Version
12192=The "Current Version" license is only valid for the version you bought and updating to \na min or release (e.g. version 6.6.0 to 6.6.5). it is not available for updating to a major\nrelease (e.g. version 6.6.0 to 6.7.0)
12195=Registration failed. Failed to verify license code, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
12196=AOMEI Windows 11 Update Checker
12197=Windows 11 Update Checker
12198=Check whether this PC meets Windows 11 update system requirements
12202=Make full use of disk space
12203=Add unallocated space to system partition to maximize the use of space on the target partition.
12204=The size of the partition on the destination disk remains unchanged by default. To add unallocated space to all partitions, click Edit Disk.
12205=Convert the destination disk from MBR to GPT
12206=Convert the destination disk from GPT to MBR
12208=Mark all as read
12209=No New Notifications
12213=Don't show again
12223=The program detected "Fast Startup" has been enabled on your computer. The Event-trigger types "System Startup" and "System Shutdown" may not be executed. Are you sure you want to continue?
12230=Add Local Paths
12232=Add Share or NAS Devices
12234=Add Share or NAS Devices
12236=Please enter network path or name
12241=The path does not exist.
12242=The selected directory does not have read/write permissions or has been disabled. Please select another directory.
12247=Are you sure you want to remove this storage path?
12249=Add Share or NAS Devices
12250=This feature is not available in Standard Edition. To use it, please upgrade to Professional Edition or higher.
12251=Failed to explore image. The program detects mounted drive has been updated already. Please restart your computer and try again.
12252=Note: If you want to clone the system partition and make it bootable after cloning, you need to use "System Clone". Are you sure you want to perform "System Clone"?
12253=iPhone Backup & Transfer
12254=Backup iPhone for data safety and transfer data from iPhone to iPhone or iPhone to computer.
12255=Remote Desktop
12256=Remote access, support and work at any time, from anywhere. Free and secure.
12258=Quickly recover deleted or lost files for Windows. Support 200+ file types.
12259=The image is imported successfully, and the corresponding task is "%1". Click "Go to View" to learn more about the task.
12260=Go to View
12261=Importing the image failed. The image file is damaged.
12262=Outlook Backup
12264=Outlook Backup/nBackup Outlook App data to an image file.
12265=Add Outlook Data
12266=Microsoft Outlook
12267=Outlook Backup
12268=Overwrite Existing Data
12272=Failed to open email, please try again later.
12273=Initialization failed, please try again later.
12274=Search in all mailboxes
12275=All Mailboxes
12276=Search from current mailbox
12277=Current Mailbox
12278=Search from current folder
12279=Current Folder
12280=No email was found.
12281=Please enter an email address to search for.
12282=No Outlook client detected in the original location. Please choose restore to a new location.
12284=No subject
12285=Email Restore
12286=Select a destination path to restore Outlook data.
12287=Which may be caused by the following reasons:\n1. Outlook configuration is incorrect;\n2. The login information does not match the existing account;
12288=Restore selected Outlook data to original location.
12289=Initializing email restore...
12290=Calculating the number of restored emails...
12291=Restoring email...
12292=The folder %s cannot be created, or the folder cannot be connected by the mailbox.
12293=The program detects that the task associated with the image already exists. After importing the image, the backup path of the existing task "%1" will be modified. Are you sure you want to continue importing the image file?
12294=Backing up email folders...
12295=Email backup is complete.
12296=No Outlook information detected. Please confirm that the Outlook client has been installed and try again.
12297=%40.40s Amount: %-19s Speed: %3dKB/s Remaining: %3dh
12298=%40.40s Amount: %-19s Speed: %3dKB/s Remaining: %3dm
12299=%40.40s Amount: %-19s Speed: %3dKB/s Remaining: %3ds
12300=%40.40s Amount: %-19s Speed: %3dB/s Remaining: %3dh
12301=%40.40s Amount: %-19s Speed: %3dB/s Remaining: %3dm
12302=%40.40s Amount: %-19s Speed: %3dB/s Remaining: %3ds
12303=Email reading and writing failed. Please try again later.
12304=Initialization failed, please try again later.
12305=Cannot find the backup folder. Please confirm whether the backup source is existing.
12306=It is detected that the email already exists, and the restoration of the email has been ignored.
12307=Reading and writing Outlook emails failed. Please try again later.
12308=Failed to obtain Outlook data. Please start the Outlook client to confirm whether the data is normal, and try to backup again if there is no exception.
12309=Failed to obtain Outlook data. Please start the Outlook client to confirm whether the data is normal, and try to backup again if there is no exception.
12310=Initialization failed, please try again later.
12311=Failed to obtain Outlook data. Please start the Outlook client to confirm whether the data is normal, and try to backup again if there is no exception.
12312=Initialization failed, please try again later.
12313=Initialization failed, please try again later.
12314=Initialization failed, please try again later.
12315=Backup failed, and the email information is abnormal.
12316=Initialization failed, please try again later.
12317=Cannot find the backup folder. Please confirm whether the backup source is existing.
12318=Cannot find the backup email. Please confirm whether the backup source exists.
12319=Unknown error.
12320=The operation has been cancelled.
12321=Failed to obtain Outlook data. Please start the Outlook client to confirm whether the data is normal, and try to backup again if there is no exception.
12322=Unknown error.
12323=Restoring email failed.
12324=Restoring email failed.
12325=Restoring email failed.
12326=Don’t support import Outlook images under WinPE.
12327=Failed email: %s.
12329=Email Incremental Backup
12330=Email Differential Backup
12331=Email Full Backup
12334=Email Backup/nEasily backup email data of any email account.
12335=Email Backup
12336=Email Backup
12337=Add Email Data
12338=Add Mailbox
12339=Manage Account
12340=No mailbox data detected, please add mailbox.
12341=Add Mailbox
12342=Add Mailbox
12343=Please enter mailbox information.
12344=Email Account:
12346=IMAP Server:
12348=Proxy Settings
12349=Manage Account
12352=Are you sure you want to remove %1?
12353=Server Type:
12355=SOCKS 4
12356=SOCKS 5
12358=User ID:
12360=Proxy Settings:
12361=No proxy
12362=Use system proxy
12363=Use a custom proxy
12364=Failed to connect to mailbox, please check IMAP address or local network and try again.
12365=Failed to connect to %1 mailbox. Please check your email account information and try again.
12366=Check Now
12367=Failed to connect to the proxy server. Please check your network connection and make sure the proxy server address and port are correct.
12368=Failed to connect to the proxy server. Please check your network connection and make sure the proxy server address and port are correct.
12369=Email verification failed, please check whether your account and password are filled in correctly.
12370=Authorization code
12371=Click to get help.
12373=Email cannot be empty.
12375=Invalid email format.
12376=IMAP server cannot be empty.
12377=IMAP server error.
12378=%1 verification failed. Please confirm if the account and password are correct.
12379=Please complete email account verification in the browser. It will automatically proceed to the next step after verification.
12381=%1 verification failed. Please complete the online verification again.
12382=%s verification failed. Please check if the account password is correct and try again.
12383=Email added successfully.
12386=Please enter the correct application-specific password.
12387=All Mailboxes
12388=%s email backup failed. Please try again later.
12389=%s backup failed. Failed to retrieve email information.
12390=The backup mailbox directory %s cannot be found. Please check if the backup source exists.
12391=The configuration information for the %s email is missing. Please add the email account again.
12392=The backup mailbox %s cannot be found. Please check if the backup source exists.
12393=The backup email %s cannot be found. Please check if the backup source exists.
12394=IMAP traffic limit reached for %s mailbox. Please try again later.
12395=Failed to retrieve %s mailbox information, please check the network and try again.
12396=Failed to connect to %s mailbox server, please check the network and try again.
12397=Email authorization failed!
12398=Email authorization failed. Please return to AOMEI Backupper to complete the verification again.
12399=Email authorization completed!
12400=Email authorization completed. Please return to AOMEI Backupper for the next step.
12403= How to set
12404=Port cannot be empty.
12406=Server cannot be empty.
12407=Server format error.
12408=Port cannot be empty.
12409=Email already exists. Please re-enter.
12410=Please make sure you check the "Allow AOMEI Backupper to read, compose, send and delete your emails" option in the browser authorization, or the authorization may fail.
12411=Connecting email account. Please wait...
12412=Authorization failed! Please re-authorize in the browser and allow AOMEI Backupper to read, compose, send and delete your emails. Check out how to add Gmail
12413=Authorization failed! Please re-authorize. Check out how to add Gmail
12414=Verification failed! Please re-authenticate. Check out how to add Gmail
12415=Please enter your email password here. If you have enabled authorization\n code verification, please enter the authorization code.
12416=Can’t add account?
12417=Email backup images cannot be imported in the WinPE environment.
12418=%s mailbox verification failed. Please go to the Manage Account interface to complete the verification again (Backup -> Email Backup -> Add Email Data -> Manage Account).
12419=Mailbox verification failed. Please re-verify and try again.
12421=Please select the file(s) you want to restore, and then click "Export" to continue.
20001=This file/folder no longer exists, the operation has skipped it already:%s.
20002=Getting the file information...
20003=Scanning the authority files...
20004=Trying to create snapshots...
20005=Calculating the total number of the backup files...
20006=The amount of files : %d
20007=The amount of folders : %d
20008=Backing up the files...
20009=Backing up of the files done.
20010=Backup is initializing...
20011=Checking private structures...
20012=Checking backup data...
20013=The dependent version is incomplete or has damaged, so now is performing a full backup.
20014=The dependent version hasn't been found, so now is performing a full backup.
20015=The amount of current files : %d
20016=The amount of scanning files: %d
20017=Restore is initializing...
20018=Partition restoring...
20019=System Updating...
20020=Updating system configuration...
20021=Disk restoring...
20022=Update system information.
20023=Clone is initializing...
20024=Checking volumes...
20025=Copying data...
20026=Partition cloning...
20027=Disk cloning...
20028=Copying volume %d(%C:)...
20029=Copying volume %d.
20030=File copy initializing...
20031=File restore initializing...
20032=Calculating the total number of the files...
20033=File copying...
20034=File restoring...
20035=Failed to create file: \n%s.
20036=Failed to create file: %s
20037=This file is a encrypted file, the recovery operation has skipped the file already: \n%s
20038=Failed to create file : \n%s
20039=Failed to create file at: \n%s
20040=The destination path is not writable, please select a new path.
20041=Add to Windows scheduler.
20042=Add the schedule backup successfully.
20044=Partition Clone
20045=Merge Images
20046=File Restore
20047=Schedule Backup
20048=File Full Backup
20049=Partition Restore
20050=Mount Image
20051=Check Image
20052=Partition Full Backup
20053=Explore Image
20054=Disk Clone
20055=Partition Incremental Backup
20056=Partition Differential Backup
20057=File Incremental Backup
20058=File Differential Backup
20059=The image is valid and integrated.
20060=Moving data: %10s/%s Speed: %10s/s Remaining: %6s
20061=Moving data: %ls/%ls Speed: %ls/s Remaining: %ls
20062=%40.40s Number: %-19s Speed: %3dMB/s Remaining: %3dhr
20063=%40.40s Number: %-19s Speed: %3dMB/s Remaining: %3dmin
20064=%40.40s Number: %-19s Speed: %3dMB/s Remaining: %3dsec
20065=The amount of current files: %d
20066=The destination path is too long, please change a shorter path and try again.
20067=Syncing the files...
20068=Syncing files is done.
20069=Syncing is initializing...
20070=Sync restore is done.
20071=Sync restore
20072=Sync restore is failed, because this task is never synced.
20073=To ensure that the PE is more compatible, following detected devices could be added to PE. If a device needn't be added, please uncheck the option.
20077=The program will run the default operation after %1 seconds.
20078=Total files deleted: %d
20079=Failed to delete file:%s, error code%d. Skip...
20080=Failed to remove folder:%s, error code%d. Skip...
20081=Failed to traverse the destination folders:%s, error code%d. Skip...
20082=The target path does not exist! Please check its validity and try again.
20083=Failed to connect to the network address:%s. Error code: %d.
20084=Failed to connect to the network address. It may be caused by network error. Please check your network connection and try again.
25000=AOMEI Cloud
25001=Forgot Password?
25002=Sign up
25005=Expires on:
25006= Speed:
25007=Time remaining:
25008=Cloud Backup
25010=Are you sure you want to delete this backup task and its associated data stored in AOMEI Cloud?
25011=Loading the Cloud Backup tasks...
25013=You can only view "Properties" and restore the backup because this Cloud Backup task was not created on this computer.
25014=Backup to AOMEI Cloud
25017=Sign up
25018=It is not available to restore backups in AOMEI Cloud to a Share or NAS.
25020=Please enter your license code.
25021=It is not available to backup files or folders from a Share/NAS to Cloud.
25022=Network connection is abnormal. Please check the network connection and try again.
25023=Failed to obtain version history. Please try again later.
25025=Update License
25026=Enter the license code
25029=Your session has expired. Please log in again.
25030=%1 days remaining
25031=%1 hours remaining
25032=Less than 1 hour remaining
25034= (%1)
25038=Invalid email address.
25040=Invalid email address or password.
25041=Incorrect verification code.
25042=Incorrect email address or password.
25043=Verification code can't be empty.
25044=Incorrect email address or password.
25046=Unknown error.
25047=Password is required.
25048=Password must be at least 6 characters.
25049=Unknown error.
25050=Logging in...
25051=Incorrect email address or password.
25052=Invalid email address.
25054=Logging out, please wait...
25055=Account Settings
25056=Log Out
25057=To enjoy more advanced backup, sync, and clone, please \nupgrade now.
25058=Expires on %1 (Expired)
25059=Expires on %1
25060=Expires on %1 (%2 days remaining)
25062= (%1 days remaining)
25063= (Expired)
25064=Failed to obtain AOMEI Cloud information. Please click refresh icon
at the upper right corner to retry.
25065=%1 free
25066= of
25067=The software has not been activated yet. Please enter a license \ncode to activate or buy one.
25068=Buy Now
25069=Logout failed. Please try again later.
25071=You cannot log out because the Cloud Backup task is in progress. Please wait for the task to complete.
25072= Upgrade Now
25076=Local Backup (%1%)
25077=Cloud Backup (%1%)
25078=Failed to obtain files in the backup version. Please choose another version or try again later.
25079=Failed to obtain files in the backup version. Please choose another version or try again later.
25081=Failed to obtain AOMEI Cloud information. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
25082=Exiting the program, please wait...
25083=Creating a task...
25085=Updating data...
25086=Backing up the files...
25088=Failed to create task.
Error code: %1
25089=Backup failed.
Error code: %1
25090=Restore failed.
Error code: %1
25091=The operation has been cancelled.
25093=Backup completed successfully.
25094=Restoration completed successfully.
25095=Backup being paused...
25096=Restore being paused...
25098=An error occurred while running the task.
Error code: %1
25099=It is not available to backup files or folders from a Share/NAS to Cloud.
25100=My Cloud Backup
25101=Task Name cannot contain any of the following characters: / \ | : * ? \ " < > ~ $.
25102=Local Backup (%1%)
25103=Cloud Backup (%1%)
25105=Restore from Cloud (%1%)
25110=Files processed: %1/%2
25111=Local Backup (%1%)
25112=Restore from Local (%1%)
25113=Sync Task (%1%)
25114=Clone Task (%1%)
25115=The destination path is too long. Please restore to a shorter path.
25116=Your session has expired. Please log in again.
25117=Failed to obtain files in this version. Please choose another version or try again later.
25118=Obtaining version history, please wait...
25119=Restore from Cloud (%1%)
25120=Log in to AOMEI Account
25121=Sign up today to FREE get 1TB cloud storage
25124=Verification Code
25125=Keep me logged in
25126=Don't have an AOMEI Account?
25127= free of %2
25129=Failed to load
25130=Date and time error. Please synchronize your clock \nwith an internet time server.
25131=Deleting task, please wait...
25132=Failed files: %1.
25133=Expires on %1 (Less than 1 day remaining)
25134=History versions
25135=Overwrite existing file
25136=An account with this email does not exist.
25137=Failed to delete Cloud Backup task. Please try again later.
25138=AOMEI Backupper
25139=AOMEI Cloud
25141=If you have bought AOMEI Cloud successfully, please click "Refresh" to update.
25143=Current date and time on your computer are not synchronized with "Time server". Please click "Sync now" under "Date & time" before you try again.
25144=Backed up file in AOMEI Cloud for this task has been lost. Please create a new backup task. If the problems persists, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
25145=Failed to retrieve account information, please log in again.
25146=Verification code is required.
25147=If you have reactivated successfully, please click "Refresh" to update.
25149=Failed to connect to AOMEI Cloud server. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
25150=Failed to obtain AOMEI Cloud information. Please check your network connection and try again.
25151=Calculating the total number of the backup files...
25152=The current operation has been completed.
25153=Task failed, click here to view details.
25154=AOMEI Cloud is unavailable now. Please try again \nlater.
25155=The program has detected that you have created Cloud Backup task. After logging out, Cloud Backup task will not be executed. Are you sure you want to log out?
25157=Failed to create the task. Please try again later.
25158=Failed to read files from cloud. Please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact support@aomeitech.com for help.
25159= AOMEI Cloud
25160=Loading cloud backup task...
25161=Loading backup version has been canceled.
25162=Some files backup failed. Please click here to view details.
25163=View Details
25164=Some files backup failed. Please click "Retry" to backup them again.
30001=amlnx.iso is missing!
30002=Preparing to create disc.
30003=Create ISO at
30004=Creating USB disc...
30005=USB device doesn't have enough free space!
30006=Failed to create USB boot device!
30007=Please wait while burning disc.
30008=Failed to burn (Error Code: %d)
30009=Note: when failed to create a bootable USB drive or disc directly, you could see FAQ to solve the problem.
30010=Note: after completing the bootable disc, if it is unable to boot the computer, you could see FAQ to solve the problem.
30011=All operations completed successfully!
30012=The bootable ISO file has been created successfully.
30013=Now you can use 3rd-party burner software to burn this ISO file to CD/DVD.
30014=Free burn tools: https://www.ubackup.com/help/burntool.html
30015=How to burn ISO file: https://www.ubackup.com/help/learnburn.html
30016=Succeed in creating this USB bootable device.
30017=Now, you can use this USB device to boot your computer.
30018=User cancel.
30021=Process Failed.
30022=Can't find some necessary files :
30023=Disk free space is not enough!
30024=Preparing to create WinPE image.
30025= was successfully installed.
30026=Creating WinPE ISO image.
30027=Create WinPE ISO image failed!
30028=Create WinPE ISO image failed!
30029=Created the WinPE ISO image successfully.
30030=Preparing to create WinPE image.
30031= may install failed.
30032=Creating WinPE ISO image.
30033=Create WinPE ISO image failed!
30034=Created the WinPE ISO image successfully.
30035=Must have a NTFS partition in your system, and have enough free space.
30036=Failed to create image at:
30037=Disk free space not enough!
30038=Creating USB boot disc...
30039=USB device don't have enough free space!
30040=Failed to create USB boot device!
30041=Preparing for burning to disc...
30042=Your burner device have been removed!
30043=Erasing data
30044=Please wait while erasing disc...
30045=Erase start failed (ERR: %d).
30046=Please wait while burning Disc...
30047=Burn start failed (ERR: %d).
30048=Note: when failed to create a bootable USB drive or disc directly, you could see FAQ to solve the problem.
30049=Note: after completing the bootable disc, if it is unable to boot the computer, you could see FAQ to solve the problem.
30050=All operations completed successfully!
30051=The bootable ISO file has been created successfully.
30052=Now you can use 3rd-party burner software to burn this ISO file to CD/DVD.
30053=Free burn tools: https://www.ubackup.com/help/burntool.html
30054=How to burn ISO file: https://www.ubackup.com/help/learnburn.html
30055=Succeeded in creating this USB bootable device.
30056=You can now use this USB device to boot your computer.
30057=User cancel.
30059=Process failed.
30060=Erase successfully.
30061=Erase failed.
30062=Warn : Failed to get disk info.
30063=Your driver letters has been used.
30064=Your do not have any USB device.
30065=Creating boot partition...
30066=Create boot partition failed.
30067=Formating boot partition...
30068=Writing boot files to partition...
30069=Created the USB boot disc successfully.
30070=Failed to create the bootable USB device.
30071=Your driver letters has been used.
30072=Your do not have any USB device.
30073=Creating boot partition...
30074=Formating boot partition...
30075=Writing files to boot partition...
30076=Failed to extract amlnx.iso to USB device.
30077=Failed to extract amlnx.iso to USB device.
30078=Writing boot data to disk.
30079=Created the USB boot disc successfully.
30080=Failed to create the USB boot device!
30081=Select Directory
30082=Linux - Create bootable disc based on Linux kernel
30083=Windows PE - Create bootable disc based on Windows PE
30084=Next >>
30086= is missing !
You can download amlnx.iso from https://www.ubackup.com/download-iso.html, and save to
30087= to go on.
30088=Choose the type of emergency bootable disc that you are trying to create.
30089=You could quickly make a Linux bootable disc without installing any toolkits.
30090=Windows PE bootable disc is suitable for everyone, and it provides more flexible and convenient operations than Linux bootable disc.
30091=Bootable Disc Type
30093=Next >>
30095=Add Drivers
30096=ISO Path
30097= Burn To CD/DVD
30098= USB Boot Device
30099= Export ISO File
30101=Select one or more driver install files
30102=No Supported USB Devices
30103=No Supported Burner Devices
30104=Save Image File
30105=Detects that there is not any writable disc, please insert a writable disc.\nClick "Yes" to continue, or "No".
30106=Detects that there is data in the specified disc, and this disc doesn't support ease.\nPlease insert another disc.
30107=Detects that there is data in the specified disc, it will be erased to burn the bootable disc.\nClick "OK" to continue, or "No".
30108=we recommend that you backup your important data on this disk, then re-run this operation.
30109=The operation will cause that your USB disk%d (%s) is formatted,
30110=\nAre you sure you want to format this disk now?
30111=The operation will cause that your USB disk%d %s is formatted,
30112=\nAre you sure you want to delete the partition(s) now?
30113=The operation will cause that your USB partition %c: is formatted or deleted,
30114=\nAre you sure you want to do it now?
30115=The operation will cause that your USB disk %d (%s) is formatted,
30116=\nAre you sure you want to format it now?
30117=You must choose a item you want to create the boot media.\n
30118=Specify the storage media: ISO image file, CD/DVD or USB Device
30119=Storage Media
30120=Select Bootable Media
30123=Note: Do not unplug the USB device during creation.
30125=Creating the bootable media, are you sure to cancel?\nClick "Yes" to cancel and exit.
30127= Create the bootable disc based on UEFI boot mode (Recommended)
30128= Create the bootable disc based on legacy boot mode
30129=Create Windows PE Disc
30130=Create Bootable Media
30131=Create Bootable Media
30132=AOMEI MakeDisc.exe is being run.
30133=All Files (*.*)
30134= is existing. Do you want to overwrite it?\n\nClick "Yes" to overwrite it, or "No" to change a path.
30135=Driver install file (*.inf)
30136=The program detects that your system supports creating this bootable disc, please click the "Next" button to continue.
30137=The program detects that you have already installed Windows AIK/ADK in your system.\nplease click the "Next" to continue.
30138=The program detects that there is not Windows AIK/ADK in your system, to make a Windows PE bootable disc, you have to install Windows AIK/ADK first, please do as follow the following:
30139=Step1: Click here to download Windows AIK/ADK, then install;
30140=Setp2: Rerun this program and come to this step, then click "Next".
30143=Copy ISO to
30146=The related resources to create PE have been downloaded successfully.
30147=Start creating PE.
30148=Please choose PE boot mode
30149=Create legacy bootable disc
30150=Create UEFI bootable disc
30151=Download WinPE creating environment from internet
30152=Unable to find the path specified in profile %s. Please specify the correct path in profile and retry.
30153=Specify the way to boot PE base on legacy BIOS or UEFI mode.
30154=The program will automatically download WinPE creating environment from AOMEI server. (Tips: the creating environment is based on Windows 10)
30155=Failed to download WinPE creating environment. Please check your internet connection and retry, or create WinPE by using current system environment. For further assistance, please contact us.
30156=If the download speed is too slow, please click here to download the creating environment and unzip it to the installation directory of the software.
30157=Download Speed
30158=You can unzip the downloaded PE creating environment to the path that is specified by\n "%s" profile. Also, you can cancel this operation,\n and modify the path in the profile to the location where you have unzipped PE creating\nenvironment.
30159=The program is downloading the PE creating environment. Are you sure you want to suspend the download and exit? Click "Yes" to cancel the download and exit.
30160=There is not enough free space on this computer to store PE creating environment. Please reserve %s free space at least and retry.
30161=Exiting, please wait...
30162=Driver Description
30163=Add drivers for better compatibility
30165=The program detects that there is no environment in your system environment to create WinPE. Please click here to download AIK (Windows 7 and below) or click here to download ADK(Windows 8 and above systems). Then try again to create the bootable disk.
30166=Tips: Bootable disks made by 32-bit systems only support the traditional legacy boot mode. To support UEFI mode, please check the "Download WINPE environment from Internet" and then rebuild bootable disk.
30167=Not enough space in the target location, please select another location and try again.
40000=Backup is initializing...
40001=Checking volumes...
40002=The specified volume %d(%c:) doesn’t exist or has been changed. The program will automatically skip backing up the volume.
40003=The specified volume %d hasn't been found or has been changed.
40004=Backing up of the volume %d (%c:)...
40005=Backing up of the volume %d...
40006=The volume configuration has changed, so now is executing a full backup.
40007=The volume is a newly added volume, so now is executing a full backup.
40008=Backing up data...
40009=Backing up of the volume %d (%c:) done.
40010=Backing up of the volume %d done.
40011=The dependent version is incomplete or has damaged, so now is performing a full backup.
40012=The dependent version hasn't been found, so now is performing a full backup.
40013=The dependent version is not complete or has been damaged, so now is performing a full backup.
40014=Backing up the information of storage device...
40015=Checking private structures...
40016=Checking backup data...
40017=Erasing disc, please wait...
40018=Erase finished.
40019=Burning image file to the disc, please wait...
40020=Backup and burn completed. Please mark the CD as "%s" and keep it properly.
40021=The process will be finished, please wait a few seconds.
40022=Moving data: %s/%s Speed: %s/s Remaining: %s
40023=Moving data: %ls/%ls Speed: %ls/s Remaining: %ls
40024=Filesystem Initializing...
40025=Filesystem Scanning...
40026=Filesystem Analyzing...
40027=Data Moving...
40028=File Items Updating...
40029=FAT Table Rewriting...
40030=DBR Rewriting...
40031=Filesystem Scanning (%d%%)...
40032=Filesystem Analyzing (%d%%)...
40033=Data Moving (%d%%, %s/%s)...
40034=Data Moving (%d%%, %ls/%ls)...
40035=File Items Updating (%d%%)...
40036=FAT Table Rewriting (%d%%)...
40037=Data Moving (%d%%, %s/%s)...
40038=Data Moving (%d%%, %ls/%ls)...
40039=Data Moving (%d%%, %s/%s)...
40040=Data Moving (%d%%, %ls/%ls)...
40044=Analyzing volume: %I64d/%I64d, %d%%.
40045=Analyzing volume: %I64d/%I64d, %d%%.
40047=Analyzing partition: %I64d/%I64d, %d%%.
40048=Analyzing partition: %I64d/%I64d, %d%%.
40050=Shrinking volume (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40051=Moving data (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40052=Moving data (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40054=Shrinking volume (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40055=Moving data (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40057=Shrinking volume (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40058=Moving data (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40060=Shrinking volume (Process volume bitmap: 100%%)
40061=Moving data (Process volume bitmap: 100%%)
40063=Shrinking volume (Status: %s/%s)
40064=Shrinking volume (Status: %ls/%ls)
40065=Moving data (Status: %s/%s)
40066=Moving data (Status: %ls/%ls)
40069=Analyzing volume...
40073=Moving data: %s/%s Speed: %s/s Remaining: %s
40074=Moving data: %ls/%ls Speed: %ls/s Remaining: %ls
40075=Analyzing volume...
40076=Extending volume (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40077=Extending volume (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40078=Extending volume (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40079=Extending volume (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40080=Extending volume (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40081=Extending volume (Process volume bitmap: %d%%)
40082=Extending volume (Process volume bitmap: 100%%)
40083=Extending volume (Process volume bitmap: 100%%)
40084=Extending volume...
40087=Processing data: %10s/%s Speed: %10s/s Remaining: %10s
40089=Processing data: %s/%s
40090=Checking private structures...
40091=Checking backup data...
40092=Checking private structures...
40093=Checking backup data...
40094=\nThe program has detected some mistakes in the backup file, so we suggest you:\n1. Delete the backup file, and re-create a backup to make up the mistakes.\n2. Try to browse the backup file by clicking "Tools" -> "Explore Image" to as far as possible retrieve data. And through this way, you could copy files in this image file and paste other location.\n
40095=The image is valid and integrated.
40096=Initializing the image...
40097=Combining the data blocks...
40098=Combining the data blocks...
40099=Image preview is initializing...
40100=Checking integrity of the image files...
40101=Attach volume %d as %C:.
40102=The partitions in the backup file have been attached to virtual partitions, now you can enter into "My Computer" or open "Windows Explorer" to explore them.\nNote:If you want to detach the virtual partitions from "My Computer", you can click again "Tools" -> "Explore Image".
40103=Shrinking volume: %s/%s Speed: %s/s Remaining: %s
40104=Moving data: %s/%s Speed: %s/s Remaining: %s
40105=System cloning...
40106=System restoring...
40107=Start performing universal restore...
40108=Universal restore has completed successfully.
40109=Failed to restore to dissimilar hardware. To solve the problem, you can send the log folder under the installation directory of the program to support@aomeitech.com, thanks.
40110=Failed to enable VSS. It may be caused because VSS service is disabled or there is no VSS service. Please check and try again.
Report of the backup/sync is as follows:
\t\tComputer Name: %s
\t\tPlan Name: %s
\t\tTask Type: %s
\t\tDestination Path: %s
\t\tStarting Time: %s
\t\tFinish Time: %s
\t\tExecution Result: Success
\t\tDescription: The operation has been completed successfully.
If you have any question, you can copy the above information and contact us by: support@aomeitech.com
Thank you,
Best Regards,
AOMEI International Network Limited
Report of the backup/sync is as follows:
\t\tComputer Name: %s
\t\tPlan Name: %s
\t\tTask Type: %s
\t\tDestination Path: %s
\t\tStarting Time: %s
\t\tFinish Time: %s
\t\tExecution Result: Failed
\t\tError Code: %d(%s)
\t\tDescription: Failed to complete the operation.
If you have any question, you can copy the above information and contact us by: support@aomeitech.com
Thank you,
Best Regards,
AOMEI International Network Limited
Report of the backup/sync is as follows:
\t\tComputer Name: %s
\t\tPlan Name: %s
\t\tTask Type: %s
\t\tDestination Path: %s
\t\tStarting Time: %s
\t\tExecution Result: Interactived
\t\tDescription: User interaction required.
If you have any question, you can copy the above information and contact us by: support@aomeitech.com
Thank you,
Best Regards,
AOMEI International Network Limited
40114=AOMEI Backupper notification %s (Interaction)
40115=AOMEI Backupper notification %s (Success)
40116=AOMEI Backupper notification %s (Failed)
40117=Hello, \n\nReport of the backup/sync is as follows:\n\t\tComputer Name: %s\n\t\tPlan Name: %s\n\t\tTask Type: %s\n\t\tDestination Path:%s\n\t\tStarting Time: %s\n\t\tFinish Time: %s\n\t\tExecution Result: Success\n\t\tDescription: The operation has been completed successfully.\n\nIf you have any question, you can copy the above information and contact us by: support@aomeitech.com\n\nThank you,\nBest Regards,\nAOMEI International Network Limited\nhttps://www.ubackup.com\n
40118=Hello, \n\nReport of the backup/sync is as follows:\n\t\tComputer Name: %s\n\t\tPlan Name: %s\n\t\tTask Type: %s\n\t\tDestination Path:%s\n\t\tStarting Time: %s\n\t\tFinish Time: %s\n\t\tExecution Result: Failed\n\t\tError Code: %d(%s)\n\t\tDescription: Failed to complete the operation.\n\nIf you have any question, you can copy the above information and contact us by: support@aomeitech.com\n\nThank you,\nBest Regards,\nAOMEI International Network Limited\nhttps://www.ubackup.com\n
40119=Hello, \n\nReport of the backup/sync is as follows:\n\t\tComputer Name: %s\n\t\tPlan Name: %s\n\t\tTask Type: %s\n\t\tDestination Path:%s\n\t\tStarting Time: %s\n\t\tExecution Result: Interactived\n\t\tDescription: User interaction required.\n\nIf you have any question, you can copy the above information and contact us by: support@aomeitech.com\n\nThank you,\nBest Regards,\nAOMEI International Network Limited\nhttps://www.ubackup.com\n
40120=This file exists, the recovery operation has skipped the file already: %s
40121=This file exists, the copy operation has skipped the file already: \n%s
40122=Failed to obtain current edition. The application only supports to uninstall Technician Plus Edition.
40123=The application only supports to uninstall Technician Plus Edition. Please confirm the edition you use is Technician Plus, and then try again.
40124=Uninstall failed. Please try again or contact our technical support for more help.
40125=Uninstall succeeded
40126=Would you like to delete Backupper's all services, drivers and information in the registry? If so, please manually delete the installation directory after uninstalling Backupper.
40127=AOMEI Backupper Report:\nComputer: %s\nTask: %s\nStart Time: %s\nResult: Success\nBest Regards!
40128=AOMEI Backupper Report:\nComputer: %s\nTask: %s\nStart Time: %s\nResult: Failed\nBest Regards!
40129=AOMEI Backupper Report:\nComputer: %s\nTask: %s\nStart Time: %s\nResult: Interactived\nBest Regards!
40130=Backing up
40132=Failed to open the image resource
40133=No write permission for the target location, please change the permission and try again.
40134=SQL Server backup failed to start or abnormally terminated
40135=Database backup failed
40136=Partial database backup failed
40137=Database restore failed
40138=Partial database restore failed
40139=Sorry, unknown circumstances have caused the database full backup checkpoint to change. Please perform a full backup first to get the latest status of the database.
40140=Initializing restoration, please wait...
40141=Initializing backup, please wait...
40142=Get the SQL Server database information...
40143=Connecting to the network...
40144=Start backup
40145=Start restore
50001=Wrong "%s" parameter usage. Please input "/?" to view the correct parameter usage.
50002="/f" and "/k" parameters cannot be used simultaneously since sector-by-sector restore is unable to adjust partition size. For more help, please input "/?" to view.
50003="/l" parameter will be ignored since the destination partition is a dynamic volume. Please manually specify the drive letter of dynamic volume.\n
50004=Wrong source or destination location. Please input "/l" command or "/l image file" command to check and try again.
50005=If you choose "sector by sector clone", please make sure the size of destination location (disk or partition space) is equal to or larger than the source location.
50006=SSD alignment option will be ignored since dynamic volumes don't support to align SSD.
50007="/f original" parameter will be ignored since the size of destination disk is smaller than source disk.
50008=The backup was made with sector by sector way, but the space of destination path was not enough, then the sector by sector option will be ignored.
50009=Please input \"yes\" to continue, or input \"no\" to exit.
50010=The operation can't continue due to the incomplete essential parameter, please use "/?" to input right parameter and try again.
50011=There can be only one parameter value behind a parameter, so please check your parameter and try again.
50012=If source disk or partition has been changed, all the programs can't be restored to original location, so please select a new location.
50013=Dynamic volume can't support system clone, if you need more help, please contact our support staff.
50014=This selected volume is too small. Required the size at least: %1.
50015=This selected unallocated space is too small. Required the size at least: %1.
50016=This selected destination partition is too small. Required the size at least: %1.
50017=The selected disk contains the image file that is being restored, so it cannot be set as a destination disk.
50018=The offline disk cannot be selected as a destination disk. Please first turn it to online by using Windows Disk Management Snap-in.
50019=The space of destination disk is too small, you need to reselect a new destination disk.
50020=Unable to create new partition, because the disk space over 2TB is unable to be used for this MBR disk. We suggest you convert the disk to GPT style.
50021=The empty disk cannot be cloned. You could use the freeware, AOMEI Partition Assistant: "https://www.diskpart.com" to clone an empty disk.
50022=The "/f fill" option only support the NTFS and FAT32 file system.
50023=There is no partition to clone. You could use the freeware, AOMEI Partition Assistant "https://www.diskpart.com" to create a partition.
50024=Image file may have problem, please use Check Image function to check the image, if there are still problem, please contact our support staff.
50025=The primary partition cannot be restored to the middle of the two logical partitions.
50026=The selected partition contains the image file that is being restored, so it cannot be set as a destination partition.
50027=Cannot restore a bitlocker volume to dynamic volumes.
50028=There are 4 primary partitions on the disk, so any new partition cannot be created here.
50029=There may be a boot or system partition on this destination disk, if you restore the operating system in the backup file to the destination disk, this could lead that the existing bootable partition on the destination disk does not boot.
50030=Assigned operation's format can't match with image file's format, please check it and try again.
50031=The source disk contains over 3 partitions. Disk Clone only supports to copy 3 partitions at most from GPT disk to MBR disk. You could use Partition Clone to copy the remaining partitions to this destination disk.
50032=Unable to clone to current system partition, please choose other location.
50033=The source volume cannot be selected as a destination volume.
50034=Dynamic disk does not support the Bitlocker feature, so this bitlocker volume cannot be cloned to dynamic volume.
50035=This selected destination partition is too small.
50036=The source disk cannot be specified as a destination disk.
50037=The source partition cannot be selected as a destination partition.
50038=The location cannot be set as a destination for the clone or restore operation, because the disk space over 2TB is unable to be used on a MBR disk..
50039=This selected disk is too small. Required the disk size at least: %1.
50040=The current operation needs to be completed in a Restart Mode.
50041=Some drive(s) are being in use now, so the current operation cannot be completed. Input "yes" to close these programs that are running on these drives and then proceed?\n\nIf you input "no", the program will prompt the operation will be realized under a Restart Mode.
50042=Some drive(s) (%1) are being in use now, so the current operation cannot be completed. Input "yes" to close these the programs that are running on these drives and then proceed?\n\nIf you input "no", the program will prompt the operation will be realized under a Restart Mode.
50043=Please input "yes" to continue, or input "no" to exit.\n
50044=Please input "yes" to continue, or input "no" to cancel.\n
50045=Dynamic volume can't support system restore, if you need more help, please contact our support staff.
50046=Please choose a character from (%1) as the drive letter of destination partition.
50047="/f" and "/k" parameters cannot be used simultaneously since sector-by-sector clone is unable to adjust partition size. For more help, please input "/?" to view.
50048=The current version has been expired. Please buy full version or install free version.
50049=Please enter the correct path of backup image you want to view.
50050=The password of the backup image you entered is wrong. Please enter the correct password and try again.
50051=Failed to open backup image file.
50052=Please enter the correct disk index number. For more help, please use /l /? to view.
50053=The "/f fill" option only support the NTFS and FAT32 file system.
50054=The "/f fill" option is not supported for dynamic disks.
50055=Operation type does not match the backup image type. Please use "/t part" option to perform a partition restore.
50056=Operation type does not match the backup image type. Please use \"/t disk\" option to perform a disk restore.
50057=Operation type error. Please use "/t system" option to perform a system restore.
50058=AMBackup {/b|/c|/r|/l|/?}\t\t -"AMBackup" has five functions, which are backup(/b),clone(/c),\t\t\t\t\t\t restore(/r),list(/l), and help(/?).\nAMBackup /l /?\t\t\t\t -Display the concrete usage of query command.\nAMBackup /b /?\t\t\t\t -Display the concrete usage of backup command.\nAMBackup /c /?\t\t\t\t -Display the concrete usage of clone command.\nAMBackup /r /?\t\t\t\t -Display the concrete usage of restore command.\n\nFor more examples, please visit https://www.ubackup.com/help/command.html\n\n
50059={}\t\t\t\t\t -Required command or parameter.\n\n[]\t\t\t\t\t -Optional command or parameter.\n\n|\t\t\t\t\t -Select one from many.\n\nnull\t\t\t\t\t -No need to input any value.\n\n[/l] [0] | [/s "D:\Backup\Backup.adi"] | [1 /s "D:\Disk Backup\Disk Backup.adi"] | [/e] | [/u] | [/p] | [null]\n\t\t\t\t\t -List disk, partition, and dynamic volume."/s" means the path of the \t\t\t\t\t specified image;"/u" and "/p" means the users' name and password to \t\t\t\t\t visit the specified NAS shared path;"/e" means the password of the \t\t\t\t\t\t encypted image.\n\nExamples:\nAMBackup /l\t\t\t\t -List all disk and dynamic volumes of the current system.\n\nAMBackup /l 0\t\t\t\t -List all the partitions on disk 0 of the current system.\n\nAMBackup /l /s "D:\backup\backup.adi"\t -List the content of the backup image named Backup.adi.If the image \t\t\t\t\t\t is a system, partition or dynamic volume backup,the partition(s) \t\t\t\t\t\t backed up will be displayed;if the image is a disk backup,the \t\t\t\t\t\t disk(s) backed up will be displayed.\n\nAMBackup /l 0 /s "D:\Disk Backup\Disk Backup.adi"\n\t\t\t\t\t -List all the partitions on disk 0 of the disk backup named Disk\n\t\t\t\t\t Backup.adi\n\n\nFor more examples, please visit https://www.ubackup.com/help/command.html\n\n
50060={}\t\t\t\t -Required command or parameter.\n\n[]\t\t\t\t -Optional command or parameter.\n\n|\t\t\t\t -Select one from many.\n\nnull\t\t\t\t -No need to input any value.\n\n{/c}\t\t\t\t -Clone system, disk, partition or dynamic volume.\n\n{/t} {system|disk|part}\t\t -Specify clone type. "system" means system clone; "disk" means disk clone; \t\t\t\t\t "part" means cloning partition or dynamic volume. \n\n[null][/s] {0|0:0|D}\t\t -Specify the source to be cloned.No need to specify the source while\n\t\t\t\t performing system clone;/s 0 means cloning disk 0; /s 0:0 means cloning \n\t\t\t\t partition 0 on disk 0;/s D means to clone partion D or dynamic D.\n\n{/d} {0|0:0|D}\t\t\t -Specify destination location./d 0 means the specified destination location \n\t\t\t\t is disk 0;/d 0:0 means the specified destination location is partition 0 on \t\t\t\t disk 0;/d D means the specified destination location is partition D or \n\t\t\t\t dynamic volume D.\n\n[/k]\t\t\t\t -Specify to use Sector by sector clone.\n\n[/a]\t\t\t\t -Specify to use partition alignment to optimize for SSD.\n\n[/l] {A~Z}\t\t\t -Specify the drive letter of the new partition after cloning.\n\n[/f] {fill|original}\t\t -Adjust the size of the destination partition. "fill" means to fill the \t\t\t\t\t entire destination partition after cloning; "original" means to keep the \t\t\t\t\t same size as the source partition after cloning. This command is not \t\t\t\t\t\t available for dynamic disks.\n\n[/o] {yes|no}\t\t\t -Switch of the interactive prompt."yes" means to execute automatically the \n\t\t\t\t next operation when interactive operation is needed;"no" means to cancel the \t\t\t\t operation when interactive operation is needed.By default, the program will \t\t\t\t wait for user's confirmation.\n\nExamples:\nClone system to partition D and using partition alignment to optimize for SSD\nAMBackup /c /t System /d D /a\n\nClone system to partition 1 on disk 2\nAMBackup /c /t System /d 2:1\n\nClone disk 1 to disk 2 and using partition alignment to optimize for SSD\nAMBackup /c /t Disk /s 1 /d 2 /a\n\nClone partition E to partition D and using partition alignment to optimize for SSD as well as Sector by sector clone.\nAMBackup /c /t Part /s E /d D /k /a\n\nClone partition 1 on disk 0 to partition 1 on disk 2, and the new partition will be assinaged a drive letter as X\nAMBackup /c /t part /s 0:1 /d 2:1 /l X\n\nClone system to partition D in use, and neglect interactive prompt to complete the operation.\nAMBackup /c /t system /d D /o yes\n\nClone system to partition E in use, and terminate the operation when interactive prompt occurs.\nAMBackup /c /t system /d E /o no\n\n\n\nFor more examples, please visit https://www.ubackup.com/help/command.html\n\n
50061={}\t\t\t\t -Required command or parameter.\n\n[]\t\t\t\t -Optional command or parameter.\n\n| \t\t\t\t -Select one from many.\n\nnull\t\t\t\t -No need to input any value.\n\n{/r}\t\t\t\t -Restore the backup of system, disk, partition or dynamic volume.\n\n{/t} {system|disk|part}\t\t -Specify restore type. "system" means to restore system backup;"disk" means \n\t\t\t\t to restore disk backup;"part" means to restore partition backup or dynamic \t\t\t\t volume backup.\n\n{/s} {"D:\My Backup\My Backup.adi" | "\\\My Backup\My Backup.adi"}\n\t\t\t\t -Specify the path of the image file.\n\n[/v]\t\t\t\t -Specify to use the latest backup version to restore(because of incremental \n\t\t\t\t or diferential backup).The backup version corresponding to the current image \t\t\t\t file will be restored without this "/v" command.\n\n[/i] {0|0:0} | [null] \t\t -Specify the source , which means the disk, partition or dynamic volume to be \t\t\t\t restored in the image file. /i 0 means disk 0 or dynamic volume 0;/ i 0:0 \t\t\t\t\t means partition 0 on disk 0;"null" means no need to specify the partition to \t\t\t\t be restored while performing system restore.\n\n[/e] {"123"}\t\t\t -Specify the password for the image file.\n\n[/d] {0|0:0|D} | [null]\t\t -Specify the destination location to restore to."/d 0" means destination \n\t\t\t\t location is disk 0;"/d 0:0" means the destination location is partition \n\t\t\t\t 0 on disk 0;"/d D" means the destination location is partition D;"null"\t\t\t\t\t means not to use "/d", and restore to the original location.\n\n[/f] {fill|original}\t\t -Adjust the size of the destination partition."fill" means to fill the entire \t\t\t\t destination partition after restoration;"original" means to keep the same \t\t\t\t\t size as the source partition after restoration. This command is not \n\t\t\t\t available for dynamic disks.\n\n[/a]\t\t\t\t -Specify to use partition alignment to optimize for SSD. \n\n[/u] ["admin"]\t\t\t -Specify the user's name to access the NAS share. \n\n[/p] ["123"]\t\t\t -Specify the password to access the NAS share.\n\n[/x]\t\t\t\t -Specify universal restore to restore system to dissimilar hardware.It has to \t\t\t\t be used with "/t system" and "/t disk".\n\n[/k]\t\t\t\t -Specify sector by sector restore. Only when the image file was backed up \n\t\t\t\t sector by sector, can it be restored using sector by sector restore.\n\n[/o] {yes|no}\t\t\t -Switch of the interactive prompt."yes" means to execute automatically the\n\t\t\t\t next operation when interactive operation is needed;"no" means to cancel the\t\t\t\t operation when interactive operation is needed.By default, the program will\n\t\t\t\t wait for user's confirmation. \n\nExamples:\nRestore the system image named "Backup.adi" on NAS share to the original location using partition alignment \nto optimize for SSD.\nAMBackup /r /t system /s "\\\System Backup\System Backup.adi" /u "admin" /p "admin" /a\n\nRestore the partition image named "My Backup.adi" to partition E, and the password for the image is"123".\nAMBackup /r /t part /s "D:\My Backup.adi" /i 1:1 /d E /e "123"\n\nRestore system in the image named "System Backup10.adi" to the partition 0 on disk 0 and perform an universal restore.\nAMBackup /r /t system /s "D:\System Backup\System Backup10.adi" /d 0:0 /x\n\nRestore the disk image named "Disk Backup.adi" to disk 2\nAMBackup /r /t disk /s "D:\Disk Backup\Disk Backup.adi" /i 1 /d 2 \n\nRestore the system image named "System Backup.adi" to the original location, and neglect interactive prompt.\nAMBackup /r /t system /s "D:\System Backup\System Backup.adi" /o yes\n\nRestore the system image named "System Backup.adi" to the original location, and terminate the operation when interactive prompt occurs.\nAMBackup /r /t system /s "D:\System Backup\System Backup.adi" /o no\n\n\nFor more examples, please visit https://www.ubackup.com/help/command.html\n\n
60000=%02d:%02d:%02d %s Boot request has been already responded.
60001=%02d:%02d:%02d Failed to initialize the DHCP proxy server. Please retry or reinstall AOMEI PXE Boot free. If you are still unable to solve the problem, please contact our technical support.
60002=%02d:%02d:%02d Failed to initialize the DHCP proxy server. Please retry or reinstall AOMEI Backupper. If you are still unable to solve the problem, please contact our technical support.
60003= has downloaded the image file successfully.
60004=You are attempting to install the product on a server workstation platform. Please note that the current version cannot be installed on the server. If you wish to use it on a server, please get server version on website https://www.ubackup.com/server.html.
60005=Because the program didn't find a bootable Windows PE image file in the installation directory, so this first need to create this bootable file, and then the service is available to be enabled. It may take a few or more minutes, please wait patiently.
60007=Now you can enable the computers within LAN to use this PXE service. In the box below, you can find which computers are using PXE server. You can click the question button on the left bottom corner to learn more.
60008=Cancelling service, please wait......
60009=Failed to boot server normally due to configuration files lost. You can reset iso file and try again.
60010=Failed to access image file. Please ensure the path(%1) is accessible and the image file exists, and then try again.
60011=Initializing network...
60012=Failed to boot server normally due to configuration files lost. You can reset iso file and try again.
60013=Failed to configure the boot file, please install the software and retry. Also, you can contact us to get more information.
60014=File "%1" lost. Please reinstall AOMEI PXE Boot Tool and try again.
60015=File "%1" lost. Please reinstall AOMEI Backupper and try again.
60016=Failed to update profiles...
60017=AOMEI PXE Tool has already run in your LAN, you need to close it and retry. (Within the same LAN segment, only allow to start one service of AOMEI PXE Tool.)
60018=IP address conflict makes PXE service unable to work properly. Please reassign IP address for current machine and try again.
60019=The DHCP server encountered unexpected error. For more information, please refer to FAQ.
60020=The DHCP server has terminated normally.
60021=The TFTP server has terminated normally.
60022=Because the number of current machine’s IP addresses exceeds 7, so https server is unable to work properly and has terminated. You can delete some IP addresses and try again. For more information, please refer to FAQ
60023=The https file server encountered unexpected error. For more information, please refer to FAQ.
60024=The https file server has terminated normally.
60025=Application initialization failed. It may be caused since the 67, 69, 4011, 8888 ports are being used by another programs, please close the programs that is using these ports and then retry. To solve the problem quickly, please refer to https://www.ubackup.com/help/pxe-port.html
60026=Failed to detect NIC (network interface card) device. Please make sure both the NIC device and NIC driver are working properly.
60027=The service has started, waiting for connect...
60028=The current AOMEI PXE Boot Tool you're using supports synchronous boot of up to three computers and now it is on its usage limit. If you want to apply it on more computers, you can buy AOMEI Backupper Professional or Server to support network boot of unlimited machines. visit https://www.ubackup.com/purchase.html?pxe to purchase and visit https://www.ubackup.com/edition-comparison.html?pxe to check edition comparison.
60029=The current AOMEI PXE Boot Tool you're using supports synchronous boot of up to two computers and now it is on its usage limit. If you want to apply it on more computers, you can buy AOMEI Backupper Professional or Server to support network boot of unlimited machines. visit https://www.ubackup.com/purchase.html?pxe to purchase and visit https://www.ubackup.com/edition-comparison.html?pxe to check edition comparison.
60030=The current AOMEI PXE Boot Tool you're using supports synchronous boot of up to two computers and now it is on its usage limit. If you want to apply it on more computers, you can buy AOMEI Backupper Professional or Server to support network boot of unlimited machines. Click here to purchase and click here to check edition comparison. "
60031=Because the following ports are using by other processes, resulting in the program failed to start properly. Click "Yes" to terminate these processes and start service. Note: Terminating these processes may cause other programs failed to work properly. So we recommend you to normally end these processes, and then start service.\n\n
60032=The operation of terminate process was failed.
60033=Please select a bootable image file, which is usually a Linux or a Windows \nPE micro-system file (an ISO or WIM format file) you have already created, and then this \ntool can help you enable the computers within LAN to boot from the image file.
60034=Welcome to use AOMEI PXE (Preboot Execute Environment) tool, which enables the
60035=computers within LAN to use the bootable environment (a Windows PE or Linux
60036= micro-system) on network to perform backup and restore operations. It can replace
60037=the traditional system emergency boot media, and enable multiple computers on the network
60038=to load the micro-system for system maintenance.
60040=Boot from AOMEI Linux system
60041=Boot from AOMEI Windows PE system
60042=Boot from custom image file
60043=Boot from AOMEI Windows PE or Linux system
60044= is missing! You can download amlnx.iso from
https://www.ubackup.com/download-iso.html , and save it to
60045=" to go on.
60055=Sorry, Windows AIK/ADK is not installed on your system, so the program cannot create the image file. Please first download and install Windows AIK/ADK and try again. If your system is Windows 7 or lower version, need downloading Windows AIK at:
If your system is Windows 8/8.1 or higher version, need downloading Windows ADK at:
60059=There is not enough disk space on the partition where the program is running, so unable to create this Windows PE system, please reserve 1GB free space at least and retry.
60060=There is not enough free space in any of the accessible NTFS partition, one of the NTFS partition must have at least 2GB free space.
60061=Failed to find Windows PE bootable image file in the program installation directory. You can create bootable Windows PE by using "Create Bootable Media" in AOMEI Backupper or by using AOMEI PE Builder, and then copy it to the program installation directory and rename to ampxe.iso, then try again.
60062=Fail to create AOMEI PE file.please try to use AOMEI Backupper or AOMEI PE Builder to create PE file. If it still fails, you can specify other bootable image file. For more information, please contact our technical support.
60064=The path is too long, please select a shorter one and try again. (Note: The maximum length of the path is 256 characters.)
60065=Invalid path. Please specify the correct image file path.
60066=Unable to select image files on the NAS/Network. Please copy them to local machine and try again.
60067=Invalid file. Please select the image file with .ISO or .WIM extension.
60068=Invalid path. Please specify the correct image file path.
60069=Failed to find bootable image file. Please ensure the image file is valid and accessible, then try again.
60070=The file name is too long, please select a shorter one and try again. (Note: The maximum length of path cannot exceed 128 characters.)
60071=Incorrect image file name. Please rename the image file and try again. (Note: The image file name can only be English alphabet. If the image file name contains non-English alphabet or space, please correct it.)
60072=Because the current PXE tool is independent tool, it does not contain AOMEI's bootable file. If you need to boot from AOMEI bootable image file, you can click here to download the file and rename as \"ampxe.iso\", then place it to the installation directory of the program. Or you can download free AOMEI Backupper and select \"Tools\" -> \"Create Bootable Media\" to create a Windows PE bootable file.
60073=Because the account you have currently logged in is not "Administrator", AOMEI PXE tool may not auto run after power on. You can run the "PXE" program manually if necessary, or run the program with administrator privileges.
60074=Open File
60076=Start Service
60077=Stop Service
60081=Make WinPE
60082=This feature is not available in current edition, please upgrade to Workstation Edition.
60083=To use this function, please activate the program with your license code.
60084=AOMEI Image Deploy allows you to deploy system images to multiple computers over network. However, this feature is available in AOMEI Backupper Technician and Technician Plus full edition only. Please purchase or download AOMEI Image Deploy Free to try.
60085=To use this function, please activate the program with your license code. If you want to have a try, please download AOMEI Image Deploy Free .
60086=AOMEI Image Deploy allows you to deploy system images to multiple computers over network. However, this feature is available in AOMEI Backupper Technician and Technician Plus full edition only. If you have purchased Technician (Plus) Edition, please re-download and install; If not, please purchase or download AOMEI Image Deploy Free to try.
70002=The program is restoring backup image to client computers. You can view the progress here.
70003=IP address
70004=Restore failed (error code: %1)
70005=Restore succeeded.
70006=Restoring (%1%)
70007=Other error.
70008=Unknown status.
70009=The Image Deploy tool is running.
70010=Failed to open the backup image file, which may has been damaged. Please retry to open it.
70011=Start the client computers which need for image deployment, and then set "Network Boot" as the first boot order in BIOS so that they can boot into the Windows PE that is set in the previous step. The client computers which successfully boot into Windows PE will be displayed in the list below:
70012=Client computers information:
70013=Client computers connected.
70014=The system is booting
70015=Respond to boot request.
70016=Set computer name
70017=Incorrect start IP. Please make sure the IP address is filled out completely.
70018=Incorrect subnet mask. Please make sure the IP address is filled out completely.
70019=Incorrect subnet mask. Please set up the subnet mask with correct rules.
70020=There are no IP addresses available behind the start IP address which is calculated according to the start IP and subnet mask.
70021=Incorrect gateway IP address. Please make sure the IP address is filled out completely. If there is no need to set up it, please leave blank.
70022=Incorrect DNS IP address. Please make sure the IP address is filled out completely. If there is no need to set up it, please leave blank.
70023=Incorrect alternate DNS IP address. Please make sure the IP address is filled out completely. If there is no need to set up it, please leave blank.
70024=Enable computer name setting
70025=Computer prefixed name
70027=Client IP
70028=Computer name
70029=Start IP
70030=Enable computer IP setting
70031=To start the deployment, please specify a system backup image file or a disk backup image file, and then select the client computers which need to be deployed from the list and specify on which destination disk on the client computers you will restore/deploy backup image.
70032=Select backup image file:
70033=Select client computers:
70036=Destination disk:
70037=Deployed computers:
70038=Please select a disk backup image or an image file containing system backup.
70039=Please select the computers which need to be restored.
70040=No records
70046=The user name you entered is too long. It must not exceed 100 characters.
70047=The password you entered is too long. It must not exceed 100 characters.
70048=The backup image path is too long. It must not exceed 260 characters.
70049=Failed to connect to shared server. Please check your network connection.
70050=Failed to obtain backup image information, which may be caused by damaged backup image or unstable network.
70051=The backup image does not contain basic disk. Currently, AOMEI Image Deploy only supports backup images containing basic disk or system partition.
70052=The image is not a system backup. Currently, AOMEI Image Deploy only supports backup images containing basic disk or system partition.
70053=It’s an image deployment software and network cloning software, which support deploying/restoring an image to multiple computers and cloning multiple computers over network.
70054=Specify an AOMEI bootable Windows PE ISO so that the client computers which need to be restored/deployed can boot from the Windows PE.
70055=Create WinPE automatically
70056=Create WinPE manually
70057=The specified Windows PE ISO image doesn't exist. Please re-select another one or create one.
70058=Failed to run PXE service program.
70059= Please wait for PXE service to start...
70060=Failed to create Windows PE. Please try to create it manually.
70061=Failed to delete previous Windows PE files. Please try to create a Windows PE manually.
70062=Failed to move files. Please try to create a PE manually.
70063=Failed to run Windows PE creator. Please restart your computer and try again.
70065=Please wait...
70066=Last results
70067=Executing the restore operation will clean all data on the destination disk (current destination disk index: %1). Are you sure you want to execute?
70068=Are you sure you want to cancel the restore operation while some computers are being restored?
70069=Failed to obtain destination disk information. Please retry in the next deployment.
70070=The operation failed, which may be caused by not having enough space on the destination disk.
70071=Failed to obtain backup image information, which may be caused by network path inaccessible.
70072=Local Client IP
70073=Server IP:
70074=Failed to obtain destination disks. Please confirm whether the disks with specified index exist or not.
70075=Select Image File
70076=AOMEI Image Deploy
70077=Please input the backup image password:
70078=Please wait patiently while the Windows PE is created, it will take some time. If you need to add device drivers, please create Windows PE manually.
70079=I confirm all the client computers which need to be deployed are online.
70080=Please select a system backup image file or a disk backup image file (with adi extension) created by AOMEI Backupper.
70081=Specify the disk number in the client computers on which you will restore backup image file. \nThe restore process will overwrite all the data on the specified disk.
70082=Because the LAN bandwidth is limited, you need to specify the number of computers\nhere to increase data transfer speed. Usually it is 3-5 computers. The more computers you \nspecify, the slower the speed will be. If you specify the number of computers as 3, \nafter restoring every 3 computers, the program will continue to restore the next \n3 computers until all computers are restored.
70083=Universal Restore
70084=Enable DHCP
70085=Configuring PXE server...
70086=Waiting for PXE server to exit...
70087=Checking PXE server status...
70088=Select a Windows PE ISO image or click "Make WinPE" to create.
70089=Failed to obtain backup image information, which may be caused by unstable network or other factors. Please retry in the next deployment.
70090=Failed to obtain server order, which may be caused by unstable network or other factors. Please retry in the next deployment.
70091=Failed to startize local disk, which may be caused by the local disk unrecognized. Please contact customer service.
70092=Unknown reason leads to client computer abnormal offline.
70093=Connection status:
70094=AOMEI Image Deploy Client
70097=This computer has already been prepared for the deployment order from server.
70098=This computer has already been prepared for the connection from server.
70099=If no DHCP server is available on your LAN, please tick this option so that the client computers are able to boot up normally.
70100=Local IP:
70104=The program will create an ISO that contains "AOMEI Image Deploy". If you need to add more \ndrivers into PE, please click "Add Drivers".
70105=Please select a location to save the bootable ISO file
70107=Allow you to deploy image to computers with different hardware. If you deploy an image created on a computer whose hardware is different from the client computers, we recommend you to tick this option so that the client computers will be able to start up after image deployment.
70110=Create bootable WinPE ISO manually (Support adding custom drivers)
70111=Please click the "Make WinPE" button below to create an AOMEI bootable Windows PE ISO that contains "AOMEI Image Deploy", and you also can add more drivers into the Windows PE ISO. After it is created successfully, please click the "Browse" button to specify its path.
70112=Failed to enable PXE service. Please click Next to try again.
70113=According to your setup, we will restore the image file you select to the disk whose index is %1, and at the same time %2 computers will perform the restoration. After you make sure all the parameters are correct, and then click "OK" to start deploying.
70114=AOMEI PXE Boot Tool is running...
70115=Online: %1
70116=Tasks: %1
70117=Success: %1
70118=Failure: %1
70119=Start Deployment
70120=Failed to load the driver, which may cause WinPE to fail to be created. Please reinstall the software or install AOMEI Backupper, and try again.
70121=AOMEI Image Deploy Technician
70122=AOMEI Image Deploy Free
70123=If installing AOMEI Image Deploy Free on Server OS, only a maximum of 20 computers can be selected to deploy. To deploy an unlimited number of computers, AOMEI Image Deploy Technician is a better choice.
70124=AOMEI Image Deploy Free version does not support "Preset IP" and "Universal Restore". To support the functions, AOMEI Image Deploy Technician is a better choice.
70126=This feature is not available
80001=AOMEI Centralized Backupper Introduction
80002=With the help of AOMEI Centralized Backupper, you can use a single computer as a central server to start, schedule, stop and monitor or remote backup jobs for all client computers in the network.
80003=Backup all local computers with a single console
80004=Backup system, disks, partitions of client computers
80005=Full, incremental, differential backup supported
80006=Schedule automatic backup for all client computers
80007=Manage and backup client computers in "Groups"
80008=Customise backups based on your references
80009=More Details
90000=Advanced SystemCare
90001=Advanced SystemCare speeds up and optimizes your PC with 1-click.
90002=● Clean and optimize PC with 1-click.
90003=● Speed up your PC up to 200% faster.
90004=● Boost Internet up to 300% faster.
90005=● Monitor PC conditions in real time for smoother PC.
90006=● Protect your PC against common spyware.
90009=System Optimization Tool
100001=Send feedback to AOMEI
100002=Any feedback and suggestions regarding to our products are welcomed. We will value them deeply.
100004=Your Feedback
100009=System Report
100011=Feedback cannot be empty. Please input the problem you encountered or your suggestion before clicking "Submit".
100012=Anonymous user
100013=Please enter your email address and retry.
100014=Invalid email address. Please enter correct email address and try again.
100015=Attachment size exceeds the 20MB limit. Please reduce the number of files or use the best compression ratio.
100016=Your feedback has been sent successfully!
100017=Failed to submit your feedback. It may be caused by disconnected or unstable internet, please check your internet connection and retry.
100018=Attachment not found. Please re-select the attachment and try again.
100019=All files
100020=Hide to background and send
100022=Generating reports...
100023=Compressing reports...
100024=Compressing files...
100025=Sending reports...
100027=Problems with using the software
100028=The design or UI needs to be improved
100029=Other problems
100030=I have a suggestion or idea
100031=Language problems
100032=We will only collect the user configuration and operation logs of AOMEI Backupper, \nand system logs. The information is used to help us analyze and solve problems. \nWe will not distribute or share the information in any manner whatsoever.
100033=The feedback service is running...
100035=Don't show this again
100038=Thumbs up
110001=Recovery Environment Settings
110002=Recovery Environment program is running.
110003=AOMEI Backupper will be displayed in Windows boot option menu after it is enabled. When your system crashes, it is convenient to restore system or perform other backup and recovery operations.
110004=Enable the boot option of AOMEI Backupper recovery environment
110005=Add the item "Enter into AOMEI Backupper" to Windows boot options menu:
110006=Choose an operating system
110008=About to enter the interface of creating recovery environment. After it is created, the boot option of AOMEI Backupper recovery environment will take effect upon next system startup.
110010=Succeed in setting recovery environment. The boot option of AOMEI Backupper recovery environment will take effect upon next system startup.
110011=The boot option of AOMEI Backupper recovery environment has been canceled successfully.
110012=Sorry, the recovery environment tool doesn’t support the operating system lower than Windows 7. For more help, please click view details.
110013=The program detected the recovery environment files are missing. You need to recreate it, or the boot option will be unusable. Click "OK" to enter the interface of creating recovery environment promptly. Click "Cancel"to skip this step, save your settings and exit the program.
110019=Next >>
110020=Failed to set recovery environment. Please retry.
110023=Failed to create recovery environment. Please retry.
110024=You are downloading WinPE creating environment. Are you sure you want to interrupt the download and close it? Click "Yes" to cancel the download and close it.
110025=The recovery environment is creating. Are you sure you want to cancel and exit? Click "OK" to cancel the operation and exit.
110026=Canceling, please wait...
110027=All operations completed successfully!
110028=The recovery environment has been created successfully. AOMEI Backupper recovery environment will take effect upon next system startup.
110029=Creating the boot option...
110031=The program detected the created recovery environment is an old version. Do you want to update it? Click "OK" to enter the interface of creating recovery environment promptly. Click "Cancel"to skip this step, save your settings and exit the program.
110032=Tip: For more help, please visit https://www.ubackup.com/help/technical-faq.html and read FAQ to solve your problem.
110033=The program detected there is less than 330MB left on the system disk, and it is not enough for storing WinPE creating environment. Please clean up the disk and try again.
110034=Sorry, the recovery environment tool doesn’t support dynamic system. For more help, please click view details.
110035=Process Failed.
110036=Create Bootable Media tool and Recovery Environment tool cannot run at the same time.
110039=Standing time on this boot menu
120000=Currently selected partition or unallocated space: %1
120001=Currently selected partition is a dynamic volume. The program doesn’t support wiping dynamic volumes. Please select another partition.
120003=Next >>
120005=Delete the selected partition or unallocated space and wipe all its data. The data cannot be recovered after wiping.
120006=Select the partition(s) or unallocated space to wipe.
120007=Start >>
120008=Gutmann (35 passes, Very Safe, Very Slow)
120009=DoD 5220.22-M (Very Safe, Slow)
120010=Fill sectors with random data (Safe, Quick)
120011=Fill sectors with Zero (Safe, Quick)
120012=Wiping Method
120015=Performing disk wiping. Are you sure you want to cancel wiping and exit? Click "OK" to cancel wiping and exit.
120016=Performing partition wiping. Are you sure you want to cancel wiping and exit? Click "OK" to cancel wiping and exit.
120019=Currently selected disk: %1
120020=Currently selected disk is a dynamic disk. The program doesn’t support wiping dynamic disks. Please select another disk.
120021=Delete all partitions and wipe all data on them. The data can’t be recovered after wiping.
120022=Select the disk to wipe.
120023=Delete all partitions and wipe all sectors on the disk. The data can’t be recovered after wiping.
120024=Delete the selected partition or unallocated space and wipe all sectors on it. The data can’t be \nrecovered after wiping.
120025=Wipe disk
120026=Wipe partition(s) or unallocated space on the disk
120027=Select your desired wiping type.
120028=Wiping Type
120029=The current operation has been completed.
120031=Wiping %1...
120033=Buy Now
120036=The current version does not support this function, please upgrade to a higher version to enjoy more high-quality functions and VIP services.Click here for details.
120041=Bitlocker Encrypted
120043=Wipe failed.
120044=To start the service, a bootable file containing the disk wipe tool will be created soon. This will take a few minutes or more. Please wait patiently.
120045=Make WinPE
120048=The current operation needs to be completed in a Restart Mode. Click 'Yes' to restart the computer or click 'No' to cancel.
120049=You have selected to wipe the system disk.The operation needs to be executed in reboot mode and you will not be able to enter the system after completion. Are you sure you want to wipe the system disk?
120050=Currently selected disk:
120051=You have selected to wipe the system partition.The operation needs to be executed in reboot mode and you will not be able to enter the system after completion. Are you sure you want to wipe the system partition?
120052=Currently selected partition:
120053=Disk Wipe
120054=Unallocated Space
120056=Offline Disk
120057=Basic GPT
120058=Basic MBR
120060=Upgrade Now
120061=Enter License Code
120062=If you have purchased a license code, please click "Register" to activate.
120063=Machine Code
120064=Offline Key
120065=Enter the license code:
120066=Please waiting...
120068=Unregistered Version:
The software has not been registered. To perform the operations, please enter a license code and register it.
120069=Expiration Notice:
The version has expired and any operations are no longer available. You need to upgrade to full version now to perform these operations.
120070=The software is not registered
Please copy the "Machine Code" below and the "License Code" you received when purchasing the program to https://www.aomeitech.com/get-offline-key.html to generate an offline key to activate this software.
120072=The software has expired
120073=Registration successful. Please restart AOMEI Backupper program later to make the registration information take effect.
120074=Invalid license code.
120077=The License for Professional edition cannot be registered on Servers. To register AOMEI Backupper on Server operating systems, please upgrade to the Server edition or Technician Plus edition.
120078=The License for Technician edition cannot be registered on Servers. To register AOMEI Backupper on Server operating systems, please upgrade to the Server edition or Technician Plus edition.
120079=License validation failed. Please ensure that the License you’re using is valid. Make sure the network is working properly if you register online. Contact us for further support.
120080=Please input the correct registration code and retry.
120081=If you have purchased a license code, please click "Register" to activate.
120083=Loading, please wait...
120084=Wiping %1...
120085=Wiping %1 completed.
120086=%1 Wipe complete.
120087=Checking volumes...
120088=Checking disks...
120089=%1 Partition space: %2
120090=%1 Capacity:
120091=Disk wipe is in progress. Are you sure to cancel this operation?
120093=Used Space:%1
120094=Please wait...
120095=Wiping %1 failed.
120096=%1 Wipe failed.
120097=The computer will be restarted automatically in %1 seconds. You could click OK to restart immediately or click Cancel to stop the countdown.
120098=This function is only available in paid editions such as Professional. \nPlease upgrade to AOMEI Backupper paid editions.
120099=Creating bootable WinPE image failed, please try again later. For more information, please click %1view details%2.
120101=Refresh Disks
120102=%1 Wipe successfully.
120103=%1 wipe failed. Please select another wiping method and try again or %2read FAQ to solve the problem.%3
120106=The partition is occupied by other programs. Please wait for other programs to finish or restart the system to perform the operation under WinPE. Click "Yes" to restart the computer, or click "No" to cancel.
120109=Operation is canceled.
120110=Partition is being occupied by another program. Please wait for the other program to finish and try again.
120111=Exiting, please wait...
120113=90-Day Money Back Guarantee
120119=Read failed.
120120=times rewrite
120121=As the first sector of %1 is DBR, it is recommended that you delete all partitions on the disk or rebuild MBR with AOMEI Partition Assistant and try again.
120122=As the first sector of the disk where %1 is located is DBR,it is recommended that you delete all partitions on the disk or rebuild MBR with AOMEI Partition Assistant, and then try again.
130000=Create Portable Version
130001=Create Portable Version
130002=Copy AOMEI Backupper to a removable device so that directly run it on target computers without installing, which is convenient for IT maintenance and support engineers.
130003=Select target location (removable devices are recommended):
130006=Start Creating >>
130011=Canceling creation, please wait...
130012=Note: Please don't move the USB device until the operation is finished.
130014=Create portable version successfully.
130015=Now you can run this program by double-clicking the Backupper.exe in the installation path %2.
130016=Prompt: AOMEI Backupper Technician edition is not supported on server systems.
130017=Failed to create portable version.
130018=Prompt: for more information, please refer to< a style=’color:rgb(45,136,240);’ href=’https://www.ubackup.com/help/technical-faq.html’>FAQ
130021=Please select a target location and try again.
130022=The target location you entered is incorrect, please enter the correct path and try again.
130023=The specified path is not writable, please select another writable path.
130024=There is not enough space in the target location, please clear the space first and then try again.
130025=The portable version is being created, are you sure you want to cancel the creation and exit? Click "OK" to cancel and exit.
130026=Cancel the creation of the portable version.
130027=Deleting copied profiles...
130028=Canceling creation, please wait...
130029=Portable version is being created, are you sure you want to cancel the creation? Click "OK" to cancel it.
130030=Creating portable version
130032=Sorry, the portable version is not supported on network path, please select another target location and try again.
130033=It is not supported to create portable version to optical drive. Please select another target place.
130035=Prompt : AOMEI Backupper Technician edition is not supported on server systems.
130036=Sorry, the portable version is not supported on optical drive devices, please select another target location and try again.
131000=1. Click "Anti-registration", the registration information will be cleared and the portable version will become unregistered.
131001=As a technician to provide technical support for customers, you can run AOMEI Backupper portable version directly on customers' computers. \n After running, it is recommended to click "Anti-registration" to clear the registration information, so as to protect your registration information from being leaked.
131002=Registration successful, please click "Enjoy Now" to start using the software.
131003=AOMEI Backupper portable version is already registered.
131004=Anti-registration successful, the registration information has been cleared.
131005=Portable registration program
131009=Enjoy Now
131011=2. If the portable version is not registered, you can click "Register" to register for the advanced edition.
131013=Registration failed. The registration information file could not be found, please use the Technician or Technician Plus edition to create portable version.
131014=Registration failed, the registration information file is occupied, please try again later.
131015=Anti-registration failed, the registration information file is occupied, please try again later.
140001=The task has been completed successfully, please rate us.
140002=Your feedback can help us improve user experience and provide \nthe best backup service.
140004=Your satisfaction is our top priority
140005=It will give us more encouragement if you can write a great review on Trustpilot.It only takes about one minute to complete the reputation.
140006=Write review on Trustpilot
140007=After a successful review, you can get an exclusive reward.
Reward: Unlock Backup Scheme for 30 days.
This function can automatically clean up old backups to save storage space.
Click view details, learn more.